

Top 10 Questions To Ask In Every Employee Engagement Survey

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Top 10 Questions To Ask In Every Employee Engagement Survey

Top 10 Questions To Ask In Every Employee Engagement Survey

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Top 10 Questions To Ask In Every Employee Engagement Survey
Employee Experience

It is no secret that your employees are more likely to contribute, be engaged, and be significantly more productive when they are happy at work. Thus, evaluating your employees' satisfaction is a top priority because happy and motivated people are the cornerstone of every successful business. In this ever-evolving remote and hybrid work culture, most employees hate their jobs. They may not get along with their colleagues, or there may be a problem with their employer. Some employees believe they are replaceable, while others believe their efforts go unrecognized. Others feel they are being underpaid or disagree with how their organization does business or treats its employees. Engaged employees feel recognized, content, and productive in their jobs. Do your employees feel comfortable working for you? How manageable is their job? How engaged are they at work? Are they satisfied with the way management is handling things? If you are an HR manager, you might wonder how to identify all these things. An employee engagement survey is one such tool.  Engagement surveys are the major tool used by today’s corporate world to get feedback and ensure your employees' opinion is heard.

In this article, you'll find insights into employee surveys and the top ten questions you need to be asked in order to foster a pleasant working environment. Before we dive deep into it, let’s learn about employee engagement.

What Is Employee Engagement? Why It Matters?  

Employee engagement refers to the emotional and mental connection between employees and their workplace. An engaged employee feels a sense of personal responsibility and a deeper connection with the long-term successes of the company; here are some other reasons why having an engaged employee is crucial to the long-term success of any modern business. In order to feel satisfied and experienced at work every day, employees must be engaged with their jobs, company, and colleagues. A motivated and efficient workforce exceeds expectations and becomes more energized. In turn, this can positively impact their colleagues' and customers' mental health at work. Engaged employees result in better work culture, lower turnover, increased productivity, more effective customer relations, and increased business ROI.

  • Engaged employees stay motivated, and as a result they tend to exceed expectations.

  • Higher retention rates: Engaged employees boost retention rates significantly

  • Increased coordination and team performance, engaged employees tend to work well as a team.

  • Healthier worklife balance allowing employees to stay connected and prevent burnout

Employee Engagement Surveys: What Is It All About?  

Employee engagement surveys have quickly become the most widely adopted tool by most employers to keep up with their employees and monitor the pulse of their businesses. An employee engagement survey can be defined as a set of questions or metrics by which a business owner or manager can make effective decisions that dictate company policy and ensure that the best interests of both employees and the business are being kept in mind. According to TinyPulse, the employee engagement survey is a critical tool that can provide quick and accurate data regarding important statistics like employee productivity, job satisfaction and the work environment. These surveys show businesses how motivated and satisfied employees are.

Despite all its benefits, the traditional methods of conducting employee engagement surveys had severe drawbacks; they were time-consuming and expensive, often involving physical copies of the forms being distributed, filled, collected, compiled and then turned into usable data by an analyst or an HR professional. 

Read More: What Makes Employee Engagement Survey A Necessity?

Advantages Of Employee Engagement Survey

  • Quick and easy to create and use, can be made and published in a matter of minutes

  • Don’t require a human employee to interpret data and results are present in an easy-to-understand form

  • Don’t take up valuable inventory or office space

  • Can be easily stored for future reference

  • Encourage open communications

  • Allow employees to complete forms at their leisure and ensure the least amount of disruption during regular working hours

employee engagement statistics

Now that you have a better knowledge of the engagement survey, let’s take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions during this employee survey and let’s explain the rationale behind them.  

Top Employee Engagement Survey Questions You Should Include in Your Survey

These questionnaires are meant to help you in finding out. With their feedback, you can determine whether you are assisting someone in developing professionally or if you are interfering with their goals. Let’s check out the following questions.

  1. Do you feel that management and fellow employees respect your contributions?

    Employees are at their most productive when they feel that their contributions are valued, and when their efforts are met with underappreciation, it can be perceived as indifference or demoralization; it encourages complacency and limits an employee’s ambition. Appreciation fuels the urge to perform better and exceed expectations.

  2. Are you able to find a work-life balance or do you prioritize one over the other at times?

    A good worklife balance is essential in ensuring a happier employee and good retention rates; it greatly reduces stress and boosts productivity by preventing burnout. Ideally, leave this as a yes/no checkbox ensuring that you receive clear-cut answers and have a reliable dataset to use by reducing the margin of error due to interpretation.

  3. How clearly are you able to communicate your thoughts and ideas with fellow co-workers?

    Clear communication is essential in ensuring a healthy work environment, it allows a good flow of ideas and opinions. A lack of clear communication can lead to frustration and stress, unclear communication decreases the efficiency of any team drastically.

  4. Do you see yourself working for the company in another five years?

    Maintaining a high employee retention rate is crucial for attracting new talent, ensuring existing employees stay motivated, and focusing on achieving longer-term company goals. Predicting employee retention rates is vital to ensure changes can be implemented within a shorter timeframe.

  5. Do you feel like your feedback has an effect on upper management?

    Feedback and suggestions must be a two-way street that opens general discourse and discussion on either side of the businesses, disconnected employees tend to be less passionate about making a positive impact at their workplace and are more likely to ignore feedback if they feel like their voices aren’t valued.

  6. Do you feel like you are being provided with enough resources to accomplish your goals in a timely fashion?

    Under-budgeted or under-staffed companies can quickly lose momentum and may report a lack of progress, and usually, this leads to further performance drop if they face challenges than initially expected; a lack of progress will snowball into stagnation or reduced productivity, dynamically allocating resources and people is the best way to approach situations like these; based on the survey you’ll have a better view of the broader company and be able to allocate resources better.

  7. Do you want to upskill yourself/ further invest in your workplace toolkit?

    Employees who want to invest in themselves and upgrade their skills expect companies to provide training and professional development opportunities. When employees feel they are given sufficient opportunities to grow beyond the role they were initially hired for and offer upskilling programs, they are more likely to stay with the company for a long time.

  8. How highly would you rate your surroundings and the office environment?

    A good office environment boosts productivity, improves morale and encourages communication with co-workers. Establish a good work environment and maintain the standards set from the very first day.

  9. Do you feel like your values align with the company?

    Employees who feel that company ethics closely match their standards are more likely to stay with the company. Disagreement tends to cause conflicts or frustration and disconnection from company agendas and goals.

  10. How would you rate the onboarding processes, if you had to change one thing, what would it be?

    A good onboarding process is crucial to ensuring higher employee retention and securing long-term employee engagement. A poor onboarding could result in a disconnected new hire and dissuades new talent from joining.


Employee engagement is a vital part of any modern business. Employee engagement surveys offer an easy, interactive and cost-efficient way of measuring employee engagement, allowing the organization to make effective decisions with up-to-date statistics and concise information. Crucially the questions asked on the employee engagement survey must be: easy to understand with no room for interpretation, offer valuable insight into the day-day processes, and allow employees to voice their thoughts and opinions effectively.

An annual automated survey allows you to gather information about your employees through a single channel. Employers may conduct an automatic employee survey and feedback straight inside collaborative platforms like MS Teams or Slack with the help of, an AI-powered service desk.  It is simple to gather routine team answers (weekly, monthly, etc.)

Want To Know More About’s Automated Engagement Survey?

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