in Slack Setup Process

This is a two-part process. First, you must Register for your tenant and then install to your Slack.
1. In your browser go to
2. Fill out the on-screen registration form

a. Company – the name of your company
b. Name – your first and last name
c. Select your site name – is a cloud-based application. The administration is handled via a website. The site name you are entering will be the beginning of your admin console URL, Please note you can not use spaces and all capital letters will be made lower case.
d. Region – offers two servers for you to select to create your bot tenant on, US or Europe. Select which you would prefer.
e. Email – your company email address. We will send you a one time code during the registration process.
f. Phone – your contact number.
g. Password – create your password. It must be minimum 8 characters, 1 special character and at least 1 number.
h. Service Team – Rezolve allows you to have multiple departments in 1 bot. Select how many departments you need.
· If one of your teams is IT select IT (James)
· If one of your teams is HR select HR (Vera)
· For all other teams select Other and a box will appear behind the dropdown for you to give the correct team name. Simply click outside the dropdown and enter the correct team name in the Team Name box.

Note: Once give the correct team name, feel free to repeat the steps until all your teams are added.
i. Bot Name – Give your bot a name. Don’t worry we can always change this later.
3. Read through the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and if you agree click on Agree & Signup
Slack Installation to a Workspace
1. Now that you have successfully registered for a tenant, log in to the Virtual Agent Management Console. (The link will be on the screen once your tenant has been created. You will also receive an email with the URL.)
2. Once logged in, using the menu on the left side, click on to Virtual Agent Management > Settings > Slack

3. Click Add to Slack

4. Choose the appropriate Workspace

5. Click Allow.

6. If the page doesn’t redirect automatically, click on Click here to redirect has successfully been added to your workspaces!!
Slack Installation to an Org
To install to an Org. please refer to the following guide from Slack.