

Top 10 IT Chatbots To Look For In 2023

Service Desk
AI & Automation
Top 10 IT Chatbots To Look For In 2023

Top 10 IT Chatbots To Look For In 2023

Service Desk
AI & Automation
Top 10 IT Chatbots To Look For In 2023

If you've ever visited an IT company's website, you've probably seen that icon in the bottom right corner of the window. It blinks and dings whenever you land on the screen. Moreover, if you return to the webpage, it will always greet you with a text - 'How can I help you?', 'Chat with our agent' or 'Book a demo call' and will always be ready for interaction. That's not a human agent. That's a conversational AI chatbot that is able to have a human-like conversation.  

We cannot deny that ever since the pandemic outbreak, chatbots have become a game-changer for almost every business.

From Fortune 500 to Startups, organizations have started to adopt chatbots with open arms as they help organizations resolve challenges such as face-to-face interactions, reduce fixed costs and address the shortage of employees while returning to work due to its unique customer automation process. This proves that ChatGPT-like ITSM chatbots are the most robust technique an organization can ever use. With these AI chatbots, organizations are saving money and becoming more efficient by reducing their dependence on IT support desk agents or technicians.

Research by Mordor Intelligence states that the chatbot market is anticipated to reach USD 102.29 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 34.75%. 

But it's also true that with several chatbots on the market, each with a different price point and set of features, it can be hard to select the best one. In this blog, we have listed the top 10 IT chatbot providers to watch out for in 2022. If you are looking for the industry's best IT chatbots, this article is a must-read.

Before we begin, let's understand the basics of chatbots.

What is an IT Chatbot?

A chatbot can be defined as a modern technology that is capable of carrying out automated tasks and processes that are crucial for both employees and customer service. Using artificial intelligence-based chatbots, users can replicate conversations by sending automated messages, synthesizing voices, or selecting actions from a menu. Generative AI chatbots are more sophisticated, collaborative, and customized than conventional chatbots, which provide information via pre-set databases, buttons, and links.

According to Forbes, a chatbot is a system that uses technologies like Generative AI and natural language processing (NLP) to give contextualized answers as well as guided support to users through a messaging platform. David Cancel, the CEO of Drift, stated, "Bots and chat make it easier for people to buy the way they want to, when they want to–and that should be the goal of any business." 

But what are IT chatbots? IT chatbots can be defined as modern tech-savvy superheroes who have completely taken over the IT support industries over the past few years. Consider yourself in the middle of a technical issue; your laptop's screen is pixelated, and you're mumbling words that even your spell-checker can't solve. This is where an IT chatbot comes in. 

An AI-enabled IT chatbot is essentially like having a tech expert on speed dial; only you don't have to dial or wait for a response. These chatbots mimic human conversation to comprehend your questions, address your technical difficulties, and provide solutions before you can say "reboot."

It's like having a friendly conversation with an IT professional without the hold music or automatic menu options. IT chatbots are fluent in tech jargon and troubleshooting techniques in addition to your language. They can assist you with problem-solving, step-by-step instructions, providing knowledge about hardware or software, and even helping you reset passwords when they decide to take a trip in your memory.

Let's put a friendly face on this virtual assistant before you start picturing a futuristic robot working at an AI IT helpdesk. Consider them to be that tech-savvy colleague you call when your Wi-Fi goes out. You can rely on this friend to always be there for you, never tire of going over the fundamentals, and not belittle you when you ask, "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

Why are IT Chatbots Gaining Popularity Today?

Due to their capacity to revolutionize and streamline various facets of the information technology landscape, IT chatbots are quickly gaining popularity. One of the main reasons for their popularity is their ability to offer users round-the-clock support and immediate assistance. These chatbots can answer various questions, from general IT-related inquiries to technical troubleshooting and software installations, ensuring that users receive prompt assistance without having to wait for human assistance. By leveraging Generative AI and NLP, IT chatbots can now understand complex technical jargon and nuanced user interactions, improving the overall user experience. describes the growth statistics of chatbots:

  • Since 2019, chatbots have identified 92% growth for companies as brand communication channel
  • So far in 2022, chatbots have been used by 67% of consumers globally
  • By the end of 2023, IT chatbots have been expected to handle 75-90% of bank and healthcare-related inquiries. 

With businesses adopting chatbots into their applications, their consumer-facing goods are growing exponentially. Business Insider states that over 60% of Gen Xers and 59% of millennials are associated with chatbots in the United States. Additionally, chatbots are a form of a "digital assistant," which helps improve the efficiency of businesses. They help by automating the support tasks that are routine tasks, which helps improve employee productivity. Juniper Networks stated that by 2023, IT chatbots can help businesses and users save over 2.5 billion customer and employee service hours. Chatbots will constantly evolve and help brands and businesses provide the best possible service to the end-user.

Upgrade your IT Support Game with IT Helpdesk Chatbot. Schedule Demo Now

What are the Benefits of AI IT Chatbots?

Ensure Real-time Personalized Support

When you deploy a Generative AI chatbot at your workplace, it will keep track of every collaboration made with each employee utilizing a centralized database. These databases enable ChatGPT-like AI chatbots to understand the significance of the queries raised by employees clearly. As a result, chatbots provide personalized answers based on an employee's history of interactions.

Streamline Repetitive IT tasks and Processes

Apart from clearing the doubts and queries of employees, conversational chatbots will help employees automate IT-related tasks and processes that often take too much time. Traditionally, whenever employees encountered difficulty performing IT tasks such as resetting passwords, sending emails, installing software, configuring laptops, and accessing IT documents etc., they were forced to contact IT service desk agents over emails and phone calls. Implementing a conversational chatbot within collaborative platforms like Slack and MS Teams provides all essential information within your knowledge base without any human involvement. All they need to do is just interact with the bot.

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Earlier, most organizations were using traditional service desks that could only provide fragmented and delayed support. This has resulted in a huge drop in employee engagement and employee satisfaction. When you deploy AI IT chatbots, it will empower employees by delivering continuous and seamless support to your employees. With an AI chatbot, employees can easily resolve their issues and streamline their repetitive and time-consuming IT-related tasks and processes rather than being concerned about whom to contact. As a result, employees are truly motivated and encouraged to do their jobs well. When satisfied, employees are likely to stay with your organization for a long time.


Instant Availability of Information

Generative AI chatbots allow employees to access data from a robust enterprise knowledge base. Employees can interact with the bot within MS Teams whenever they come across an issue. The chatbots will quickly access information and knowledge distributed across channels, resulting in a more seamless omnichannel experience. 

Instant Troubleshooting

If you experience a technical issue, you can always turn to IT chatbots for assistance. This ChatGPT-like ITSM chatbot elicits information from you, assesses the problem, and offers solutions more quickly than you could Google "how to fix this."


Recruiting and onboarding a full-time tech support staff can drain your budget faster than a laser printer can print pages. IT chatbots are a practical substitute that will help you save money.

Consistent Assistance

When dealing with human IT support agents or technicians, you might receive various responses to the same query. On the other hand, IT chatbots consistently and accurately deliver information. Chatbots are multitasking experts who can manage several conversations without breaking a sweat. Try doing that without causing a communication breakdown with a human support team.

How Does the IT Helpdesk Use Chatbots For Instant Employee Support?

In this ever-changing work culture, Generative AI chatbots have become a crucial part of the IT helpdesk for transforming their communication and service delivery process to be more efficient and make the employees more productive. Since the trend of remote and hybrid work and digital transformation are on the rise, the use of IT chatbots for IT service desks is becoming imperative. With the help of chatbots, IT helpdesks have helped improve employee efficiency as more employees are working remotely and need reliable technology as well as real-time collaboration. IT service desk chatbots have become the ‘face’ of IT organizations, benefiting their users, employees, business partners, and suppliers by resolving IT incidents and providing IT services like requesting access to certain databases, resetting passwords, policy updates, maintenance, and security practices, etc. 

A research report of Salesforce’s State of Service discloses, “77% of support agents say automating routine tasks allows them to focus on more complex work. This resulted in 67% increased adoption of a chatbot solution by decision-makers in 2020 compared to 2018.”  

IT helpdesk chatbots support employees by helping answer frequently asked questions, solving common issues, or fulfilling requests that are repetitively made to help save the employee’s effort and time and allow them to work on more critical tasks.

We hope now you have a clear understanding of chatbots, its key benefits and its significance. Now, let’s analyze the top IT chatbot providers for 2023. 

Which are the Best IT Chatbots that Offer Instant Employee Support? 

  2. Zendesk
  3. Drift
  5. Freshservice
  6. Freshworks
  7. Tidio
  8. Workato
  9. ChatBot

Let’s check them one by one. is an OpenAI integrated IT helpdesk that works within MS Teams to deliver contextual and personalized employee support and experience and drive up self-service and high levels of auto-resolution with reduced service cost using advanced technologies like Generative AI and Machine Learning. 

At, we focus on auto-resolving employee tickets by 65% and automating the most repetitive and time-consuming IT tasks and processes like configuring laptops, installing new software, checking VPN connectivity, automating desktops, routing employee tickets and configuring workflows etc-freeing up time for more critical tasks or projects.’s IT Helpdesk Chatbots Has Many Features

  • ChatGPT-like ITSM chatbot to provide L1 support
  • Invisible ticketing system to resolve tickets quickly
  • Built-in live chat for L2 and L3 support
  • Quick and easy automation of tasks and workflows
  • "Twitter-Age" knowledge management for right information
  • Desktop automation
  • Smart notification via a collaborative platform like MS Teams
  • No-code automation studio
  • Accessible change management
  • Out-of-the-box integrations with more than 150+ enterprise software

Zendesk is a service-first company that builds software to meet customer needs, keep business in sync, and help team productivity. Zendesk offers an Answer Bot that leverages AI technology to simultaneously answer common customer queries from various channels. Answer Bot can transfer conversations to live agents and organize common requests when required. Powered by AI, Answer Bot ensures that your customers always seem to have a place to go with questions.

Top Features of Zendesk Chatbot

  • Available across collaboration channels like Slack
  • Answer Bot manages human slang thanks to a new language model.
  • Able to gather information
  • Management of multichannel conversations (cases)
  • Real-time reports and analytics
  • Personalize to match your brand's style
  • Contextualize and provide conversation history to agents.
  • Increase customer support
  • Reduce long waits and increase satisfaction.


Drift is a conversation cloud platform that allows businesses to connect with the right people at the right time and place with the right conversation. Drift's conversational AI-enabled chatbot offers personalized customer interactions, enhancing the user experience. It focuses on delivering conversational marketing, sales, and service on a platform that uses chat, video, and email features. 

It offers a personalized experience using AI technology for its customers. Being an AI-powered chatbot, Drift constantly interacts, qualifies, and converts visitors to the right result.

Top Features of Drift Chatbot

  • Live agent for real-time conversation
  • 24/7 custom chatbot to deliver the right information to the customers
  • Conversational AI chatbots to provide insights on correct results
  • Drift Intel to analyze website visitors to boost website visitors
  • Assess and keep track of the performance of key business metrics
  • Understand your website visitors to provide the right experiences is an accelerator that enables businesses to build and launch customized bots using AI technology. AI technology can be used in chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice bots to have simple human-like interactions with customers and employees. With, you will start your enterprise chatbot journey in one day.

Top Features of Chatbot 

  • offers a knowledge base with chatbots to respond to all possible queries.
  • You can define responses to bots using BotCare's conversational system, an HTML-like scripting language. It allows the bot to capture the context of every conversation.
  • With BotCore, you can customize the security settings for your company. It offers security parameters such as user authentication, user authorization, multi-factor authentication, channel authorization, and one-time authorization.
  • BotCare streamlines processes such as training modules, maintenance mode and logs.
  • BotCore allows you to connect several bots in your company to form a network of virtual assistants.


Freshservice is a unified service management solution that allows companies to make their IT operations efficient by delivering delight, improving efficiency, and enhancing more significant ROI.

Top Features of Freshservice Chatbot 

  • Utilize no-code workflows and robust automation to eradicate tedious tasks and manual processes and boost service efficiency
  • Enhance time to resolution, cut costs, and improve visibility by integrating service management on a single platform
  • With Freshservice's no-code platform, you can customize quickly. Receive professional onboarding, migration, and round-the-clock assistance
  • A service management tool powered by artificial intelligence can help your agents by providing suggestions and responses.
  • By incorporating external data and other internal content management systems, you can expand your knowledge beyond IT to produce a potent knowledge base.


Freshworks builds technology that benefits everyone. Organizations can quickly and easily delight their clients and employees, thanks to Freshworks. At Freshworks, they adopt a novel strategy for how organizations find, interact with, and get value from software across the course of their journey. Freshworks builds top-notch technology to make IT operations efficient, improve customer service, and make marketing, HR, and sales jobs easier.

Top Features of Freshworks Chatbot 

  • You can streamline every interaction and give them back control by providing the service they expect through their preferred channel
  • Provide agents with greater context and automation to anticipate consumer demands and recommend the best course of action
  • Allow helpdesk agents to resolve customer queries and doubts with workforce automation and knowledge from a single platform
  • Improve the effectiveness of phone interactions and direct consumers
  • Provide customers with real-time updates via conversational chatbots and streamlined appointment scheduling


Tidio combines the tools of the chatbot and live chat to deliver better customer service and produce more sales. Tidio chat provides the service of connecting multiple communication channels in one place. Tidio reduces the customer support team's workload, helping your helpdesk agents focus on more complex issues.

Top Features of Tidio Chatbots 

  • When you implement Tidio chatbots in your interaction to handle the most repetitive tasks, such as processing returns and monitoring order status
  • Tidio's real-time visitor tracking feature enables users to know what website visitors are searching for so you can connect with them at the appropriate time
  • Tidio makes it easy by enabling you to prioritize and keep track of all your email conversations in one place
  • With Tidio shared inbox, Live chat, email, Instagram, and messenger chats can all be managed centrally by your teams


Workato allows businesses and IT teams to automate their workflow across the cloud and other apps. It allows businesses to come up with real-time outcomes from business events. Workato helps organize a series of human and machine tasks into an end-to-end flow as businesses move from automating tasks to automating entire business processes.

Top Features of Workato Chatbot 

  • With a visually appealing approach, Workato enables more teams in your business to rapidly and easily establish integrations
  • Allow processes to interact across a broad range of enterprise applications
  • When you integrate Workato it allows the brand to achieve seamless brand integration
  • By integrating with collaborative platforms like Slack, your customers will be able to sync data, automate workflows, access web services, and access web services.


ChatBot is an all-in-one software solution that develops conversational chatbots without coding. ChatBot provides contextualized answers to the user's questions using AI technology. When businesses use ChatBot, it provides better customer service; and helps customers accomplish simple tasks and receive repetitive questions without the help of a human agent.

Top Features of ChatBot

  • Personalized customer experience
  • Manage a large volume of inquiries quickly and increase team productivity
  • Integrate a multichannel sales strategy to obtain more clients through conversations
  • Promote the activities of your sales staff and generate new sales prospects
  • Provide an enhanced knowledge base that makes it easier for employees to find the information they need whenever they want to contact your company

Haptik helps brands build smart Virtual Assistants that guide the customer through their entire journey of purchase to support without the need for a human support agent. Therefore, helping their brands improve their employee efficiency and increase revenues.

Top Features of Chatbot

  • AI-driven Analytics to obtain company insights by utilizing Smart Funnels, AI recommendations, CSAT, and NPS to access real-time conversation data
  • Provide robust out-of-the-box integrations to combine all of your customer experience technologies and deliver enhanced customer experience 


 With technological advances, AI chatbots will play a more integral role in shaping IT support and user interaction in the future. There is no doubt that implementing a ChatGPT-like ITSM chatbot is an excellent way for businesses if they want to enhance employee efficiency and provide excellent customer service. These AI chatbots help organizations provide real-time and personalized employee support and save time and resources while still enhancing their efforts to improve customer service. This high level of automation will make organizations thrive and grow.

For instance, a study by IBM found that AI chatbots can resolve 80% of common user inquiries. Another study by Juniper Research states that chatbots could save companies more than $8 billion in annual costs. This means IT chatbots are the virtual friends you need by your side if you want to boost your employee productivity, customer service, IT support, or just add a little tech-driven magic to your day-to-day operations. 

If you are looking for the top business-specific ChatGPT-like AI chatbot, is the perfect pitch.

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How can IT chatbots elevate employee support?
AI-enabled IT chatbots help businesses provide instant, personalized and round-the-clock support to employees. It addresses repetitive IT queries, troubleshoots time-consuming technical issues, delivers self-service resources, and streamlines submitting IT tickets.

What advantages come with using IT chatbots for employee support?

IT chatbots offer various advantages like 

  • Round-the-clock accessibility
  • Quicker response times
  • Reliable IT support
  • Reduced workload for IT support agents or technicians
  • Personalized IT help
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Rapid issue resolution

Can IT chatbots solve complex technical issues? 

While IT chatbots are great at handling repetitive and common tasks, they might have trouble with complex problems. They can still gather pertinent data and, if required, escalate the issue to actual IT support agents.

Which IT tasks are chatbots capable of handling?

An IT chatbot leverages the power of Generative AI, machine learning (ML) and NLP technologies to handle various IT tasks, including software installations, network connectivity issues, password resets, accessing IT policies, recommending software, and responding to frequently asked questions.

Does the use of IT chatbots impact IT support agents?

IT chatbots can free up IT support agents from repetitive tasks so they can concentrate on more challenging and strategic projects. This improves the IT department's efficiency and helps with better resource allocation.

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