

How to Measure Student Satisfaction and Elevate it with AI

AI & Automation
AI Service Desk
How to Measure Student Satisfaction and Elevate it with AI

How to Measure Student Satisfaction and Elevate it with AI

AI & Automation
AI Service Desk
How to Measure Student Satisfaction and Elevate it with AI
Service Desk

In this era of technological advancement, the education sector finds itself at the forefront of a new wave, with Generative AI and automation making significant strides. A stunning report by Technavio states that the AI market in the education sector is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 41.14% between 2022 and 2027. The market size is forecast to rise by USD 1,100.07 million, highlighting the escalating power of AI in shaping the future of education. So what does this tell? As universities strive to enhance student satisfaction and reduce attrition rates, they're shifting towards innovative tools like educational service desks powered by Generative AI and automation. 

However, it is critical to remember the distinct challenges faced by students in universities that rely on legacy support systems. From tolerating frustrating delays in accessing support to wrestling with unanswered queries and steering through inefficient administrative processes, these burdens present formidable barriers to academic progress and overall satisfaction.

In this blog, we will look into the exciting journey of measuring student satisfaction and driving it to new heights through the lens of Generative AI-enabled solutions. 

GenAI-powered Educational Service Desk: The New Era

Undoubtedly, the state of AI in education is rapidly evolving, and one highly relevant application is the implementation of a modern educational service desk like that can redefine student satisfaction and employees of your institution. So, what is 

Let me answer that is a modern AITSM solution integrated with Microsoft Teams that automates employee support by auto-resolving user queries. It functions as a GenAI-powered educational service desk that has the power to elevate end-user (student) experience by auto-resolving most of their repetitive issues without the help of a human support agent. 

Since's modern educational service desk is integrated with collaborative tools like Microsoft Teams, your users don't need to switch between multiple tools or interfaces. It efficiently handles student inquiries, troubleshoots technical issues, streamlines resource allocation, and provides quick, accurate responses to various queries without human intervention. It's like having a dedicated support agent that's available around the clock, never asking for a raise or a day off. Now that's fascinating, right? 

Why Should Educational Institutes Invest in GenAI Service Desk?

Investing in a GenAI-powered educational service desk is an investment in the future success of educational institutions. 

Here, I have compiled a list of reasons why your universities should deploy a GenAI educational service desk:

  • Enterprise service management
    ESM involves implementing distinct service desks for admissions, examinations, accommodations, athletics, and catering, each equipped with ESM capabilities. It enables your institution to gain access to a unified self-service portal, simplifying service requests and issue reporting across various departments. ESM also facilitates system user management, authorization, and portal configuration.
  • Smart Knowledge Management 
    A GenAI-enabled educational service desk captures and analyzes data related to student tickets, repetitive issues, and behavior. Educational support agents can use this information to determine patterns, proactively address the student's tickets, and continuously improve the quality of the services. With a robust knowledge base within the integrated MS Teams, offering access to campus guides, solutions for common IT problems, and do-it-yourself articles.
  • GenAI-led Automation
    Automation in educational service desks automates repetitive and time-consuming processes, reducing student and faculty ticket response times. It efficiently handles everyday tasks, such as student account management, enrollment, and IT support, freeing support agents or technicians to focus on complex issues and providing a more responsive, efficient service to the educational community.
  • Asset management
    Asset management involves the organized tracking, maintaining, and optimizing various resources critical to the institution. These assets range from technology equipment, such as computers and projectors, to academic materials and faculty expertise. Effective asset management in an educational setting leads to cost efficiency, risk mitigation, and enhanced resource utilization, ultimately contributing to a more productive and successful learning environment.
  • Integration
    Integration within an educational service desk refers to combining various systems, software, and tools to create a unified and efficient support ecosystem. It allows for harmonizing functions like student records, communication, and IT services, streamlining administrative tasks and enhancing user experience. Integration in this context improves data accuracy, reduces redundancy, and empowers educational institutions to provide more responsive and comprehensive support to students and faculty.

How Does the GenAI Service Desk for the Education Sector Boost Student Satisfaction? 

Universities are increasingly adopting AI-powered service desks because of their ability to elevate students' satisfaction in several ways, such as: 

  • Round-the-clock Availability and Instant Responses
    Unlike legacy service desks with limited operating hours, these GenAI-driven service desk systems are accessible anytime of the day or night. This feature particularly benefits students and faculty members with diverse schedules and needs. Whether a student has a critical question at midnight or requires assistance during the weekend, the GenAI-powered educational service desk provides immediate responses.
    This instant access to support reduces frustration and ensures that students receive assistance when they need it most, significantly elevating satisfaction levels.
  • Consistency and Accuracy
    One key benefit of investing in the GenAI service desk for the education sector is its ability to provide consistent and accurate information and support. Unlike human support agents who may provide varying service levels due to factors like fatigue or limited knowledge, GenAI systems offer unwavering reliability. They can be programmed to deliver precise answers and solutions to common queries and issues, ensuring that all students receive the same high-quality service.
    Consistency is a cornerstone of satisfaction, as students can rely on the service desk to consistently meet their needs, irrespective of when they seek assistance.
  • Personalization
    Personalization is a driving force in enhancing student satisfaction, and GenAI-powered service desks excel in this aspect. These systems can harness data to understand student needs, preferences, and history. By doing so, they offer tailored solutions and support. 

    For instance, if a student frequently asks about course registration but rarely inquiries about financial aid, the AI system can prioritize course registration-related support. This personal touch ensures students feel heard and valued, increasing satisfaction rates. Students appreciate when their unique needs are acknowledged and addressed, and GenAI systems facilitate precisely that.
  • Elevates Efficiency
    GenAI's automation capabilities are a game-changer in educational service desks. Repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as password resets, class registration, and basic information queries, can be efficiently handled by the GenAI system. This automation streamlines processes, reducing the workload of human agents and allowing them to concentrate on more personalized interactions with students. As a result, students experience faster and more efficient service. 
  • Scalability
    Educational institutions often experience fluctuations in student enrollment, making it a challenge to meet the increasing demand for support services. GenAI-powered service desks address this issue effectively. These systems are easily scalable and capable of handling a more significant number of students without a commensurate increase in human resources. They adapt seamlessly to fluctuating demands, ensuring service quality remains consistent even as the student population grows. This scalability is essential for educational institutions, as it allows them to maintain high levels of student satisfaction, regardless of their size.
  • Data Analytics and Informed Decision-Making
    GenAI systems are equipped with the ability to analyze data derived from student interactions. This data-driven approach allows educational institutions to identify common issues, trends, and improvement areas. Institutions can take proactive measures to enhance their service desk's performance by examining this valuable information. It also allows for the implementation of targeted improvements that directly address the issues faced by students. The continuous process of analyzing data, identifying pain points, and taking corrective actions contributes to a more efficient and student-centric service desk, boosting student satisfaction.
  • Multilingual Support
    Many educational institutions cater to a diverse student population that includes international students. In such cases, language barriers can create obstacles in providing effective support. GenAI-powered service desks can overcome this challenge by offering multilingual support. These systems can communicate with students in multiple languages, accommodating the diverse linguistic needs of the students and staff body. This level of inclusivity is crucial in creating an environment where all students and staff, regardless of their language background, feel supported and satisfied with the service they receive.
  • Reduced Wait Time
    Long wait times for assistance are a common source of frustration for students. Traditional service desks may have limited capacity and, as a result, students often experience delays in getting the help they need. GenAI-powered service desks alleviate this issue by efficiently handling routine queries and tasks. With automation taking care of the basic inquiries, human agents can focus their attention on more complex and urgent issues. This reduces wait times and ensures students receive prompt assistance, ultimately leading to higher satisfaction levels.
  • Cost-Effectiveness
    While an initial investment is associated with implementing GenAI systems, they can ultimately reduce operational costs. By automating tasks and improving the efficiency of human staff, these systems can help institutions manage their resources more effectively. This cost-effective approach allows institutions to redirect funds to other critical areas of education while still providing top-notch support to students. When students see that their institution is managing its resources wisely and investing in their well-being, it can positively impact their satisfaction. 

State on AI in Increasing Student Satisfaction 

  • With a remarkable 91% accuracy rate, AI-enhanced chatbots have proven to be an invaluable resource for offering personalized assistance and guidance to students
    The University of Murcia in Spain made headlines when it adopted an AI-powered chatbot to address student queries related to campus facilities and academic programs. To the astonishment of administrators, the chatbot exhibited an impressive level of competence, correctly responding to more than
    38,708 questions, achieving a success rate of over 91%. It's worth noting that this achievement occurred before the advent of systems like ChatGPT, and we can anticipate even more significant advancements in such metrics in the future.
  • In the next three years, it's expected that more than 47% of learning management tools will harness the power of AI
    The future of education is evolving rapidly, with expectations that AI will be integrated into approximately 47% of learning management tools by 2024. This integration will empower educators to deliver personalized learning experiences to every student, seamlessly combining the foundational curriculum with a diverse range of supplementary materials made possible through AI assistance.
  • AI technology allows teachers to reallocate 20-40% of their time to activities promoting student learning
    Recent research indicates that roughly 20 to 40 percent of teachers' time is dedicated to tasks that can be automated through AI technology. This equates to approximately 13 hours each week that educators could redirect towards endeavors that enhance student achievement and increase job satisfaction. In essence, this research underscores the potential for existing technology to enable teachers to reallocate a substantial portion, between 20 and 40 percent, of their time to activities that contribute to the advancement of student learning.
  • A whopping 99.4% of 509 higher education institutions in the United States anticipate that artificial intelligence (AI) will be pivotal in enhancing their competitiveness over the next three years
    99.4% of 509 higher education institutions across the United States are looking to artificial intelligence (AI) as a linchpin for elevating their competitive edge in the coming three years. This overwhelming consensus underscores the growing recognition of AI's transformative potential in shaping the future of education and learning, promising to revolutionize how these institutions operate and cater to the evolving needs of students and educators.
  • The generative AI market is poised for substantial growth, projected to increase from $11.3 billion in 2023 to $51.8 billion by 2028, with a remarkable 76.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
    The generative AI market is on the cusp of significant expansion, with projections indicating a surge from $11.3 billion in 2023 to a staggering $51.8 billion by 2028. This remarkable growth trajectory is underpinned by a notable
    76.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), reflecting the rising prominence of generative AI technologies across various sectors and industries.
  • According to Global Market Insights, the AI market in education is predicted to surpass $80 billion by 2030, experiencing a 20% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2032
    As per Global Market Insights, the AI market within the realm of education is anticipated to exceed $80 billion by 2030. This remarkable ascent is underpinned by a robust 20% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) projected to span from 2023 to 2032. It signifies the growing influence of AI in reshaping educational landscapes, offering transformative possibilities for both institutions and learners.
  • According to a report by Markets and Markets, the worldwide adoption of AI in education is anticipated to reach $3,683.5 million by 2023
    A report from Markets and Markets projects that the global implementation of AI in education is poised to reach a substantial $3,683.5 million by 2023. This signifies the increasing significance of AI in the education sector, offering innovative solutions and advancements in how we learn and teach.
  • AI in US K-12 education, per the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, enhances learning through personalization and accessibility
    Based on findings from the US Department of Education's Office of Educational Technology, it's evident that AI holds the promise of enhancing K-12 education across the United States. AI's transformative potential lies in its capacity to offer customized learning experiences, catering to individual students' unique preferences and requirements.
    Furthermore, AI can furnish instant feedback on assignments and responses to queries and expand students' access to a wealth of educational materials and resources. This signifies a shift towards more dynamic and adaptive educational environments, fostering improved engagement, comprehension, and academic growth among K-12 students nationwide.


Choosing a modern Generative AI-enabled educational service desk like is a revolutionary step into the helpdesk solutions of the future, not just a calculated strategic move. is the spark that ignites a revolution in the support agents and student experience at your institute in a time when smooth, personalized support is essential to a flourishing academic community.

Now, think of a support structure that surpasses traditional practices and adjusts to the distinct requirements of every involved party. 
You're getting more than just a platform when you invest in; you're getting a potent GenAI-based helpdesk solution that will change how staff and students interact. Universities are better able to meet their academic community's changing demands because of's personalized and immediate help, quicker response times, and priceless data insights.

Enhance Efficiency, Elevate Satisfaction with Schedule a Demo Now


1. What is a GenAI-powered educational service desk?

GenAI-powered educational service desk is a robust solution that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to deliver automated assistance and service to students, tending to their questions and issues.

2. How can an AI enhance the student's satisfaction?

Implementing a GenAI-powered Educational Service Desk in universities can provide 24/7 availability, rapid response times, and individualized assistance, resulting in quicker query resolution and more convenient student satisfaction and overall experience.

3. What kinds of inquiries can a GenAI-powered educational service desk address?

GenAI-powered educational service desk can handle many questions related to admissions, course registration, financial aid, campus facilities, academic resources, and more.

4. Will AI replace the human support agents of the university?

No, an AI service desk for universities is designed to supplement human support agents, not supplant them. It can manage routine and repetitive inquiries, freeing human agents to focus on more intricate and specialized tasks.

5. How does a GenAI-powered educational service desk offer individualized support to students?

GenAI-powered educational service desk utilizes Generative AI and automation  to analyze student data and preferences, enabling it to furnish tailored responses and recommendations according to individual requirements.

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