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Reviewing Chats

The Review Chat section is used to view the conversation between the user and Bot. It can be found under the Supervised Learning section

1. Click on Supervised Learning in the navigation pane on the left of your console

2. Click on Review Chat in the navigation pane on the left of your console

3. To find a specific chat you can use the search by username or filters to narrow down what you are looking for.

4. Once you have found the chat you would like to review, click on the eye icon to see the conversation history.

  • To Bookmark the chat for further action, click on the toggle next to the eye
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Reviewing Chats

The Review Chat section is used to view the conversation between the user and Bot. It can be found under the Supervised Learning section

1. Click on Supervised Learning in the navigation pane on the left of your console

2. Click on Review Chat in the navigation pane on the left of your console

3. To find a specific chat you can use the search by username or filters to narrow down what you are looking for.

4. Once you have found the chat you would like to review, click on the eye icon to see the conversation history.

  • To Bookmark the chat for further action, click on the toggle next to the eye
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