

Four Core Themes Of Employee Support Transformation

Employee Support
Four Core Themes Of Employee Support Transformation

Four Core Themes Of Employee Support Transformation

Employee Support
Four Core Themes Of Employee Support Transformation
Employee Experience

Service desks across the world are undergoing rapid transformation. Like most changes, this was not a transformation that anyone planned or anticipated – but here it is. Different enterprises are reacting to it differently. While some are hesitant, most of them welcome the change and embrace it. Most service desk leaders realize that they have a fantastic new toolset and refreshed service delivery model – and it is an opportunity. It is also proving to be problematic in hiring professionals timely across enterprises. Recent studies confirm that most enterprises will have trouble delivering their IT or HR services in 2022 due to a lack of human resources. This transformation is redefining the IT or HR service desk as employee support. It also adds the dimension of employee engagement and enablement to the service desk.

We at view this transformation happening along with four core themes.

Let’s check them out one by one.

  • Employee experience and engagement

    Once relegated to mere lip service – employee experience is now the pièce de résistance in employee support platforms. Easy 24*7 access via channels like MS Teams or Slack, instant issue resolution, conversational ticket creation, and easy access to the right Subject Matter Experts are ways employee experience and engagement are manifested in a modern enterprise. Add to this employee engagement aspect like smart notifications, pulse surveys, and gamification – you start to see how the picture and frame have changed.

    Read more here- Employee experience and engagement

  • Agent role elevation to SME

    The agent’s role is changing. Instead of someone who is registering, documenting and resolving/rerouting each ticket – agents are becoming “Subject Matter Experts”. They solve the more complex problems and waste time doing repetitive tasks. This is a significant shift in making due to scarcity of resources, resource movements, and availability of better automation. Many innovations in this space are helping this transformation.

    Read more here- Agent role elevation to SME

  • Process automation and integration

    Workflow automation has almost a magical quality. However, if it takes a few months to automate one process and needs to be custom-built– the magic vanishes. Most traditional service desk software never understood the power of integration and automation. These were stand-alone ticket trackers that never integrated with any other system – and thought automation meant‘ ticket flow.’ With a modern platform like, your service desk is instantaneously integrated with scores of enterprise software and can perform many day-to-day tasks out-of-the-box. Granting access requests, user provisioning, employee onboarding/offboarding, granting VPN connectivity – all these process automations are possible with just a few clicks; now, this feels like magic!

    Read more here- Process automation and integration

  • AI-driven Desktop automation

    This is a new one. You might not have heard about this – yet. Let me explain. AI-powered systems were always limited in the ways they could auto-resolve issues. In the beginning, these systems could provide answers (knowledge automation). While this was a great help, users wanted more. Then came API integration and process automation. This is fantastic. But still, some tasks that needed desktop-level intervention were out of reach of AI. Not anymore. can now perform tasks like ‘outlook troubleshooting,’ ‘printer installation’, ‘laptop configuration’ and many more. This is truly a game-changer.

    Read more here- AI-powered desktop automation

All four of these core themes were showcased at HDI SupportWorld live during the event. For more information on these four core themes, reach out to us

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