

How Can Hrsm Play A Role In Tying Value To Experiences?

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How Can Hrsm Play A Role In Tying Value To Experiences?

How Can Hrsm Play A Role In Tying Value To Experiences?

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How Can Hrsm Play A Role In Tying Value To Experiences?

Running an organization successfully is all about vigilant management. If you can manage all your resources well, you can attain your organizational objectives and fulfill all your goals. However, managing material resources is significantly different from managing human resources.

Human resources management is a challenging process. This is because of the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the employees working in your organization. No two employees in a team have the same thought processes, ambitions, missions, and motivation. They all need to be treated in a unique and personalized manner to ensure the smooth functioning of your organization.

This is what makes the job of the HR department complicated. HR professionals shoulder the responsibility of ensuring that all your employees are provided with adequate resources and a conducive work environment. From their recruitment until their exit interview, HR managers ensure the well-being of employees and help them get their issues resolved.

However, it is no longer possible for your HR professionals to keep track of every employee using traditional and manual processes. In the age of digitization, it is essential to streamline your HR processes with the help of automated help desks.

Streamlining HR Processes With HRSM Automation

HRSM allows your HR managers to undertake their processes with the help of dedicated software platforms. HR help desks have assisted employees worldwide in getting their issues resolved and obtaining thorough assistance from the organization they work in.

The functionality of HRSM can be leveraged significantly by implementing an automated HR help desk. The traditional HRSM platforms can no longer cater to the personalized needs of your employees and help your HR professionals carry on with their services. From undertaking repetitive tasks to being unable to optimize knowledge management, traditional help desks add little value to your HR processes, affecting the smooth functioning of your employees and managers.

An automated HR help desk notes the historical data of every employee to provide them with personalized support. These help desks understand the questions' context and provide answers that best suit the issues raised.

Moreover, HRSM automation allows your HR team to automate several processes, including employee onboarding, recruitment, assessment, training, and many more. 

Tying Value To Experiences With HRSM

Employee needs have gone through a major shift over the last few years. The engagement of your employees in 2021 depends on the flexibility of work, ease of remote working, and efficiency of the support provided to them across multiple channels. All these factors play an important role in building seamless employee experiences.

HR service management (HRSM) allows you to add value to these experiences by being there for your employees at any point in time. When your employees are provided with personalized attention and their well-being is given priority, it adds value to your HR processes. This leads to an increase in the rate of retention, productivity, and engagement of your employees.

Here are some of the most important ways in which you can tie value to employee experiences through HRSM

Using Your HR Service Desk For Microlearning

Microlearning is a fairly new approach to learning that involves consuming bite-sized content regularly instead of going through long courses and reading lengthy literature. It allows your employees to spend 10 minutes getting themselves trained in specific skills every day.

If you are willing to teach specific skills to your employees to improve their work, HRSM automation allows you to train your employees through microlearning. Modern HR service desks provide you with microlearning features that help your employees train themselves from any location and at any time.

All you need to do is add relevant training resources to your enterprise knowledge base and provide access to the employees that need to be trained. Microlearning helps you cater to the limited attention span of your employees as they are not required to consume lengthy content to learn the required skills.

Moreover, when your employees are provided with tiny bits of content every day, it improves their retention capacity. It allows them to revise the lessons learned every day and master the skill(s) by the end of the training session.

Integrating Your HR Service Desk With A Collaborative Platform

Especially over the last couple of years, collaborative platforms have become very common in organizations worldwide. Platforms like Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and many more allow employees to interact with their peers and collaborate with their teams virtually without affecting their work. 

You can improve the overall employee experience within your organization and add value to your HR processes by integrating your HR service desk with your collaborative platform. This provides your employees with a centralized platform to get their issues addressed and obtain seamless HR support without switching to a different platform. 

The knowledge base within your collaborative platform allows modern HR help desks to be well-versed with your employees' specific needs and preferences, leading to the provision of holistic support. 

  1. Automating The Recruitment Processes

    Companies often deal with several job applications regularly, even when they do not have any vacancies. Going the traditional way, the job of recruitment managers is fairly challenging as they are responsible for picking the most deserving candidates and turning them into valuable employees.

    HRSM automation can be used for streamlining your recruitment processes. Recruitment managers can use an automated HR help desk to segregate the job applications, shortlist the candidates, schedule job interviews, and make the final selection from a single unified platform. It can also be used to provide quick answers to the questions asked by candidates during the recruitment process.

  2. Automating The Remote Employee Onboarding Processes

    Onboarding remote employees is a major challenge for HR managers due to the lack of a personal touch. As the new employees cannot physically interact with the HR professionals, ensuring smooth onboarding becomes a difficult task. You can deal with this issue by automating the onboarding processes and carrying them out using a centralized platform. The modern HR service desk integrated with your collaborative platform helps your HR managers get remote employees onboard by providing them with all essential resources. The platform allows you to compose personalized emails for the new employees and provide them with their respective login credentials for using specific tools/software.

    These personalized emails can be added with a warm welcome note, contact details of the team members, company policies, and every detail required by the employees as they get started with their work.

  3. Streamlined And Anonymous Harassment Reporting

    Employees often hesitate to report instances of workplace violence and other abuses faced by them while working. Modern and automated HRSM allows your employees to share these issues with the HR department while maintaining complete confidentiality and anonymity.

    Modern help desks facilitate easy and streamlined harassment reporting through the collaborative platforms implemented within your organization. As your employees share such instances, HR managers address them using the same platform and take quick and corrective measures to remediate the issue effectively.

  4. Effective Communication Of Employee Roles And Benefits

    Especially for new hires, employees are often not fully aware of the benefits they are entitled to and the role they are required to play within the organization. Lack of effective communication only makes things worse, leading to confusion and chaos.

    Automated HRSM helps you convey the roles and benefits to specific employees through a unified platform. By adding all information to your knowledge base, your employees can obtain all information simply by chatting with the help desk.

  5. Automated Creation And Tracking Of Support Tickets

    Traditional ticketing platforms often proved complicated for employees and agents alike. While non-technical employees struggled with locating the platforms and creating support tickets, untrained agents failed to use the platform to provide personalized support.

    Automated HR helpdesks relieve both parties from the complications of the ticketing system by automating the processes. They allow your employees to create a support ticket simply by chatting with the platform. Once the ticket is created, the help desk would automatically route the case to a dedicated agent and all relevant details about the concerned employee. This allows the agent to look into the matter with enough context and background information.

    When the said issue is resolved, the help desk would automatically close the ticket and record the details of the case in the knowledge base to help the AI-based platform learn. This way, automated HR help desks facilitate seamless ticketing processes without your employees or agents facing any complications.

The Final Word 

These were some of the many ways HRSM can play an important role in tying value to experience. The use of an automated HR help desk allows you to provide wholesome support to your employees, making their journey with your organization fruitful.

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