

Easy Steps To Enhance Employee Performance Management

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Easy Steps To Enhance Employee Performance Management

Easy Steps To Enhance Employee Performance Management

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Easy Steps To Enhance Employee Performance Management
Employee Experience

Employee performance is a stepping stone to organizational success. There is no doubt that the growth and success of an organization are heavily dependent on highly motivated and skilled employees. It is part of a manager's responsibility to delegate tasks to employees, ensuring they understand their organization's goals and objectives after the hiring process. In this case, there are many reasons, but they cannot be ignored since it directly impacts the company's bottom line. Consequently, managers must deal with this uncertainty to improve employee performance. 

What is your response when performance management or reviews are mentioned in your organization? Have employees and managers cringed? Is it difficult for them to complete performance-related tasks? Have they experienced difficulties tracking down incomplete appraisal forms? 

Today, companies with forward-looking plans are taking measures to combat this negative view of performance management. In this new normal, several innovations are being implemented by Fortune 500 companies and startups to elevate employee performance and business performance. 

In this article, has compiled seven steps that can be used to enhance the employee performance management processes at your organization. Before we start, let's understand more about employee performance management and key factors that affect employee performance. 

What exactly is Employee Performance Management?

By combining a dynamic and strategic approach, an employee performance management strategy builds and sustains high-performance cultures in an organization. Every employee must be aligned with the long-term vision and mission of the company to achieve its goals. You should be aware that performance appraisal criteria are not fixed. Depending on the company's rules and culture, they may differ from one to another. However, certain characteristics remain the same in every organization. A few examples include personality traits, technical expertise, effectiveness, and learning skills. 

An organization may also set different performance appraisal criteria for different levels within its hierarchical structure. As an example, the performance appraisal criteria for a digital marketing executive may differ from those of an SEO executive. Performance management includes other elements in various forms, including personal development plans, suggestions, performance reviews, and other responsibilities as well.

Read More: Tips to revamp your organization's performance management system 

Critical Factors Affecting Employee Performance 

The performance of employees can be affected by a variety of factors. Following are some of the most common determining factors. 

Easy Steps for Managing Employee Performance

Now that you understand employee performance management, let's explore some best practices. 

  • Start with a performance plan

    Performance planning sets the stage for the upcoming year based on outlined objectives by communicating goals and identifying an action plan to help employees reach those targets. It is a collaborative process between the manager and employee, though some elements are not negotiable. It is recommended to start with defining the job description, which will enable you to describe the significant job responsibilities. Developing long-term and short-term goals for each key contribution area and an action plan to reach those goals is essential. It is possible to weigh the goals based on the priority of each contribution area. Be clear about how progress will be measured against goals. It is also important to develop a plan to overcome knowledge, skills, or behavior obstacles, such as training, mentoring, etc.

    By referring to the performance plan as a reference document, employees and managers can periodically monitor progress toward goals, solve problems, reassess goals, change goals as business direction changes, and reevaluate training and resource requirements. To promote continuous improvement and facilitate open communication, performance feedback is an integral part of performance planning.

  • Set up an ongoing process

    Goal setting, performance planning, monitoring performance, giving feedback, and training should occur continuously rather than as a one-time event. Providing feedback at the right time enhances learning and enables adjustments to be made to meet the objectives. It is also important to maintain a positive attitude to feedback. Positive feedback can be woven into the fabric of day-to-day interactions with the organization, and if the organization supports it, the organizational culture will drive development and performance improvement.

  • Set Key Responsible Area's (KRAs) prior to the appraisal

    Performance management is more accessible when KRAs are defined at every appraisal cycle. Knowing KRAs and objectives helps employees understand the expectations of their manager. Additionally, it fosters a creative culture, drives autonomy, and builds trust on different levels. Every manager should ensure that your employees know your expectations and criteria to evaluate them.

  • Recognition and rewards for good performance

    According to Gallup's research, around 74% of employees who receive appreciation from their manager feel they have a role in the company. Therefore, it's imperative to recognize and reward high performers so they can feel a sense of belonging and purpose.

    Relevant Article: Employee Recognition Is A Necessity. Here’s Why?

  • Performance Measurement with the AI Service desk

    In every industry, new technological solutions are of the utmost importance. In this new normal, employees need seamless, personalized support from their management which will help them to enhance their work performance. You can modernize your performance management to a great extent by implementing a modern service desk as it offers automated services to your employees. By engaging with AI chatbots, your employees are able to auto-resolve problems. Instead of directly approaching support agents, your employees can converse with virtual assistants using conversational AI.

    Relevant Article: What a modern service desk can do for your business?

  • Upskilling through Learning and Development

    Learning is a continuous process. Employers must understand the importance of keeping their employees up-to-date on the latest technology trends. New technologies like AI, and, ML are replacing old ones. A dynamic learning and development program will be essential for experienced employees and new hires. Furthermore, human resources differ in skills, leadership, behavior, and other criteria. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach is inappropriate.

    For this reason, you must personalize your development programs for employees based on their skills, expectations, etc. Consequently, create a learning and development roadmap for resources at all levels of your organization to enhance their skills.


There is no concrete way to implement employee performance management, as it is undoubtedly a dynamic process. It varies from company to company and is constantly evolving. With the help of next-generation tools, you can devise a performance management program that fits your needs. If necessary, you can always modify it to match your changing needs. As performance management best practices become more prevalent and, manual processes become automated, and companies are turning to innovative technology solutions. 

At, we believe that automating routine tasks can effectively boost employee performance.

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