

AI in Healthcare Service Desk: A Review

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AI in Healthcare Service Desk: A Review

AI in Healthcare Service Desk: A Review

AI & Automation
Digital Transformation
Employee Experience
Service Desk
AI in Healthcare Service Desk: A Review
AI & Automation

In the realm of Healthcare, the Healthcare helpdesk stands as an essential gateway between patients and the complex world of medical support. It is a bustling nerve center where inquiries, concerns, and requests converge, demanding instant, personalized and accurate responses. However, in the face of rapidly evolving Healthcare landscapes and increasing patient demands, traditional Healthcare helpdesk models are finding it challenging to keep pace. Enter the age of AI in Healthcare, an unstoppable force reshaping the industry. 

Ever since the global pandemic outbreak, the healthcare sector has relied heavily on advanced technologies like conversational AI, automation, machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to serve patients, which is a game-changer. Investing in IT solutions for the Healthcare industry, such as helpdesks, IT service management (ITSM), and AI chatbots, are dedicated alternatives for patients looking to understand the cause of their symptoms. So here comes the million-dollar question - ‘How do automation and AI in the Healthcare sector benefit employees?’

With modern healthcare helpdesks that leverage the power of Generative AI, natural language processing (NLP) and advanced algorithms, hospitals can reduce employee workloads, access accurate information, get personalized assistance, and make employees happier. Picture a world where Healthcare employees have an intelligent chatbot or helpdesk solution available round-the-clock, capable of answering their questions, helping them with repetitive and time-consuming administrative tasks and processes, and providing real-time support.

With Generative AI, this dream world is becoming a reality. That sounds amazing, right? In this blog, we will discover the advantages of implementing AI in the Healthcare sector and how AI-powered Healthcare helpdesks are revolutionizing the industry. 

Pain Points Faced by Healthcare Professionals

Although Healthcare professionals are at the forefront of patient support, they also experience a variety of pain points that may affect their effectiveness and overall well-being. These pain points often impact their productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. In this blog, we have identified some of the common struggles faced by healthcare professionals, including: 

Repetitive Administrative Tasks and Processes

Overwhelmed with repetitive administrative tasks and extensive documentation requirements, healthcare professionals frequently find themselves understaffed. According to the American Medical Association, healthcare professionals spend about two hours on administrative tasks for every hour they spend caring for patients. This burden causes healthcare professionals to feel stressed and unsatisfied while taking away valuable time from face-to-face patient interaction. 

Technology Integration Challenges

Although integrating technology into healthcare systems has the potential to enhance productivity and patient outcomes, doing so can be difficult for staff. Learning and adjusting to new technologies, dealing with system compatibility problems, and navigating complicated electronic health records (EHRs) can be overwhelming. According to a study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, problems with the EHR cause frustration and reduced productivity in healthcare professionals. In order to address this major pain point, the healthcare sector must invest in the right technologies that are easy to use and offer thorough training and support.

Lack of Centralized  Employee Support

For years, the Healthcare industry relied on traditional Healthcare helpdesks, which often provided fragmented support to the employees. Therefore, Healthcare employees are forced to wait hours for the right support agent to assist them with their issues in order to get the right support or auto-resolve their issues. This frequently led to a chaotic situation. 

Increasing Volume of Requests

Patients, medical staffs, and other stakeholders frequently submit numerous inquiries to Healthcare helpdesks. It can be challenging to prioritize and manage all of these requests, which causes response times to be delayed and could inconvenience people who are asking for help.

Delayed Employee Support

It is not uncommon for employees to make a large number of support requests compared to the number of support agents available to answer questions. The traditional Healthcare helpdesk overburdens support agents with a large volume of requests that come their way because it places them at the very first level of support (L1) provision. 

As a result, support agents spend more time handling each case and searching for an effective service desk solution, which speeds up the issue resolution. Considering that the emphasis is on resolving the most cases possible, this may also impact the quality of support offered to the employees.

Compliance and Security

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a stringent compliance standard that applies to the Healthcare sector. Employees working at the Healthcare helpdesk are required to abide by these rules when handling private patient information and preserving data security. Legal repercussions and reputational damage may result from noncompliance.

Poor Knowledge Management

Poor knowledge management techniques, which have hampered organizational effectiveness and constrained the potential for innovation and growth, have significantly impacted the healthcare sector. The outdated interfaces and limited functionality of traditional healthcare helpdesk systems have exacerbated this issue. Critical knowledge and expertise are not effectively captured, organized, and distributed throughout the organization when knowledge management is insufficient. As a result, it is difficult for healthcare professionals to access the most recent and pertinent information, which results in inefficient decision-making, extra work, and a higher risk of mistakes. 

Communication and Coordination

For the efficient delivery of Healthcare services, coordination and effective communication between various teams and departments are essential. Healthcare helpdesk employees frequently have to work with medical professionals, IT departments, and other stakeholders to resolve issues quickly. In large Healthcare organizations, coordinating efforts and maintaining efficient information flow can be challenging.

User Training and Education

Health professionals may need continuing education and training on the many technologies and systems they employ. The Healthcare helpdesk can help users become skilled in using these products efficiently by offering advice and support. However, training initiatives and knowledge sharing can be resource-intensive and need careful preparation.

What Makes AI-powered Healthcare Helpdesk A No Brainer?

Implementing advanced software systems like AI-powered Healthcare helpdesk solutions within a medical institution will address all of these pain points. This modern software solution leverages the power of advanced Generative AI and machine learning technology to provide the right user support at the right time.

The chatbots used by the AI-powered Healthcare service desks assist professionals in navigating the platform and offer them suitable solutions to their issues. 

A modern Healthcare helpdesk assists doctors, patients, and other professionals in streamlining their daily manual tasks and processes through automation and machine learning. Almost everyone in the healthcare industry benefits from being able to complete their tasks more efficiently and faster, as well as receiving personalized support. 

Evolution of AI in Healthcare Service Desk

Historical Background

Artificial intelligence (AI) is only recently being used in Healthcare. By enhancing the effectiveness, precision, and accessibility of Healthcare services, AI has the potential to transform the Healthcare sector completely. The use of AI automation in Healthcare service desks is still in its early stages, but it draws on a long tradition of AI in Healthcare. Users and employees now connect with support services in a completely new way thanks to the development of AI in Healthcare helpdesks, which has improved productivity, accessibility, and user experience.

Helpdesks can now manage complex requests, automate repetitive tasks, and offer personalized employee support - thanks to the integration of advanced AI technologies like NLP, machine learning, and intelligent automation. This has improved the overall standard of Healthcare service delivery.

Earlier, AI in Healthcare service desks primarily relied on rule-based systems. These systems used predefined rules and decision trees to provide guidance and support. Service desk agents would follow these rules to address common issues and inquiries. While these systems provided some level of automation, they were limited in handling complex queries and adapting to new situations.

The use of NLP techniques changed the capabilities of AI in Healthcare service desks. NLP enables machines to comprehend and interpret human language, enabling more complex interactions. NLP-based chatbots and virtual assistants have gained popularity, enabling users to ask queries in natural language, receive customized answers, and have natural language discussions. Additionally, NLP made integrating AI systems with already-existing Healthcare databases easier, providing access to patient-specific data.

As machine learning technology developed, it was included in Healthcare service desks. Machine learning algorithms can examine enormous volumes of data to find trends, predict the future, and offer guidance. Machine learning is used in Healthcare helpdesks to improve several processes, including resource allocation, prioritizing tickets, responses, and ticket routing. Forecasting service demand, locating bottlenecks, and boosting overall effectiveness are all made possible through predictive analytics. AI-powered Healthcare enterprise software also understands and responds to employees' queries like a human support agent would. 

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Key Milestones in AI Adoption at Healthcare Helpdesk

The adoption of AI in Healthcare helpdesks has witnessed several key milestones over time. Here are some notable milestones that have shaped its development:

The Emergence of AI-Powered Chatbots

The introduction of AI-powered Healthcare chatbots marked a significant milestone in AI automation in Healthcare. Chatbots enabled users to interact with virtual assistants using natural language, facilitating personalized and real-time user support and triaging of inquiries. These early chatbots laid the foundation for more sophisticated AI applications in Healthcare service desks.

Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

The integration of AI tools with electronic health records (EHRs) was a crucial milestone. This integration allowed AI-powered Healthcare service desks to access patient data, medical histories, and test results, enabling more personalized and context-aware support. It improved the accuracy of recommendations and facilitated seamless information exchange between service desks and other Healthcare systems.

Advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The development of advanced natural language processing techniques played a vital role in enhancing the capabilities of AI automation in Healthcare service desks. NLP enables machines to understand and interpret human language, allowing for more meaningful interactions and accurate responses. The application of NLP improved the conversational abilities of chatbots, making them more intuitive and effective in addressing user inquiries.

Machine Learning for Personalized Support 

The integration of machine learning algorithms for personalized support was a significant milestone. Machine learning models can analyze vast amounts of data, including patient records and medical literature, to provide tailored recommendations and support. These models can learn from user interactions, adapt to individual needs, and deliver increasingly accurate and personalized assistance.

Adoption of Intelligent Automation

The adoption of intelligent automation technologies, such as robotic process automation (RPA) and cognitive automation, transformed Healthcare service desk operations. RPA enabled the automation of repetitive and rule-based tasks, streamlining processes and improving efficiency. Cognitive automation further expanded the capabilities by incorporating AI techniques like natural language understanding, image recognition, and data analysis, enabling the automation of more complex tasks and decision-making processes.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

The emphasis on continuous learning and improvement has been a crucial milestone. AI automation in Healthcare service desks continuously gathers user feedback, updates knowledge bases, and refines algorithms to enhance performance. This iterative learning process ensures that the AI systems remain up-to-date and responsive to changing user needs and medical advancements.

Importance of AI in Healthcare Service Desk

As reported by HDI, investing in AI or automation in the Healthcare market is projected to reach a value of over $45 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 44% during the forecast period. In my opinion, conversational AI has shown to be a valuable friend in the quest for improved Healthcare services thanks to its ability to handle enormous volumes of data, learn from experience, and make thoughtful decisions.

Integrating AI in Healthcare service desks holds immense importance and brings numerous advantages to healthcare professionals. Let's take a look at the critical ways in which AI-powered modern tools help healthcare professionals:

Improved Work Efficiency

Implementing AI tools like a Healthcare helpdesk or an AI chatbot can streamline repetitive and tedious tasks like appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and commonly asked queries. This automation frees human agents to concentrate on more challenging and crucial jobs, thus enhancing the service desk's efficiency. A Journal of Medical Internet Research states that modern AI chatbots can potentially reduce the workload of Healthcare professionals by handling up to 80% of routine inquiries.

Round-The-Clock Availability

Chatbots with AI capabilities can offer real-time support to Healthcare professionals and patients. They may respond to questions and offer support whenever needed, reducing waiting times and enhancing access to Healthcare services.

Handles Higher Volume of Tickets

AI tools like Healthcare helpdesks, AI chatbots, Healthcare service management etc can be called superheroes; they can handle a huge volume of patient inquiries and tickets, resulting in shorter wait times and better access to care for all.

Right Information At The Right Time

Did you also notice how helpful healthcare helpdesks or chatbots were during the pandemic? The entire healthcare sector was under much pressure from everyone needing medical information at once. However, by offering prompt responses and support, AI Healthcare helpdesks and virtual assistants (VA) lightened the load, making it easier for patients and Healthcare professionals to get through the chaos.

Enhanced Patient Experience

Implementing AI in Healthcare can analyze large patient data sets, including medical records and treatment histories, to produce tailored recommendations and solutions. AI algorithms can evaluate symptoms and offer first advice, assisting patients in deciding whether to seek medical attention or adhere to particular self-care guidelines. A survey by Accenture found that 70% of patients are willing to use AI-powered virtual health assistants for tasks like scheduling appointments, accessing test results, and receiving medication reminders.

Cost Reduction

By automating repetitive tasks, reducing human errors limiting manual interventions, and optimizing resource allocation, AI in Healthcare helpdesks can assist in lowering operational costs. AI in Healthcare can improve productivity, optimize workflows, and streamline operations, saving Healthcare organizations money. An analysis by Frost & Sullivan estimated that the use of AI could save up to $150 billion annually in the United States by 2026, primarily through the automation of tasks, improved resource allocation, and reduced medical errors.

Predictive Analytics and Decision Support

AI in Healthcare is able to pinpoint trends, patterns, and risk factors linked to numerous diseases and ailments by analyzing enormous amounts of Healthcare data. This knowledge can enhance preventative care plans, optimize resource allocation, and help Healthcare personnel anticipate and prevent adverse outcomes. AI can help Healthcare providers make decisions by offering the pertinent information, evidence-based recommendations, and treatment options tailored to the individual patient's situation. This could boost patient outcomes, eliminate medical errors, and improve the quality and consistency of service. In a Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) survey, 85% of Healthcare executives reported that AI applications in clinical decision support systems could potentially improve patient outcomes. A Must-have Healthcare Service Desk

Being an OpenAI-integrated Healthcare service desk that works within MS Teams, is redefining the healthcare industry by providing personalized and real-time support for Healthcare professionals. With its advanced Generative AI, machine learning (ML) and natural language processing capabilities, can elevate the experience of Healthcare employees by auto-resolving up to 65% of their issues without human intervention.  

With its advanced ChatGPT-like AI chatbot, Healthcare professionals can gain quick help by getting answers to their questions, creating new incident or service requests, checking the status of their existing tickets or completing repetitive tasks or processes. 

As a result, employees become more independent as they no longer depend on assistance from support agents and peers.'s AI chatbot helps Healthcare employees when they log in to this modern Healthcare helpdesk and stays with them until the problem is solved. When an employee asks a question or raises an issue, this Healthcare chatbot uses its Generative AI-powered knowledge base and quickly finds the best response specifically tailored for the inquired-about employee. If the employee is happy with the solution, he or she can log out and continue working without any hassles. Suppose he or she is not satisfied with the support provided by the bot. The case can be forwarded to a dedicated support agent in that case.

When the issue is fixed, the helpdesk automatically closes the ticket. It records all pertinent information in the database for future use. By using an AI-based Healthcare helpdesk, employers and patients can get personalized information, responses, and solutions with the least amount of work. 

Top Five Features of Helpdesk

Being an efficient AI healthcare service management, offers various features such as:

ChatGPT-like ITSM Chatbot for Instant Support's ChatGPT-like ITSM Chatbot leverages advanced algorithms and natural language processing similar to ChatGPT to provide personalized healthcare IT services, seamless experience and instant IT support for Healthcare employees within 10-15 seconds. Whenever a Healthcare professional experience difficulty accessing a document, he or she can interact with the chatbot that works within MS Teams, rather than waiting hours for an expert agent to resolve. With this modern chatbot feature, auto-resolves up to 65% of repetitive issues that every Healthcare employees experience. 

Twitter-Age Knowledge Management's ITSM Chatbot is trained on millions of IT knowledge articles to ensure Healthcare employees get the right support at the right time. This ChatGPT-like ITSM chatbot can read and understand a wide range of enterprise knowledge documents, including specific SharePoint folders, patient support FAQs, employee handbooks, SOP documents, technical manuals, past ticket history, and troubleshooting guides allowing agents to resolve issues efficiently. 

Invisible Ticketing System   

For many years Healthcare industry has relied on the legacy ticketing solution, which is slow and inefficient. To get Healthcare IT services, employees had to call or email support agents or technicians- making the entire process delayed. With's smart invisible ticketing system, Healthcare employees can easily create, track, and resolve tickets. By interacting with the AI chatbot that works within Microsoft Teams, employees can create tickets in mere seconds without having to search for data on the employee portal or fill out details- without the help of a support agent.  

In-built Live Chat  

Being the best bet IT service management in the Healthcare sector, Healthcare service management emphasizes on "auto-resolving" many technical and non-technical issues employees encounter in their work lives using the AI chatbot's L1 support. Suppose the ITSM chatbot's L1 support does not meet the employees' needs. In that case, a dedicated support agent or technician can be summoned for live chat to assist with more complex issues. This entire process takes no more than 10 to 15 seconds!  

The support agent or technicians can provide second and third-level support (L2 and L3) by providing accurate information, triaging issues, or performing tasks.   

Easy Automation of Mundane Tasks

The "Easy Automation" feature offered by this Healthcare helpdesk automates the repetitive and time-consuming IT and administrative tasks and eliminates manual effort. With this feature, Healthcare employees can free up their time and focus on more critical tasks while the helpdesk handles repetitive tasks. 

By implementing, organizations can automate tasks such as sending automated emails, resetting their laptop passwords, collecting reports, and providing approvals or feedback within 10 seconds. 


According to a survey conducted by Accenture in 2020, 85% of Healthcare executives expressed their intention to make significant investments in AI over the next three years, highlighting the growing recognition of AI's potential in Healthcare service delivery. Integrating AI in Healthcare helpdesks has ushered in a new era of efficiency, productivity, and enhanced user experiences. Through the adoption of advanced technologies such as Generative AI, natural language processing, machine learning, and robotic process automation, Healthcare organizations have redefined the way they manage and deliver support to their employees and patients. 

In my opinion,'s healthcare helpdesk is an excellent way to bridge the gap between healthcare professionals and IT support agents, ensuring seamless IT services support and prompt resolution of technology-related challenges. 

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Is AI replacing Healthcare professionals?

AI is not meant to replace Healthcare professionals but to augment their capabilities. AI systems can assist Healthcare professionals in diagnosing diseases, providing treatment recommendations, and managing patient data. Human expertise and judgment are crucial for making final decisions and providing personalized care.

Is AI in Healthcare secure and private?

Ensuring the security and privacy of patient data is a critical concern in Healthcare. AI applications must adhere to strict data protection regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Healthcare organizations and AI developers implement robust security measures to safeguard patient information and maintain confidentiality.

Can AI improve Healthcare outcomes?

Yes, AI has the potential to improve Healthcare outcomes significantly. By leveraging AI service desk technologies, Healthcare providers can make more accurate diagnoses, identify high-risk patients, personalize treatment plans, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce medical errors. AI-driven applications also have the potential to improve patient engagement and empower individuals to manage their health better.

How can AI improve patient outcomes in hospitals?

AI can improve patient outcomes in hospitals in several ways. It can assist in predicting patient deterioration, identifying potential risks, and enabling early interventions. AI algorithms can also optimize hospital workflows, streamline resource allocation, and reduce hospital-acquired infections. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide personalized patient education and support, enhancing patient engagement and satisfaction.

What is natural language processing (NLP) in Healthcare AI?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of AI focusing on interactions between computers and human language. In Healthcare, NLP extracts information from clinical notes, research papers, and other textual data sources. It helps analyze unstructured medical data, convert it into structured formats, and enable data-driven insights for clinical decision-making and research.

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