

10 Ways How Rezolve.Ai Is Revolutionizing The Digital Workplace

Employee Experience
10 Ways How Rezolve.Ai Is Revolutionizing The Digital Workplace

10 Ways How Rezolve.Ai Is Revolutionizing The Digital Workplace

Employee Experience
10 Ways How Rezolve.Ai Is Revolutionizing The Digital Workplace
Employee Experience

Over time, organizations in almost every industry have started digitizing their processes. Especially for the last two years, the world has witnessed an unexpected spike in businesses adopting digital means to undertake their processes. As the COVID crisis made the world more important digital platforms, companies are moving from traditional offices to a digital workplace.

A digital workplace allows organizations to operate without the need for physical interactions and on-premise operations. It facilitates remote working with the help of automated tools and platforms. Digital workplaces are digitized replicas of traditional offices that allow professionals worldwide to communicate and collaborate. has revolutionized the digital workplace by providing an automated, efficient, and AI-driven employee service desk. The modern service desk allows you to provide quick and personalized support to your employees. With, you can eliminate the challenges of the traditional service desks that offer agent-centric functionality instead of helping the employees.

Here are ten of the best ways in which the platform of is revolutionizing the digital workplace:

  1. Teamsification Of Processes

    Especially after the onset of the COVID crisis, collaborative platforms have increased significantly. These platforms help professionals communicate and collaborate while working remotely. streamlines employee support by integrating with Microsoft Teams – a process known as teamsification.

    Teamsification allows MS Teams users to obtain seamless support from the same platform they use for work. From obtaining relevant articles and getting specific questions answered to undertaking more complicated processes like employee onboarding, teamsification provides organizations with a centralized platform for employees working in all the departments within your organization.

    Read Article: Here’s how Teamsification of service desk is beneficial to your organization?

  2. Use Of AI Chatbots allows your employees to interact with dedicated AI chatbots to obtain seamless primary support in a digital workplace. Instead of routing all cases to the support agents, the modern service desk allows your employees to resolve their basic issues simply by chatting with virtual assistants. When an employee talks to an AI chatbot, it scans your knowledge base and provides them with a personalized answer within a few seconds.

  3. Invisible Ticketing System

    While using the traditional service desks, employees often encountered issues while creating support tickets. Especially for non-technical users, creating tickets was often a confusing task. Optimizing the digital workplace, makes the entire ticketing system invisible by automating it. The modern employee service desk helps your employees create support tickets by chatting with virtual assistants. In the case of Microsoft Teams users, employees can initiate a chat on the platform to create tickets that are automatically routed to suitable agents.

    When the agents provide satisfactory solutions to the issues, the platform automatically closes the tickets and records the same details to the knowledge base for reference purposes.

  4. Seamless Onboarding Of Remote Employees

    With the trend of working remotely getting increasingly popular, HR managers often face challenges in onboarding remote employees. allows your management to onboard remote employees through a centralized and automated platform. helps your HR managers send personalized emails to the new employees to onboard them effectively based on the user persona. While working in a digital workplace, you can provide your employees with a personalized welcome letter, contact details of their team members, work policies, and other important details for onboarding them. Moreover, the new employees can resolve their queries by interacting with the AI chatbots, leading to better engagement during their initial days within your organization.

  5. Automation Of Repetitive Processes

    IT employees are often required to perform repetitive processes like changing and resetting passwords manually. Undertaking these processes manually makes them sacrifice a good amount of time that could have been invested productively. helps users change or reset their passwords without involving IT employees. A simple chat with the AI service desk would trigger a series of actions that would authenticate the identity of users and undertake the necessary process within a few seconds.

  6. Conducting Automated Employee Surveys

    With, you can create personalized employee surveys and send them to all your employees through a centralized platform. The AI-driven service desk organizes how employee surveys are taken and assessed. Whether you are catering to employees working on-premise or remotely in a digital workplace, helps you understand the pulse of your organization and ascertain how engaged your employees are.

  7. Communicating Employee Benefits

    Especially in the case of new hires, employees aren't always well-versed with all your organization's benefits. Instead of reaching out to the HR managers directly, helps your employees obtain all relevant details about their benefits by chatting with the virtual assistants. As long as you have sufficient data in your enterprise knowledge base, you can provide your team with all employee benefits within a few seconds.

  8. SaaS Knowledge Base Optimization allows you to optimize your SaaS knowledge base to provide personalized support to your employees. Whenever your employees are searching for specific information in the form of files, images, videos, articles, or any other format, a simple search within Microsoft Teams would provide them with the required data immediately.

  9. Training Your Employees Through Microlearning helps you get your employees working in a digital workplace trained through microlearning. This allows you to provide a limited amount of training content to your employees to get them trained by spending not more than ten minutes every day. With microlearning, helps you cater to the limited attention span of your employees while training them.

  10. Streamlined Harassment Reporting

    The automated employee service desk allows your employees to report workplace harassment and abuse to the concerned authorities in an anonymous and streamlined manner. Instead of physically reaching out to the management, provides a centralized platform for your employees to raise their issues and have corrective measures undertaken appropriately.

The Final Word

These were some of the most critical ways revolutionized the digital workplace. The AI-driven employee service desk understands the context of the issues faced by your employees and tailors solutions based on their needs and preferences. This helps you increase the overall engagement and productivity of all your employees.

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