
Onboarding New Employees – A Practical Guide To Delivering An Amazing New Hire Experience

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Onboarding New Employees – A Practical Guide To Delivering An Amazing New Hire Experience
Employee Experience

New employees are potentially weak, out of their depth, stressed, and eager to please”.

But everyone indeed admires the enthusiasm and positivity a new hire carries to the organization. Likewise, it's crucial to match that enthusiasm in all areas - from building lasting human connections to setting professional expectations. Most businesses, however, do not create a supportive work environment or a positive culture for their new hires and do not offer them instant validation, yet expect them to become watchdogs within just a few weeks with little training and high expectations. In most cases, companies often neglect the critical employee onboarding processes or miss some of the crucial onboarding steps. Undeniably, building a robust employee onboarding process is the best and most effective way to welcome and retain new talents. It is because – the onboarding process is a chance for every company to make its first impression. And this first impression should be the best because it has the potential to influence how an employee feels about the organization and how efficient he'll be in his new role. According to a Gallup report, 21% of millennials have changed jobs in the last year, which means retaining quality employees requires excellent onboarding training!  

However, the outbreak of the current global pandemic has made the recruiting and onboarding processes more challenging than ever over the past three years. In this post-pandemic era, it is important for the organization to ensure your new hires receive the right support, and right tools and deliver them with robust communication channels. An effective onboarding process will also help you create a better learning path for employees, uncover potential skill voids, enhance employees’ professional development, and ultimately create better teams.  

But HR departments are often concerned about "How to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible”? In this guide, you'll learn what a good onboarding process can bring to your organization and how you can improve your organization's current process.  

What Is An Effective Employee Onboarding Process?

An employee's onboarding journey is a pivotal part of the employee experience. The purpose of employee onboarding is to prepare new employees for their new jobs by taking them through the social and performance aspects of the job, to get them used to the job quickly, boost employee productivity, and job satisfaction, and decrease employee turnover. It is an important step that will create a long-lasting impression of the company. As a crucial HR process, onboarding focuses on fulfilling the promises made during recruitment and preparing employees to become high performers. Employees learn what defines their success when they feel a sense of belonging. Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, is the process of introducing new employees to your company's expectations, skills, knowledge, and culture.


In this era of remote and hybrid work culture, employee onboarding has become even more challenging. The acceleration of the "new normal digital workplace" condition requires that the entire onboarding process is reframed from scratch. Successful onboarding experience will help employers to retain their new and best-fit talents for a long time. A study by SHRM found that more than 69% of the employees are more likely to stay with a company for at least three years if they experience great onboarding.

Biggest Challenges With Traditional Employee Onboarding Process

Employers might not realize the fact that they are losing potential employees if they are stuck with the traditional onboarding process. When the HR team finds the best-fit candidate to fill a specific role, they have to ensure that the new hire is happy, engaged, and productive from their very first day, and not one of those who leave too early. Without a robust and detailed overview of the company, its mission, and vision, new joiners can be overloaded by all information or confused. Some employees report feeling neglected in the early days, and an unsteady start can leave employees weak. When employees are not properly onboarded, they cannot be properly integrated into the organization, nor are they appropriately upskilled for their roles, resulting in a feeling of disengagement that can lead to an early resignation. Below are the most common challenges with the traditional employee onboarding processes.


Now, let’s check them one by one:

  • Lack of personalized employee support
    When a new employee joins your organization, he/she might encounter a lot of queries, doubts, and confusion related to his or her routine tasks, teams, the platform they work on, the team leads he/she reports to, and how the company operates. In such circumstances, they always look for personalized attention from the HR team. In the traditional employee onboarding process, employee support is often neglected or fragmented. During their initial days, if the company fails to deliver personalized employee support, the employees find it very difficult to work with the company, accept and adjust to the company’s work culture and completely understand their job roles. Despite this, the lack of a robust employee onboarding process would leave the new employees abandoned without an efficient support system in place.
  • Uncertainty about job roles
    In a traditional onboarding process, HR professionals will be overwhelmed with tedious routine tasks. Once an employee is hired, in most cases, the HR team fails to brief specific job roles to the new hires. When the new hires lack clear knowledge about one’s role, onboarding may be hindered. A month after starting the job, the employee may realize that her expectations of the role are not aligned with the role she thought she had accepted. This will force them to leave the organization.
  • It takes too much time to do paperwork
    Hiring a new candidate normally comes with a lot of paperwork. Both, employers and employees have to fill out numerous forms, often at a specific time, and convert the data that is entered on those forms into a format that can be subsequently entered into the correct HR, payroll, or benefits (medical insurance) systems. This kind of traditional, manual, paper-based workflows are inefficient, sluggish, and frustrating for everyone involved as well as prone to errors and fines from regulatory agencies when an organization does not meet compliance mandates.
  • Tedious and time-consuming processes
    Using traditional onboarding processes leaves your employees without access to necessary services due to tedious and time-consuming manual processes. It can seem frustrating to think there is no end in sight when little is known about how long the process will take. Employees may also feel overwhelmed not knowing the time it takes to complete the required forms and get frustrated when asked to submit further documentation down the road.
  • Coordination problems between departments
    Employee onboarding is probably the most complex business process in the sense that it involves people from all different departments. In most cases, HR is responsible for employee onboarding. However, timely input and actions from IT, security, operations, facilities, finance, and other corporate units are essential. Unfortunately, the HR team does not have authority over those departments, so it would be challenging for HR to hold them responsible in the event equipment wasn't delivered or access credentials weren't set up.
  • Poor visibility across the onboarding process
    In the traditional employee onboarding process, each person has to deal with each task. And no one will have a clear idea about the whole process. This lack of visibility will create issues whenever an interruption occurs in the workflow; the new joiners will feel isolated. If employees feel their employers do not value them, they will begin to look for other jobs.
  • Poor communication and collaboration
    This is the biggest flaw of the traditional onboarding process. Once your employees start working with your organization, it is often hard for them to create a bond with the new atmosphere, new team, and the company especially when your team is working remotely. The employee onboarding process becomes difficult when remote employees fail to communicate with their team members, managers, and clients effectively. Lack of effective communication or collaboration will negatively impact the employee experiences and this will hinder their engagement with the organization.
  • Problems with the time management
    As a new employee, he/she wants the manager, the HR team, and teammates to have a positive impression of his/her time management skills. The approach he/she took to managing time in a previous job may be different from the approach he/she needs to take in this new one. Thus, it is important for the HR team to provide training related to time management before the new hire starts his/her actual work.
  • Not advisable for onboarding remote employees
    The traditional employee onboarding process is exclusively designed to deal with employees who work from the office premises. In the traditional employee onboarding process, HR managers often face a tough time making sure that both employers and employees are on the same page. They have to ensure that the new hires are adjusting to the company’s overall workflow during their first few weeks. Since most employees are working remotely, it is not at all advisable for companies to implement the traditional employee onboarding process.
    Because, the traditional approaches have the effect of causing new remote employees to feel lost and confused after they join an organization, which leads to a lack of employee engagement. Since remote work is here to stay, it is essential for companies to implement processes that work for onboarding their remote employees.
  • The inability to build a team
    Due to the poor communication and collaboration happening in the traditional employee onboarding process, it would be difficult for new hires to collaborate and communicate effectively with their managers and teammates. In turn, this hinders their ability to build connections with others on their team and within. If your new hire fails to build a team, it often leads to decreased engagement and productivity within an organization.
  • Hard to track the entire onboarding process
    Since employee onboarding is a very crucial period for employers and employers, HR managers should execute not only the onboarding process but also evaluate the progress made by employees and the efficacy of their employee onboarding program. In the traditional employee onboarding process, the HR team fails to track the onboarding process and assess its success effectively.
  • Problems With Change Management
    A traditional onboarding process is often unsuccessful in implementing the necessary changes and making employees adopt them.

Why Does A Robust Onboarding Process Matter?

The onboarding process is the first contact the employee has with the organization after completing the lengthy interview process. Over time, the approach towards the employee onboarding program has evolved. Thus, it is essential for every organization to adapt and adjust to the vibrant changes in the onboarding process. But if your organization is stuck with the traditional employee onboarding approach, you won’t be able to satisfy the needs of your new employees. With no digital data to support it, it's nearly impossible to pin down where your traditional onboarding process is losing potential employees.  

  • It is possible that your employee might regret accepting the job offer if the experience does not live up to expectations. A poor or outdated onboarding process will generate a negative impression among employees. This will affect their opinions, give them a negative feeling about the overall culture of the company, and eventually force them to quit.
  • A robust employee onboarding process is crucial to help your newly hired employees settle down in their new jobs, learn more about the company, avoid confusion about their job roles, and build a good relationship with their coworkers.
  • An outstanding onboarding experience makes employees feel comfortable and helps them get along with the existing organizational family faster.
  • In most offices, HR teams are overburdened with a lot of tasks such as recruiting, scheduling interviews, sending welcome emails to new joiners, conducting employee feedback surveys, providing onboarding and offboarding assistance, and guidance related to work policies, employee benefits, harassment reporting etc.
  • A streamlined employee onboarding process not only excites new employees but also eases HR professionals’ work.

Now that you have understood the relevance of providing a streamlined employee onboarding process, check out these top employee onboarding statistics 2022, to get a better understanding.

Top Employee Onboarding Statistics For 2022

  • Companies that implement a robust employee onboarding process will succeed in enhancing their new joiner’s retention by 82% and boost their productivity by over 70%. It is because the lack of talented employees and high employee turnover are among the major challenges every organization will encounter in 2022. Thus, it’s crucial for the HR team to ensure that their new hires are engaged, and motivated from their first day. Having an efficient employee onboarding process can help organizations accomplish that while helping the newly onboarded employees adapt quickly so they can start contributing as soon as possible.
    Source: Brandon Hall Group
  • Organizations with a well-planned employee onboarding process boost their new hires’ retention by up to 50%. In this ever-evolving labor market, engaging and allowing new hires to contribute their best and retain them for a long period has become the biggest priority than ever. In order to start putting the foundation for high employee retention and robust performance, the HR team should implement a well-designed and effective employee onboarding program.
    Source: Urban Bound
  • Around 93% of employers state that delivering a positive employee onboarding experience is crucial in persuading employees to stay with the organization. Successful employee onboarding programs are not just sending the normal welcome emails to offer an outstanding employee experience, even before the new employees begin their first day. This comprises the whole thing of giving a welcome video (introductory video), decorating their office desk, offering personalized items, and providing them a clear and concise path towards success.
    Source: User Guiding
  • More than 83% of employers rely on exceptional employee onboarding processes to help manage and implement their processes comprises of around 50 activities. It is because a strong employee onboarding program is organized, well-planned, and accessible. Not only is it an aspect of handling manual managerial paperwork, but it also gives your new employee a sense of belonging and makes them feel valued. But a robust onboarding process can become more challenging to accomplish reliably as you scale.
    Source: Sapling
  • Delivering a positive onboarding experience for remote employees is critical, around 69% of employees would like to stay with the organization for at least two-three years. Likewise, a poor and inefficient employee onboarding process will lead to employee turnover.
    Source: Happeo
  • New hires who say they had excellent employee onboarding experiences are 2.6 times more likely to be exceptionally pleased, motivated, and satisfied with their organization. More than 70 % of employees with outstanding onboarding experiences say they have "the best possible job”.
    Source: Gallup
  • Automating the employee onboarding process will help companies and employees to enhance their performance by around 18%. Automation of employee onboarding will also result in a 16% growth in the retention rate for new joiners.
    Source: Elearning
  • Around 88% of employees say that they receive inefficient onboarding experience from their employer. When employees do not receive a good employee onboarding, it will boost employee turnover rates significantly and reduce overall workplace productivity.
    Source: Gallup
  • Automation is one of the best methods to modernize your employee onboarding process. Automation helps companies to streamline around 56% of human resource management tasks with the help of advanced technologies or tools such as AI-powered service desks.
    Source: Mckinsey

Indeed, these statistics will help you understand that the employee onboarding approach should be streamlined, yet well-designed to help your new joiners to better understand their job responsibilities, perform their tasks and easily adapt to the workplace’s culture to deliver a positive impact. As we discussed earlier, a traditional employee onboarding process is no longer an option. Thus, in this ever-changing corporate world, companies need to automate their employee onboarding processes to cater to the requirements of every employee and keep track of their work progress. That is why the corporate world needs to take a look at the modern employee service desk.

Modern Employee Service Desk: The Gateway To A Streamlined Employee Onboarding Experience

It is true that corporate companies have used employee service desks for several years with an aim to provide support to their employees. However, the employees are not pleased with the support offered by the traditional service desk. And precisely at this point, the traditional employee service desks fail. It is because the support offered by the traditional service desk was delayed and fragmented. In most cases, employees found themselves confused and isolated. Traditional service desks are made for agents. Since most of the traditional service desks are made on traditional architectures, it is not focused on resolving employee issues.  

Ever since the outbreak of Covid-19 and its variants, a significant change has occurred in every workplace. Since most employees prefer to work remotely, they expect quick support from the agents rather than fragmented or delayed support. Lack of instant support will leave employees frustrated, unengaged, and discouraged. This negative experience will impact their day-to-day tasks and eventually affect overall productivity. When it comes to new hires, whether they work from home or in-office, they will surely come across various workplace issues such as trouble in resetting passwords, configuring new laptops, updating or installing new software and access request denials etc. which need instant support. But, at a traditional service desk, employees often have to spend a lot of time for their queries or requests to be noticed, addressed, and resolved by the service desk agent.


With all of the limitations and drawbacks of the traditional service desk in mind, a new alternative was developed to automate and improve employee support. The modern employee service desk is enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) and provides a unified platform to the employees for providing seamless support. Simply put, a modern employee help desk does everything that a traditional helpdesk does not. An AI-powered employee service desk is an automated integrated platform that helps companies manage and resolve problems faced by their employees in a personalized and more efficient way. A modern service desk allows all the employees around the world to go to a single platform seeking help, eliminating any doubts/ misunderstandings via collaborative and communication platforms like MS Teams, or Slack etc- where employees spend most of their time.

How An AI-powered Service Desk Helps Companies To Streamline Onboarding Process?

An AI-powered employee service desk uses modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to help employees to get instant resolution of their queries and issues and processes streamlined using a single integrated platform. A modern employee service desk helps companies to automate both IT and HR-related tasks and workflow processes with an aim of delivering a seamless employee experience by decreasing manual work and support costs.
An AI-enabled service desk helps the HR teams to automate their onboarding processes by integrating its HR service desk with collaborative platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack. This way, the HR team can onboard employees from every corner of the globe systematically and effectively. Automating the employee onboarding process highlights the time of both current and new employees to ensure their needs are met while saving HR time in tracking down progress. Implementing an automated employee service desk will automate every task and process right from posting a job and responses all the way through the onboarding process, providing HR with a clear and concise picture of the entire employee onboarding process. An AI-powered service desk also offers a personalized experience to new hires while making it simple for HR to set up follow-up meetings with the recruiters, team managers, and other employees.  

Below mentioned are some of the most significant ways in which a modern employee service desk helps organizations to streamline their employee onboarding processes:  

  • Deliver instant employee support to the new hires
    When a new hire starts his/her journey with your company, they will face various queries. They won’t be aware of where to report or the right person to approach to get solutions to their queries. This will create chaos and confusion, impacting the employee experience and productivity. A modern service desk is the best bet for providing seamless and personalized support via conversational AI-powered virtual assistants to your employees within 10 seconds. When a new employee receives instant guidance to resolve their doubts, they will work efficiently. A modern service desk eases HR teams' work by providing holistic support.
  • Sends automated and personalized email
    A good employee onboarding includes providing a warm welcome to the new hires as soon as they join your company. It is the first step towards building a healthy and concrete employee-employer relationship which is critical in today’s workplace. With a personalized welcome email new hires get a feeling that the employer truly values them, and they feel that their decision to join your firm was right. But, if you are using a traditional service desk, you won’t be able to give that feeling to your employees.
    An AI-enabled service desk allows your HR team to send automated and personalized emails to the new hires once they are placed in your company. A personalized email should talk about the new hire’s job roles, and responsibilities, the login credentials of the collaborative platforms, an introduction about his/her team members, team leader, and mentor (buddy), work policy, employee benefit supports and other relevant documents related to the company. This will help your new hires to understand better about your organization.
  • Set-up automated workflows
    In many ways, onboarding new hires is like completing a Ph.D. program: it takes several steps. To automate your employee onboarding program, HR teams have to deal with several repeated and time-consuming complex processes to take care of newly onboarded employee’s classes from diverse departments. An automated employee service desk allows employers to set up automated workflows based on which department to cater to and which roles to assign to individual employees. From hiring new employees to tracking their professional development, an automated service desk helps your HR team to streamline every tiresome and time-consuming manual process that needs much attention. A modern service desk relieves your HR teams from recurring tasks and reluctant processes and allows them to focus more on the critical tasks.
  • Less paperwork
    Employee onboarding is a process that consists of a lot of paperwork. The HR team can eliminate excessive paperwork by switching it to digital platforms. An AI-powered employee service desk makes it easier for the HR team to send and receive documents related to employment contracts, medical insurance, employee benefits, direct deposit, tax declarations, and more. This helps your organization operate in compliance with all the employment laws and regulations within your country, protecting it against lawsuits, audits, and other legal charges. Since these digitalized records replace the paper sheets, it becomes easier for the HR department to keep their processes and update records on time.
  • Provide employee training
    Employee training is an integral part of employee onboarding programs. An automated employee service desk equipped with the feature of microlearning allows employees to digest bit-sized engaging content on a regular basis to get taught in specific abilities. These micro-contents in the form of images, texts, audio, video, gifs, quizzes and gamifications will address the limited attention span of your new hires and enhance their confidence and professional skills.

    Read More: Role Of Microlearning In Boosting Employees’ Professional Development
  • Utilize collaboration platforms
    The most difficult challenge that the HR team will face is onboarding remote employees. Onboarding your remote employees is all about introducing the job roles and responsibilities, work culture, tools etc. – which is entirely different from onboarding onsite employees. So, it is not a good idea to create multiple accounts on different platforms. Automating your employee onboarding processes using a centralized collaborative platform. Like MS Teams or Slack will help your HR teams to reach out to your employees directly.
    Since providing a streamlined onboarding experience to your new hire is a stepping stone towards employee experience, CIOs and CEOs across the globe are implementing automated employee onboarding software/platforms at their firms.

What Is An Employee Onboarding Software?

An employee onboarding software can be defined as an HR platform that is exclusively designed to offer a delightful experience to the newly onboarded employees so that they can build a better connection with their new company, co-workers, and mentors and understand the overall work culture as soon as they receive the offer letter. An employee onboarding platform streamlines the onboarding journey by eliminating the tiresome tasks of resolving employees’ doubts and confusions, reducing the HR team's workload.  

In simple words, employee onboarding platforms communicate or collaborate with the new workforce, provide information about their job roles, and organization and allow them to engage seamlessly with their teammates and other colleagues and thereby providing an outstanding onboarding experience to the new hires.


Now that you have understood the importance of implementing an automated service desk or platform, let’s analyze the top ten employee onboarding platforms that can deliver an exceptional onboarding experience to the new hires.

Top 10 Solutions To Redefine Your Onboarding Process In 2022

Let’s check out the 10 highly suggested employee onboarding software that allows you to provide a pleasant onboarding experience to your new hires and automate the procedure for HR.  

  2. Ultimate
  3. Rippling
  4. BambooHR
  5. Happyfox
  6. HR Cloud
  7. Zenefits
  8. GoCo
  9. Gusto

Check out these in-depth reviews of the top onboarding platforms for employees.  

    When an employee joins, he/she will have a lot of queries or questions in mind, such as where to access work policy documents, whom to report a technical issue or harassment complaints, how to reset passwords of the provided laptops etc. During such cases, they always approach the HR team or helpdesk agent to provide a suitable and instant solution. But, in most of these cases, helpdesk agents are overburdened by the repetitive questions and won’t be able to provide the right support to respective employees at the right time. When employees receive delayed/fragmented employee support, it often hinders employee experience as well as their productivity. That’s where’s HR service desk comes to the rescue. is a modern and AI-powered HR service desk provider that offers streamlined and customized HR support to your employees by auto resolving all HR-related queries or questions that every new hire encounters during his/her initial days with an organization. streamlines all critical HR processes like employee recruiting, onboarding, offboarding, employee training, resetting passwords, creating tickets, conducting surveys etc- making it stress-free for the HR team to engage each new hire. When employees come across any issues, they need just to type their queries or interact with’s conversational intelligent chatbot that appears on Slack and MS Teams. The chatbot will offer first-level support within 10 seconds. If the employees are not satisfied with the L1 support, the bot will automatically route the case to a dedicated live agent for second-level support (L2). This will reduce the HR team’s overall workload and meanwhile ensure a seamless onboarding experience for the new hires.

    Key Features  
  • Streamlined employee onboarding experience right within MS Teams and Slack
  • Automates user provisioning and setup across multiple HR and IT systems, so the HR and IT teams save their time
  • Multi-department tickets with a bird’s eye-tracking system to provide an overall picture of the entire onboarding tasks.
  • Inbuilt AI-powered conversational chatbot to resolve new hire’s questions and confusions in seconds right within Microsoft Teams and Slack
  • Automated and personalized employee onboarding service
  • An inbuilt conversational microlearning platform that offers seamless training to the new hires right inside collaborative platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack.
  • HR and IT Workflow automation to support newly hired employees
  • Automated checklist and reminders that notify and help managers to welcome and engage their new employees
  • An employee feedback system to better understand feedback and engagement

    2. Ultimate
    Ultimate's UKG Pro, also known as UltiPro Onboarding, allows organizations to provide a next-level onboarding experience to the new hires. By offering a personalized, collaborative and effective employee onboarding process, Ultimate ensures the new hires feel welcome on their first day. With Ultimate’s personalized assistance, new hires can complete all onboarding tasks and processes before their joining day and access the tool on their preferred mobile phones.
    Using ultimate onboarding software, HR professionals can view key employee data regarding new hires via administrative dashboards.

    Key Features
  • Personalized employee onboarding support
  • Employee-centric hiring process
  • AI-powered employee feedback system
  • Automate all employee-related documents
  • Robust payroll system
  • Streamline complex tax process
  • Robust employee management solution

    3. Rippling
    The modular architecture of Rippling's HR software allows you to add (and pay for) exactly the tools you actually need. It is incredibly comprehensive. Because onboarding is a part of the most essential package, it's incredibly simple to use, and it functions internationally, earning it the title of best overall onboarding software. Rippling allows companies to avoid difficulties during the employee recruiting and onboarding processes.

Key Features  

  • Hire and onboard right talents
  • Streamline the manual and tiresome HR processes
  • Scrutinize new hire’s data
  • Robust policy management
  • Automate employee training and career development activities
  • Keep track of employee's routine tasks

    4. BambooHR
    BambooHR is a modern HR software solution that allows organizations and HR teams to prioritize more on building a positive first and best impression with new joinees rather than dealing with tiresome manual paperwork. BambooHR aims to offer a seamless, well-organized and efficient employee onboarding process and thereby provide exceptional onboarding experience to the new hires.

    Key Features
  • Seamless candidate tracking system
  • Easy availability of employee reports
  • Automate employee administrative workflows
  • On-time report and analytics
  • Electronic signature
  • Employee satisfaction surveys

    5. HappyFox
    Happyfox is one of the top software solutions that can efficiently manage the employee onboarding process in a streamlined and effective manner, thereby building a work culture that puts employees first. It allows companies to gain the ability to maintain productivity and business stability while limiting human interaction. Happyfox also allows companies to build responsible teams, mail calendar invitations, integrate with identity management, establish employee onboarding checklists, etc.

Key Features  

  • Automated notifications and emails
  • Organize meetings and send invites
  • Integration with identity management system across applications to enhance employee access.
  • Conduct employee feedback survey

    6. HR Cloud
    Being a modern HR solution, HR Cloud is committed to giving your HR teams strong solutions and delivering remarkable employee experience to the new hires. With HR Cloud, HR professionals can save time, enhance workplace productivity, and modernize processes to build outstanding experiences for their new hires.

Key Features  

  • Streamlined workflows
  • Personalized employee portals to send welcome mails
  • Automated notifications
  • Employee progress reports
  • Electronic signature and forms

    7. Zenefits
    Zenefits is an employee onboarding platform that automates your entire employee onboarding workflow and processes by automatically connecting it with the rest of your HR system. It includes employee benefits support, managing payroll, and scheduling. The recruitment process even includes provisioning new employees with accounts in the systems your organization already uses. This includes products such as G Suite, Office 365, Salesforce, and Slack.

Key Features  

  • Deliver advisory services
  • Streamline employee onboarding process
  • Automatically send offer letters to new hires and welcome emails
  • Keep new hire’s data in digital records
  • Provide time tracking platforms
  • Handles payrolls
  • Electronic Signature

    8. GoCo
    GoCo is a one-stop solution that helps HR teams to deliver fruitful employee experience and support to new hires. GoCo is a user-friendly and comprehensive employee onboarding platform that offers outstanding customer support and professional HR services. It allows HR departments to deliver personalized welcome letters with e-signature ability. Being an onboarding platform GoCo, it also lets employees partake in self-service benefits enrollment.

    Key Features
  • Easy and streamlined onboarding
  • User-friendly benefits administration tool
  • Automated Payroll solution
  • Keep track of time and work of employees
  • Handles HR documents
  • Analyze employee performance

    9. Gusto
    Gusto is a user-friendly employee onboarding solution that allows HR teams to prepare an efficient onboarding checklist for every new hire. With Gusto, HR professionals can personalize offer letters for each employee, fill up documents with e-signature, and integrate your apps with it. Gusto's cloud-based onboarding system integrates with popular business apps such as Asana, Microsoft 365, Zoom and Slack.

Key Features  

  • Public job posts and keep track of each application
  • Customizable offer letters
  • Time-tracking featues
  • Electronic signature
  • Provide performance reviews and training
  • Insights and comprehensive report

    10. is an employee onboarding platform that allows you to learn everything you need to know about your new employees with ease. With, employees don't have to spend their time on routine tasks since workflows can be automated to create an employee-friendly environment.

Key Features  

  • Send welcome emails
  • Automate new hires tasks
  • Conduct employee surveys
  • Deliver employee training
  • Autoresolve employee’s HR-related queries
  • Employee engagement insight and analytics

Conclusion: Employee Onboarding Matters!

It is undeniable that employee onboarding is an essential process that both employers and employees benefit from. Providing your new employee with all the right software or tools they need, making them feel valued, and letting them know what you expect of them will establish a relationship which can be built upon over time. The quicker they become familiar with the work processes and culture, the more productive they will be, and the more valuable feedback and insights they will provide during regular meetings.  

To create a good onboarding experience, you can utilize several reliable best practices, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You can deliver a tailored employee onboarding experience to each employee using a modern employee service desk like Being a next-generation service desk, allows you to get them up to speed faster and improve their long-term engagement.

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