

How To Auto-Resolve Employee Issues In The Financial Sector With The Smart Ticketing Process?

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How To Auto-Resolve Employee Issues In The Financial Sector With The Smart Ticketing Process?

How To Auto-Resolve Employee Issues In The Financial Sector With The Smart Ticketing Process?

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How To Auto-Resolve Employee Issues In The Financial Sector With The Smart Ticketing Process?
Employee Experience

Finance is one of the sectors in which the need for digitization and process automation has always been high. Whether it is scanning documents, analyzing financial statements, or wealth management, business processes undertaken in a financial institution are often tedious and time-consuming. 

Thanks to digitization, financial institutions have automated and streamlined many of these processes to get the work done quickly and effectively. However, one of the essential processes to be streamlined is that of providing employee support

Employees working in a financial institution are likely to face many issues arising due to a lack of information, less clarity, or confusion. Owing to the sensitivity to the records managed by a financial institution, employees cannot afford to make any mistake in performing their tasks. This calls for a streamlined and automated approach to employee support, provided effectively by modern service desks. 

A modern employee service desk helps employees working in the financial sector auto-resolve their issues without looking for support on multiple platforms and waiting for the agents to resolve their issues from the get-go. 

A modern service desk provides a financial institution with everything its traditional counterpart could not. Before we get into the features that help employees auto-resolve their issues, let us understand the challenges employees face in the financial sector due to traditional service desks. 

Major Challenges Faced By Employees In The Financial Sector

  1. Delayed Employee Support

    Employees working in the financial sectors often require urgent help, especially while undertaking thorough analysis and reporting processes. In such cases, the traditional employee service desks often failed to provide the right support at the right time. This is essential because of placing support agents for providing the first level of support. When you place agents right at the forefront of your service desk, they are bound to get overburdened by support requests coming from employees across the board.

    Having their human limitations, support agents can rarely resolve every single case on time, resulting in unnecessary delays in providing support to the employees.

  2. Lack Of Personalized Support

    When it comes to the financial sector, precision and accuracy matter the most. When an employee working in a financial institution hits a roadblock and needs support, the organization needs to provide them with tailored solutions just for them. However, the traditional employee service desks often stick to providing generic solutions to the issues faced by the employees, adding little value to the investment made by the institution in employee support.

  3. Inconvenience Of The Manual Ticketing System

    Not everyone working in a financial institution would be thorough with the functionality of a manual ticketing system. When employees are provided with a platform that is inconvenient for them to use, it would only add to their current issues. Ultimately, using a manual ticketing system would result in confused employees looking for other ways of getting their questions answered, such as making calls to managers and writing repetitive emails.

  4. Priority Issues

    When every case is routed to the support agents, they are likely to take up the more significant and more complicated issues. While setting priorities is always advisable, such an approach results in employees having fundamental issues waiting to get their questions answered – a process that would otherwise take not more than a few seconds.

    This results in an inconsistent approach to providing the employees working in financial institutions with holistic support.

Auto-resolving Employee Issues Using The Smart Ticketing Process

On implementing the modern employee service desks, financial institutions can help their employees auto-resolve their issues with the help of the smart ticketing process. AI powers this process to provide personalized solutions to the employees without letting the support agents get directly involved.

The smart ticketing system uses conversational AI to allow employees to converse with AI chatbots to resolve their issues. Here, the ticketing process is completely automated, saving the employees from struggling with the ticketing platform. 

Here are some of the major processes involved in auto-resolving employee issues via smart ticketing system

  1. Chatbots Handling The First Level Of Support

    The smart ticketing system involves virtual assistants that guide employees working in a financial institution through the service desk and help them resolve their issues. Instead of getting the support agents involved, the AI service desks allow chatbots to interact with the employees to provide the first level of support.

    Here, an employee must log into the platform and raise a concern with the AI chatbots. The chatbots would immediately scan the knowledge base of the concerned financial institution and come up with the most suitable solution within a few seconds.

    While searching for the solution, AI chatbots understood the context of the question and took all relevant information regarding the concerned employee. This allows the service desk to provide personalized solutions to the concerned employee.

  2. Routing Employee Cases to Support Agents

    In most cases, the basic issues of employees are resolved by the chatbots during the first level of support. However, the smart ticketing system provides employees with an option to get their cases routed to a dedicated support agent. Employees can give the command for doing so by initiating a chat with the virtual assistants. This would allow the service desk to create a support ticket on behalf of the concerned employee automatically. Along with the case, the chatbots would send all relevant details about the employee to provide complete context to the support agent looking into the case.

    While a suitable support agent is handling the case, the modern service desk would track the ticket for the employee and provide them with updates regarding the real-time status of their ticket.

  3. Routing Solutions From Support Agents To The Employees

    Once the support agent has looked into the case and is ready with a personalized solution, the chatbots would communicate the same to the employee on behalf of the support agent. Here, the chatbots act as a connecting link between the employee and the support agent. Once the issue is resolved, and the employee is satisfied with the same, the service desk would automatically close the ticket. Also, all important details about the interaction between the employee and the chatbots would be recorded in the knowledge base to remember specific issues, needs, and preferences.

    This way, a smart ticketing platform automates the entire ticketing process and helps employees working in the financial sector auto-resolve their issues. Such an approach helps organizations make their employees self-reliant in getting their issues resolved without depending on anyone else.

Other Benefits Of A Smart Employee Service Desk For Financial Institutions

Apart from helping employees auto-resolve their issues with the help of a smart ticketing system, here are some other benefits offered by an AI-powered employee service desk to a financial institution: 

  • Onboarding Remote Employees

    For the last two years, many financial institutions have been operating remotely and providing services to their clients virtually. In such a scenario, onboarding employees becomes a somewhat challenging task. A modern service desk helps organizations onboard remote employees by personalizing the process and getting in touch with them through online collaborative platforms. HR managers can send personalized emails to the new remote employees with all relevant details and resources required to start with their new jobs based on the right user persona.

    Right from sending a personalized welcome letter to providing them with login credentials and HR policies, financial institutions can streamline their onboarding processes with the help of a modern service desk.

  • A Microlearning Platform

    Financial institutions may require their employees to learn specific skills to improve their tasks and increase their productivity. A modern service desk allows organizations to provide their employees with an automated microlearning platform to train themselves with ease, comfort, and efficiency.

    All the management needs to do is add training resources into the enterprise knowledge base and let the employee access the same. Further, the smart service desks help organizations increase the retention capacity of their employees by providing them with images, infographics, videos, animations, and other engaging content formats.

  • Obtaining Employee Feedback

    A modern service desk helps financial institutions obtain honest feedback from their employees for their support services. It allows the management to view the feedback from all the employees and analyze the same to make crucial decisions. This way, an organization can remediate the flaws and strengthen the processes that work for the employees.

The Final Word

This is how employees working in the financial sector can auto-resolve their issues and obtain a range of other benefits with the help of a smart ticketing system. Irrespective of their scales of operation, it is advisable for financial institutions to implement modern service desks to boost employee productivity and engagement within the organization.

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