
Streamlining Employee Onboarding Processes Using Rezolve.Ai Hr Service Desk

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Streamlining Employee Onboarding Processes Using Rezolve.Ai Hr Service Desk
Employee Experience

When new employees enter your organization, they have specific needs that the company should cater to during their first few weeks. Primarily, it is the responsibility of the HR department to ensure that the new employees can adjust well to the new work atmosphere and are provided with all necessary resources on time. 

Lately, as more and more employees are working remotely, the task of HR managers has only become more challenging. As HR personnel cannot physically interact with the new employees, the onboarding process gets more complicated. 

To help HR managers deal with such challenges, provides organizations with an AI-driven HR service desk. This service desk allows your HR managers to automate a number of processes and provide personalized support to all your employees. With the help of, you can onboard both on-premise and remote employees with ease and efficiency. 

However, before discussing the employee onboarding features of, let us understand the major difference between onboarding and recruitment

What Is The Difference Between Employee Onboarding And Recruitment?

Organizations often confuse employee onboarding with recruitment. While both processes deal with new employees entering the organization, they are inherently different. 

Recruitment is creating a pool of talent and selecting the ideal candidates to secure the concerned jobs. The process of recruitment ends once an employee is hired and joins the organization. On the other hand, employee onboarding is a more wholesome and holistic process. It starts when an employee is recruited and revolves around providing them with a conducive work atmosphere.

The employee onboarding process involves welcoming new employees and providing them with all the necessary tools to get started with their work. Employee onboarding aims to ensure that the employees gel with their new team members and are comfortable working in a new work environment. 

Issues With Traditional Employee Onboarding

The approach to employee onboarding has changed over time. An organization needs to adapt to the dynamic changes in the onboarding process. The traditional approach to employee onboarding bears little relevance to the modern HR processes and needs of employees. 

Here are some of the major issues faced by organizations with traditional employee onboarding

  1. Excessive paperwork

    The traditional employee onboarding process requires organizations to deal with a lot of paperwork. Whether you are shortlisting the candidates for an interview or handing out printed sheets for orientation, the traditional onboarding process requires your HR professionals to regularly deal with a lot of paperwork.

    Excessive use of paperwork increases the prominence of manual processes, thereby increasing the scope of error and delaying the processes undertaken. Ultimately, this results in lower employee engagement as the new employees do not get streamlined assistance.

  2. Inadequate Role Clarity

    One of the most common issues employees face with a traditional onboarding approach is that of a lack of role clarity. Even after being recruited successfully, an employee needs to be provided utmost clarity about their role in the organization. During their initial days in the company, employees need to be briefed about their roles and what the organization expects from them.

    The traditional onboarding approach often leads to a lack of effective communication, making employees struggle to understand their roles in the organization entirely.

  3. Difficulty In Tracking Progress

    Along with executing the onboarding processes, it is essential for HR managers to assess the progress made by the employees and the effectiveness of the onboarding program. The traditional approach does not allow HR professionals to track the onboarding process and determine success effectively.

  4. No Provision For Onboarding Remote Employees

    The traditional approach to employee onboarding is designed to deal with employees working on-premise. It is never advisable for an organization to implement the traditional approach for onboarding remote employees. As working remotely is gaining prominence, it has become increasingly important for organizations to adopt processes that suit onboarding remote employees.

    With traditional employee onboarding, it becomes difficult for HR managers to develop advanced processes or alter the existing processes to suit employees working remotely.

  5. Difficulties In Change Management

    Especially when a senior employee is onboarded, they promise to bring about a change within the organization. The traditional onboarding process often fails to implement the concerned change(s) and make the employees adopt the same.

Teamsification Of Employee Onboarding With

To help organizations tackle the challenges discussed above, provides them with a Teamsified HR service desk. 

So, what is teamsification of a service desk

Teamsification, a word coined by, refers to integrating the HR service desk with Microsoft Teams. This allows employees working on the collaborative platform to avail themselves of seamless HR support and resolve all their issues on a unified platform. A Teamsified service desk helps your HR managers to approach your employees through Microsoft Teams and keep track of all their processes through a single platform. 

Teamsification of an HR service desk helps you streamline several HR processes, including employee onboarding. helps you in streamlining your onboarding processes by integrating its automated HR service desk with Microsoft Teams. This way, your HR professionals can onboard employees located at any corner of the world systematically and efficiently. 

Here are some of the most critical ways in which helps you streamline employee onboarding processes with its Teamsified HR service desk

  1. Sending Personalized Welcome Emails allows your HR managers to send personalized emails to welcome the new employees through Microsoft Teams. Based on the user persona, the HR department can send a personalized welcome letter, the roles and responsibilities of the concerned employees, company policies, login credentials, and any other details necessary for the employee to get started with their new job.

    This allows you to reach out to your employees through the collaborative platform of Microsoft Teams on the first day of their work, ensuring they have all the resources and information required to begin their work.

  2. Sending Automated Notifications

    On implementing, HR managers can set up automated notifications to be sent to the new employees on Microsoft Teams as they cross certain specific thresholds. This helps the management and the employees keep track of employees' progress between specific time intervals. Keeping track of employee development during the initial few weeks allows the managers and team leaders to decide the further course of action for handling the employees.

    The automated HR service desk allows you to set dedicated triggers that send personalized notifications to the employees. Whether you want to notify them about deadlines, ask them about their progress, or want them to follow up on a specific task, allows your HR professionals to keep your employees updated in real-time.

  3. Setting Up Automated Workflows

    Employee onboarding is an organized process involving many processes to be carried out in different steps. In order to streamline your onboarding processes, HR managers need to undertake repeatable processes to accommodate multiple new-hire classes for employees working in different departments. helps you set up automated workflows based on the department you are catering to and the roles of specific employees. From recruiting new employees to monitoring their development, the automated HR service desk relieves your HR professionals from undertaking manual processes that are tedious and time-consuming.

    This helps your HR professionals to focus on the core processes instead of carrying out repetitive tasks manually.

  4. Working With Digital Forms helps your HR professionals get rid of excessive paperwork by allowing them to work with digital forms. The automated service desk helps you send and receive documents regarding employment contracts, insurance benefits, employee benefits, direct deposit, tax declaration, etc., using a centralized platform.

    This helps your organization operate in compliance with all the employment laws and regulations within your country, protecting it against lawsuits, audits, and other legal charges. It ensures the legitimacy of your undertakings and allows you to keep a digital record of the same. Moreover, switching to digital forms helps your organization carry out eco-friendly processes without generating unnecessary waste.

  5. Getting Your Employees Trained

    Getting your new employees trained is a crucial element of onboarding them. provides you with microlearning features that help you in getting your employees trained virtually.

    You can allow your employees to consume smaller chunks of engaging content daily to get them trained in specific skills through microlearning. This helps you cater to the limited attention span of the new employees and boost their confidence as they get increasingly self-reliant. You need to add the training resources to your knowledge base and have your employees access the same through Microsoft Teams.

The Final Word 

These were some of the most effective ways to streamline your employee onboarding processes using the HR service desk of The "Teamsified" approach of helps you automate your HR processes and undertake them using a single unified platform.

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