

7 Ways GenAI-Based IT Support Exceeds Traditional IT Support

7 Ways GenAI-Based IT Support Exceeds Traditional IT Support

7 Ways GenAI-Based IT Support Exceeds Traditional IT Support

7 Ways GenAI-Based IT Support Exceeds Traditional IT Support

While working on an important project, you suddenly lose access to your email and essential applications. You try restarting your computer and checking connections, but nothing works. Consulting with colleagues only confirms that the issue is isolated to your system.

Finally, you reach out to IT support. They begin with the same basic troubleshooting steps you've already attempted and eventually escalate the issue by raising a ticket. Now, you have to wait hours before an agent contacts you, requiring you to explain the problem all over again.

By the time you regain access to your email and applications, you've already lost several productive hours. It's even worse if there's a network or hardware problem, potentially leaving you without access to critical resources for the entire day.

Imagine if, instead of searching for help or waiting for an IT agent, you had a self-service portal within Microsoft Teams. A GenAI sidekick that doesn’t provide scripted responses but interacts with you like a real agent to offer personalized solutions.

With such a solution, you would reduce the number of support calls/ open tickets and mean time to resolution (MTTR), while promoting the adoption of a self-serve portal that resolves issues promptly.

Read More: How Patelco reduced support calls by 34% with 700+ issues being auto-resolved per month after implementing

What is GenAI-Based IT Support?

Traditional IT support relies heavily on comprehensive documentation, basic chatbots, or isolated portals. For users, this means going through hundreds of pages before they find the solution, getting generic answers, and spending hours resolving a query. This inefficiency leads to more open tickets and keeps the IT team bogged down with basic repetitive queries.

GenAI-based IT support engages users in natural, human-like conversations to provide more accurate and relevant solutions, making the support experience faster, more accurate, and more user-friendly. It adds a layer of personalization with its cognitive capabilities, allowing it to understand context and nuance in user queries.

So, for instance, if you lose access to your email and applications, GenAI will ask questions about error messages, recent system changes, and connectivity issues. Based on your responses, it will guide you through specific troubleshooting steps. takes this a step further by integrating IT support within Microsoft Teams and Slack. This enables employees to resolve issues without switching between different platforms, saving time and reducing disruption to their workflow.

Also, while auto-resolves 65% of queries on first contact, users can raise a ticket right within the platform if the issue cannot be resolved immediately. Moreover, all the contextual information and previous interactions are automatically shared with the IT support team. This means there is no need to repeatedly explain the problem, improving the overall support experience and significantly reducing downtime.

GenAI-Based IT Support vs Traditional IT Support

The core difference between GenAI-based and traditional IT support is: personalization

Traditional IT support is rigid, offering canned answers or comprehensive guides, which increases MTTR. In contrast, GenAI-based solutions focus on context to provide accurate and useful information. 

Here are 7 differences between GenAI-based and traditional IT support that impact IT support and services:

Automation and Speed

Traditional IT support relies on manual processes, such as logging tickets, diagnosing issues, and following step-by-step procedures, resulting in delayed resolutions. Contrarily, GenAI-based support automates these processes, providing immediate solutions to common problems. For instance, GenAI can quickly reset passwords, troubleshoot connectivity issues, and configure software without human intervention, reducing downtime.

Predictive Capabilities

Traditional IT support is reactive, addressing issues as they arise. This approach can lead to repeated disruptions and unresolved underlying problems. GenAI, however, uses predictive analytics to anticipate potential issues before they become critical. By constantly analyzing patterns and user behavior, it alerts IT teams to vulnerabilities and recommends preventive measures, enhancing system reliability and user satisfaction.


Traditional IT support relies on static knowledge bases and predefined scripts, making them unsuitable for dynamic business needs. However, GenAI continuously learns from every interaction, creating an agile knowledge base and improving its problem-solving capabilities.


As organizations grow, traditional IT support struggles to manage increasing demands. Scaling up means hiring additional staff and investing in costly resources. GenAI scales effortlessly by handling multiple queries simultaneously. Whether there’s a spike in support requests during peak hours or an influx of new users, GenAI maintains IT helpdesk performance without requiring additional resources.

Data Analysis

Traditional IT support relies on manual logs and basic reporting, limiting its ability to understand support trends and efficiently allocate resources. In contrast, GenAI employs advanced analytics to track support interactions in real time, identifying recurring issues and user behavior patterns. This enables proactive support strategies, optimizes resource allocation, and drives continuous service improvement.

24/7 Availability

IT support agents typically operate within standard business hours, leaving users without assistance during evenings, weekends, and holidays. This leads to considerable downtime, particularly for global teams or remote employees. In contrast, GenAI-based support is accessible 24/7, delivering personalized assistance at all times. This ensures prompt and accurate issue resolution, sustaining productivity and reducing disruptions regardless of when they arise.


Maintaining a traditional IT support team is cost-intensive and requires associated salaries, training, and resources. Moreover, the inefficiencies in the manual processes further increase the operational costs. GenAI reduces these expenses by automating routine tasks and handling a large volume of support requests without human intervention. This enables IT teams to optimize resource allocation, focus on more strategic initiatives, and reduce overall support costs.

Benefits of GenAI-Based IT Support

Here are 7 benefits of GenAI-based automated IT helpdesk:   

Uninterrupted Service

GenAI-based IT support ensures 24/7 availability, allowing users to get help anytime, irrespective of time zones or business hours. This maintains productivity by promptly addressing issues, minimizing downtime, and enabling employees to work without interruptions.

Automated Problem Detection and Resolution

By continuously monitoring systems, GenAI systems identify issues before they escalate. For example, if a server shows signs of overloading, the GenAI can balance the load or fix the issue before users notice any problem. This proactive approach ensures smoother operations and reduces the need for manual intervention.

Improved Ticket Management

GenAI improves ticket management by intelligently categorizing and prioritizing tickets based on context. When users raise tickets, GenAI analyzes the details to determine urgency and category. 

For instance, a network outage will be escalated faster than a routine software update. This efficient handling speeds up resolutions and reduces repetitive queries, allowing IT teams to focus on more complex issues.

Informed Decision-Making

GenAI systems provide IT teams with actionable insights by analyzing data and identifying trends. For instance, if multiple users report similar issues, GenAI highlights this as a trend, prompting a deeper investigation. These insights enable IT managers to make better-informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and plan strategic initiatives that enhance system performance and reliability.

Agile Knowledge Management 

GenAI continuously updates its database when new issues are resolved, ensuring current and relevant information. For example, if a new type of malware is detected and neutralized, this information is quickly added to the knowledge base to help address similar future threats.


GenAI-based IT support systems are highly scalable and can handle increasing support requests without impacting performance. As organizations grow, GenAI effortlessly scales to meet the increased support requests with minimal human intervention.

Enhanced User Experience

GenAI offers personalized, contextual support. Users interact with a system that understands their specific needs and provides relevant solutions quickly, enhancing first-contact resolution.

For example, instead of navigating multiple files, a user can describe their issue in natural language, and GenAI immediately offers an appropriate solution. GenAI's conversational nature makes the support process more intuitive and less frustrating, leading to higher user satisfaction and improved overall productivity. GenAI Sidekick for IT Support Needs brings the GenAI-based support experience directly to your communication platform, such as Microsoft Teams. This conversational system is easily accessible within the workspace, auto-resolves up to 65% of tickets, and promotes a culture of self-service. It enhances the end-user experience and boosts agents' productivity by providing personalized solutions and reducing MTTR by 57%, enabling IT agents to focus on strategic and high-priority tasks.

The support team can efficiently manage the knowledge base with canned answers and step-by-step guides to common queries, automating repetitive issues such as password resets. The GenAI-powered system converses with end-users to offer personalized solutions and improve service delivery. Additionally, with each new query or incident, the system learns and adapts, creating a truly agile knowledge base.

Understand the capabilities of GenAI-based IT support better

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the use cases of GenAI?

GenAI has various use cases, especially for IT support, including automated ticket triaging, personalized troubleshooting, proactive issue identification, and self-service portals. It addresses queries promptly, improves user experience with contextual assistance, and enables IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives. 

How to use generative AI in customer support?

Generative AI elevates customer support with conversational interactions, understanding context, and providing personalized solutions. Integrated into chatbots or self-service portals, it enables customers to resolve queries instantly. Its continuous learning capabilities refine responses over time, improving efficiency and user satisfaction. Additionally, it analyzes customer data to identify trends and proactively address issues, enhancing support experience. 

What is generative AI for technical support?

Generative AI for IT support refers to conversational self-service portals equipped with cognitive capabilities that mimic human conversation. These systems understand user queries, provide contextual solutions, and continuously learn from interactions to improve problem-solving efficiency and user experience.

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