
10 Ways To Enhance Employee Retention Rates in 2023

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10 Ways To Enhance Employee Retention Rates in 2023
Employee Experience

An organization’s most valuable asset is its dedicated employees. Thus, whether you are running a Fortune 500 or a startup, your primary goals must be retaining the best performers, boosting your employee productivity, and business ROI. A Gallup study found that engaged employees are 21% more productive than their disengaged competitors, which improves performance and boosts the company's profitability.  This means your engaged workforces tend to stay with the same company for a long time and likely refer their friends, thereby enhancing your hiring efforts. Thus, employers need to encourage their employees to outshine themselves, boost them to engage effectively and ensure employees’ work-life balance. Employee retention rates and the expensive process of finding and developing new talent are reduced when employees are actively involved in their work and feel valued, appreciated, and supported.

A Harvard Business Review report states that businesses with happy and engaged employees outperform their competitors by a staggering 147%. Thus, organizations must maintain employee retention rates high to keep consistency and accelerate business growth. If your employees aren’t staying for long, your company will find it hard to excel at long-term projects. Companies prioritizing employee retention create an environment where employees feel like they belong and have a purpose, attracting top talent.  

In this blogpost, we will discuss everything about employee retention and top strategies that helps organization to boost employee engagement

Why is Employee Retention Important?

Retaining an existing employee vs. hiring someone new. Which one is better? Everyone would agree that retaining the old is much better. Retaining top talent has become the secret weapon for businesses looking to reach new heights in today's ever-evolving economic scenario. Because hiring a right-fit employee is a time-consuming process where the employer and the HR team have to take a lot of effort and resources on onboarding, provide training and help them to adjust the company culture. Thus, companies need to ensure that they retain as many employees for as long as possible.  

Often, businesses go to great lengths to hire the right-fit candidate; once employed, the employer should make sure that employees won’t leave. The employee retention rate is often measured by the percentage of employees who stay with the company for a year. Though most enterprises prefer to calculate retention rates yearly, measuring the rate in short periods can lead to quicker results.  

Differentiating Employee Engagement and Employee Retention

Employee retention and employee engagement levels are two significant factors that companies often struggle to influence. Executing employee engagement and retention strategies through enhanced talent management is the best way to build an engaged and effective workforce.  

Employee engagement is about creating an encouraging work atmosphere where employees feel enthusiastic and capable of productively completing their work. The company’s technique results in an emotional commitment of employees towards the company. Once attained, employees tend to be satisfied with their work and never decide to quit their job. An engaged employee is ready to take on any responsibilities and looks forward to a long-term association with the company.  

Alternatively, employee retention talks about a company’s proficiency to keep their current employees by leveraging employee engagement as a retention tool. The employee retention initiative aims to create an atmosphere where employees feel supported and prefer to stay with the company. Employee retention depends on various factors, such as work flexibility, satisfaction, benefits, professional growth, work culture etc.  

Employee Retention is the goal. Employee Engagement is one of the ways to achieve this goal.  

Gallup's study says disengaged employees have dragged down productivity between $450 billion and $550 billion in the US. (Source: Forbes)  

Employee retention and engagement are broad and challenging topics. Companies can benefit in various ways if they implement better employee retention strategies.  

What are the Business Benefits of Employee Retention?

More Dedicated Employees

Employees may feel more committed to their company's objectives if they believe their employer values and supports them. Since long-term employees have put a lot of time and effort into their work, finding ways to keep them around longer can also increase loyalty—more productive and moral work results from a more loyal workforce. For example, an employee who genuinely cares about the business might be more motivated to complete their work on time and be truthful about the hours they report.

Elevate Employee Productivity

Constant turnover presents employers with several problems. The loss of productivity has the biggest immediate effect. A new hire typically needs one to two years to become as productive as an existing employee. Additionally, it takes time for new hires to establish connections with customers and coworkers. Another issue that arises in an understaffed environment is employee overtime and burnout, as well as decreased productivity and delays.

Effective employee retention can prevent productivity losses for a company. Workplaces with high retention rates typically have more engaged employees who produce more work. Engaged employees are more likely to improve customer relationships, and teams that have had time to gel also typically produce better results.

Reduce Hiring Cost

Recruiting and onboarding new hires can be very expensive. Employing recruiters, educating employees, and offering sign-on bonuses can add up. Companies can reduce these costs by keeping their employees on board. Instead of hiring new employees, businesses can save money by investing in their current workforce.

Greater Customer Satisfaction

Customer experience is how customers feel or think about their interactions with a business, from the first encounter to the support provided after the sale. These interactions rely on employees whose personal histories may influence client interactions. This is where employee turnover can be costly.  

For instance, new hires might take longer to complete tasks, be less skilled at solving problems, and be more prone to making customer service errors — all of which can harm the customer experience. Customers might spread their bad experiences, endangering the company's reputation. On the other hand, happy employees frequently exhibit higher morale and skills when interacting with customers.

Creates a Positive Work Culture

Lower employee morale may result from high turnover rates. Employees may find it difficult to be enthusiastic about their jobs if many of their coworkers leave. The company culture can benefit when employees want to stay. A positive work environment is fostered when workers are motivated and happy since every employee plays a crucial role in the company's culture. A positive company culture benefits the current workforce, attracts top talent, and enhances customer relationships.

10 Effective Employee Retention Tips for 2023 and Beyond

As you gain a deeper understanding of how employee retention works and the benefits it offers, let's take a look at the proven methods for boosting employee engagement and retention.  

Create an Exceptional and Easy Employee Onboarding Experience  

It goes without saying that employee onboarding is the best time to connect new hires with their work, team, objectives, and company’s mission and vision. It will help employees feel like they are a part of your company. A survey conducted by Robert Half says that around 59 % of professionals polled have experienced a bad onboarding process. A good employee onboarding process will help new employees learn more about the job and work culture and give them ideas about completing their tasks and goals.  

Since 2020, most companies have started adopting remote work and hence remote recruitment. Whether virtual or in person, the training and support you deliver as soon as a new employee is onboard will enhance employee engagement and boost retention.

Provide Professional Development Opportunities  

As per the statistics of the LinkedIn Talent Blog, more than 45 % of people left their previous job due to the lack of opportunities for professional development. Another report by Emplify says that more than 70% of employees prefer to leave their companies that can’t invest in employee training and development programs. It means employees always excel in all fields by gaining new knowledge and experience. Initiating employee training and professional development programs in your organization will benefit both employers and employees.  

Encourage your workforce to stay at your organization by delivering a perfect career path for promotion and development. You can also educate your staff by providing training with microlearning courses. It will help employees to stay innovative, engaged and productive. Supporting professional development and constant learning improves your employees and increases employee retention rates.

Recognize Employee Achievements

Businesses that engage exceptionally tend to recognize the workforce for a well-done job. Employee recognition is necessary for a company’s retention efforts. Recognizing and appreciating employees for the hard work and efforts they have contributed to your organization is essential. This will help employees to stay motivated to work hard, complete tasks and goals more productively. Moreover, they will be satisfied with your company and job. Several organizations provide formal rewards systems for employees who have contributed better results to the company.

Provide the Right Tools and Resources

Giving instant access to the right modern tools and software helps employees perform their tasks and processes efficiently. The manager must evaluate the requirements of his teammates and work to diminish inefficiencies. Providing the right tools will help employees do their work easily and boost productivity and business ROI.  

Promote a Work-life Balance Culture  

During the pandemic period, remote and hybrid work has become the new normal. A healthy work-life balance is fundamental to every organization as it can improve the well-being of their teams and let them focus better on their work. The reports of Empuls state that around 87% of employees expect their business owners to offer flexible work hours to balance their work and life.

According to Research Gate, more than 11% of employees have turned down new positions due to a lack of opportunities for a healthy work-life balance. This is because spending a lot of time together as a family is a great thing to do, especially when you are a new parent. Work-life balance is essential to maintain productivity and reduce stress levels and hindrances. Employees who experience too much work pressure are more likely to leave the job.

Encourage Teamwork  

Employers should encourage their entire workforce to contribute ideas and suggestions regarding the organization's overall functioning. Managers of each team have to boost teamwork by making opportunities for collaboration and communication, accepting each employee's work style, and giving them the freedom to make decisions and required changes.  

Maintain a Feedback Culture

Employee feedback is a great tool to gain insight into how your workforce feels about their job, environment, teammates and the company. A company that hardly pays attention to its workforce will produce disengaged employees. Feedback from employees will help you to know about their professional goals. It is an opportunity for an employer to improve their company.  

Encourage Effective Collaboration and Open Communication

The past three years' unprecedented events have highlighted the relevance of workplace communication and effective collaboration. Team managers must maintain positive and valuable communication, including onsite and remote employees, within the entire team. It would be best if you connected with each employee regularly. Managers or team leaders must create an atmosphere where employees aren't afraid to express their opinions. In other words, they require a place of employment where they are free to voice their opinions and grievances.

Reports state that one of the best ways to build a transparent and trustworthy culture is to adopt an "open-door policy"- that conveys that you're willing to learn about their perspectives anytime.

Invest in Employee Well-Being and Mental Health

There is no denying that health is the only true wealth for each person. A positive work environment is essential for a healthy staff—mentally, physically, and financially. During the pandemic, many top employers improved and expanded their employee wellness programs to support staff and give it more of a priority. To retain your top talents, you must invest in employee wellness initiatives like employee stress management programs, retirement planning services, and reimbursement for fitness classes in 2023 and beyond etc.

Provide Competitive Compensation and Perks for Employees

Employers must regularly review and revise salaries to provide their employees with competitive compensation and perks, which is essential for business success. Even if your company cannot raise pay, consider whether you can offer additional forms of compensation, like bonuses. Don't forget to enhance retirement and health benefits, which can also help increase employee job satisfaction and retention rates.

Conclusion: Invest in Modern Employee Service Desk to Enhance Employee Retention Rates

No matter which industry your organization belongs to, employee retention should be at the top of the priority lists of your HR department. The employees are the revenue driver for every business. Thus, employers and the HR department should create an employee-centric work culture that delivers a positive work atmosphere to retain their top workforces.  

Enhancing employee retention rates and experiences has become the key focus for all organizations around the world. The ten strategies mentioned above, combined with AI-powered employee service desks, can help you retain your top talent within the company. A modern employee service desk like that works within collaborative tools like MS Teams provides various benefits such as quick employee support and responses, decreased errors, enhanced user communications, boosted employee experiences and job satisfaction etc via its advanced ChatGPT-like AI chatbot and Generative AI capabilities.  

Want to Improve Your Employee Retention Rate? Get it with Service Desk


Why should organizations prioritize employee retention?

Every organization should prioritize employee retention because it keeps a steady and knowledgeable workforce. High retention rates boost output, enhance workplace culture, and reduce hiring and training expenses. Employees who work for an organization for a more extended time acquire valuable experience and knowledge, which helps the business succeed as a whole.

What components support high rates of employee retention?

Several components influence high rates of employee retention, such as  

  • Competitive pay and benefits
  • Providing opportunities for professional advancement
  • Fostering a positive workplace culture
  • Recognizing and appreciating employees' efforts
  • Encouraging a healthy work-life balance.

How can businesses assess the rate of employee retention?

The number of employees who have stayed with the company over a given period is typically divided by the total number of employees at the start to determine the employee retention rate. The percentage is calculated by multiplying the result by 100. Organizations can monitor this metric frequently to determine how well their retention strategies work.

What are the effects of poor employee retention?

Organizations may suffer severe consequences from poor employee retention. It might result in higher hiring expenses, a loss of institutional knowledge, lower team morale, and lower output. Furthermore, a company's reputation may be harmed by high turnover rates, making it more challenging to recruit top talent in the future.

How can businesses increase employee retention rates?
Organizations should prioritize employee engagement and satisfaction to increase employee retention. Employee retention can be greatly boosted by implementing flexible work arrangements, regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions, opportunities for skill development and career advancement, and cultivating a supportive and inclusive workplace.

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