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Ticketing 2.0 Customizing Inbox layout

Collapsible side panels

You have the ability to collapse the left to give you more space in the ticketing detail panel.

Click on the arrow pointing to the left to collapse the left panel.

Resize Left Panel

In addition, you can resize the left panel to control the width of it. Hover your mouse on the gray line between the left and middle panels, a blue line will show up with a left/right arrow, drop the bar until the left panel is at your desired size.

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Ticketing 2.0 Customizing Inbox layout

Collapsible side panels

You have the ability to collapse the left to give you more space in the ticketing detail panel.

Click on the arrow pointing to the left to collapse the left panel.

Resize Left Panel

In addition, you can resize the left panel to control the width of it. Hover your mouse on the gray line between the left and middle panels, a blue line will show up with a left/right arrow, drop the bar until the left panel is at your desired size.

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