

Top 15 Conversational AI Platforms for 2024

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Top 15 Conversational AI Platforms for 2024

Top 15 Conversational AI Platforms for 2024

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Top 15 Conversational AI Platforms for 2024

It's no secret that global businesses and customers are leveraging new technologies to communicate in this age of digital transformation. In this ever-evolving world, the demand for automated or self-service operations has rapidly increased as a result of both customers' and employees' desire for omnichannel services that are accessible 24/7. A report from ITPro states that by the end of 2025, more than 95% of end-user interactions will be handled by conversational AI platforms like modern IT helpdesks, smart chatbots or virtual assistants, which indicates that conversational AI platforms are here to stay and dominate future workplaces.

Advanced GenAI solutions such as ChatGPT-like AI chatbots can assist businesses in addressing these constantly changing needs of customers and employees. However, a common complaint from users who communicate with intelligent chatbots are, that they occasionally fail to grasp the context of conversations. A study by Search Engine Journal found that 43% of users think chatbots need to understand better what users are asking for or looking for. This is where conversational AI can be used.

This article will discuss the importance of conversational AI tools in this evolving work culture and the top 15 conversational AI platforms that will redefine future workplaces.

Before that, let’s start from the basis.

What is Conversational AI?

Conversational AI is an advanced technology that enables machines to have natural, human-like conversations with people. It is powered by AI, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms that allow machines to understand and respond to human language. It works by processing the user’s input, analyzing it for intent and sentiment, and then using the results to generate a response. The response is typically generated using a set of predefined rules or from a database of pre-existing responses. It is often used to automate employees’ and customers’ service tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, providing personalized support or automating time-consuming processes.  

How is Conversational AI Different from Chatbots?

  • AI-powered chatbots rely solely on predefined rules or predetermined responses, while conversational AI is powered by more advanced algorithms that enable it to understand the user’s intent and context.
  • Chatbot personalization may be limited and based on user profiles or already defined data, but it is frequently simplistic and lacking in sophistication. By learning from user interactions and customizing responses based on user preferences and behavior, conversational AI systems can provide advanced personalization. Conversations become more relevant and interesting as a result.
  • Chatbots are typically used for more basic tasks such as providing information or FAQs, while conversational AI is more suitable for complex tasks such as customer support and sales.
  • Chatbots are often limited to text-based conversations, while conversational AI is capable of understanding and responding to input from various sources, including voice, text, and images.
  • Chatbots can be scripted and do not require any machine learning, while conversational AI requires advanced machine learning algorithms.
  • Chatbots are typically used for simpler tasks and are less conversational, while conversational AI is designed to provide more sophisticated conversations and can handle complex tasks.
  • Conversational AI offers natural conversations between people and computer systems by utilizing cutting-edge speech recognition and cognitive response systems. It can be integrated into IVR, voice-led communication channels, messaging platforms, mobile apps, and a number of other channels.

Insightful Conversational AI Statistics

  • 77% of agents believe that automation tools will enable them to finish more complicated tasks, according to Salesforce's The State of Service Research report. The majority of employees work in different time zones, so it is impossible to resolve all of their issues promptly. Agents cannot answer help desk questions 24 hours a day. Conversational AI chatbots can be extremely useful in this situation.
  • Did you know that employees spend 16% of their time on collaboration and internal communication, and more than 19% of their time on information gathering and research?
  • As reported by Bloomfire, conversational AI can cut down on the time spent on these tasks by enabling users to address problems immediately.
  • Assume your business has 1,000 employees, and the inefficiencies in your onboarding process will cost you $253,000. According to a Panopto report, if you have 100,000 employees, you could lose $25 million. Conversational AI chatbots that can hold a conversation make onboarding simple. 

Statistics of Conversational AI Market

  • By 2026, the market for conversational AI is projected to be worth $18.4 billion.
  • By 2023, it is anticipated that chatbot usage will save five billion hours.
  • According to a report from MIT Technology Review, conversational AI chatbots have significantly improved complaint resolution, call processing, and customer and employee satisfaction for more than 90% of businesses.
  • Conversational AI bots and NLP, according to Venture Beat, can help businesses save up to $1 million annually on customer service expenses.
  • By using chatbots for customer service, the banking, retail, and healthcare industries could save more than $11 billion annually.
  • 68% of customers think conversational AI bots can solve problems quickly.
  • By 2023, retail conversational AI systems are anticipated to account for over 70% of chatbot conversations.

How Conversational AI Boost Employee Productivity?

Indeed, employees appreciate solutions that can provide quick employee support and experience in this era of immediate satisfaction because it allows them to respond rapidly to their problems rather than wading through a series of inefficient phone calls, emails, or lengthy other procedures. According to a BusinessWire report, more than 50% of employees who are looking for solutions for customers complain that they cannot find the information they require. 

Employees prefer a simple messenger-like platform that allows them to engage and address concerns as quickly as feasible. Finding solutions is made simple by conversational AI chatbots.

Elevating Support and Experience: NYC-DOB's Journey with’s ‘AI Chatbot’

For example, assume a newly joined remote employee wants to learn more about workplace policies, dress codes, or other work-related documents. Instead of scheduling a call with an HR helpdesk agent or sifting through a stack of documentation, they can just ask the inquiry in the conversational AI chatbot. It understands the request, retrieves the data, and displays the response in seconds.
Consider accomplishing the same thing without the assistance of conversational AI platforms like modern GenAI helpdesks. An AI chatbot that works within a modern service desk can quickly gather information from numerous sources and provide the right help at the right time to the employees. Employees who get personalized and quick employee support will perform better, increasing employee productivity and organizational ROI.

Benefits of Conversational AI for Employee Support  

Increased Employee Satisfaction

Conversational AI can provide employees with on-demand support, enabling them to get the answers they need quickly and efficiently. This can result in improved employee satisfaction with the support they receive, as well as improved morale.

Increased Work  Efficiency

By automating certain tasks that human support agents currently handle, conversational AI can help businesses save time and money. This can be particularly beneficial for larger companies that manage many employee inquiries.

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Improved User Experience

Conversational AI can provide a more personalized experience for employees, which can help create better relationships between employees and employers. This can help increase employee engagement and loyalty.

Improved Accuracy

Conversational AI-powered chatbots can provide employees with accurate answers to their questions and inquiries. This can help reduce the number of mistakes made in employee service and support, saving businesses time and money.

Reduce Costs

By automating specific tasks with conversational AI, businesses can save money on overhead costs associated with hiring and training new support agents. This can help reduce operational costs, freeing up resources to invest in other business areas.

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Conversational AI Use Case to Watch Out For in 2023

Onboarding Support

AI chatbots can assist new hires with their onboarding. They can inform new hires about company policies, benefits, and necessary forms, ensuring a quick and easy transition.

Instant Issue Resolution

Employees can use conversational AI platforms to get answers to their questions anytime, anywhere. With these tools, users do not need to directly contact a support agent since they are able to receive responses within less than 20 seconds. 


Employees can use conversational AI to access self-service features. This includes making time-off requests, reviewing pay stubs, and updating personal data, all without requiring face-to-face communication.

Training and Development

Conversational AI platforms can suggest training programs and materials based on a worker's job role and career objectives, aiding their professional development.

Policies and Compliance

Conversational AI can guarantee that staff members are aware of and follow corporate policies and legal compliance requirements. It can respond to inquiries about morality and workplace rules. 

Employee Feedback

Employee survey responses can be gathered by conversational AI platforms, allowing HR teams to assess employee satisfaction and make data-driven improvements.

Customer Service

Automated chatbots for customer service can be created using conversational AI to assist customers with their purchases, answer their questions, and point them in the right direction.

Virtual Assistants

Conversational AI can be applied to developing consumer- and business-oriented virtual assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa. These virtual assistants can assist with scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and playing music.

Automated Market Research

Automated market research can be carried out using conversational AI to understand consumer needs and preferences better.

Automated Sales

Conversational AI can be used to create automated sales bots that interact with potential clients, inform them about the products, and assist them in making decisions. 

Now that you understand conversational AI platforms and their use cases, let’s look at the best-in-class conversational AI tools.

15 Top Conversational AI Platforms

  5. Zendesk
  7. Aisera
  8. ServiceNow
  9. Moveworks
  11. IBM Watsonx Assistant
  12. Google Dialogflow
  13. Amazon Lex
  14. Rasa
  15. Conversational Cloud

Now, let’s check them one by one. is a Generative AI-powered modern service desk that can be integrated within collaborative platforms like Microsoft Teams to provide wholesome support to employees. Being a next-generation service desk, provides contextual and personalized employee support via its conversational ChatGPT-like AI chatbot, delivering help in seconds and driving up self-service and high levels of auto-resolution with reduced service cost using Generative AI and Machine Learning. 

Using out-of-the-box automation skills, this conversational AI platform helps achieve low incident response times, outstanding auto resolution rates, and higher CSATs. also hides the ticketing system by providing interactive front-end support through chatbots.

Unleash the Power of Conversational AI in Your Business is a leading customer support automation platform in the world. It enables companies to provide wonderful customer service through a variety of channels, including voice, WhatsApp, Instagram, the Web, and in-app, among supports the automation of support functions in the retail, E-Commerce, BFSI, Education, Logistics, and OTA sectors. helps enterprises build exceptional employee experiences via an AI-enabled conversational platform. It automatically answers employee queries, streamlines day-to-day HR operations, quickly resolves employee tickets, and manages employee requests on the go. is also equipped with employee engagement software that assesses the engagement level of your employees throughout their lifecycle. It helps you identify and resolve recurring problems faced by your employees, measure employee sentiment, predict attrition, and analyze each factor that drives employee engagement. helps brands acquire, convert, engage, and delight users with AI-driven, personalized, conversational experiences across 20 channels and 100+ languages.'s leading clients and partners include KFC, Whirlpool, Starhub, HP, Reliance Jio, CEAT, Disney Hotstar, OLA, and Zurich Insurance, among others. The company has been featured as a category leader across many platforms, including Gartner, G2, Opus Research, & more.


Zendesk is a service-first business that creates software to satisfy client needs, maintain business continuity, and boost team productivity. Zendesk offers Answer Bot, which makes use of AI technology to respond to frequent customer questions from multiple channels at once. When necessary, Answer Bot can transfer conversations to live agents and streamline routine requests. With the help of AI, Answer Bot makes sure that your clients feel as though they can ask questions at any time.

Avaamo is a conversational AI platform built to automate every conversation an end user can have with the enterprise. The Avaamo platform is battle tested and has been deployed in a multitude of environments, use cases, and industries. It is powered by the latest innovations in neural networks, speech synthesis, and deep learning and comes with no-code dialogue management features.


Aisera provides the first proactive, personalized, and predictive AI-powered experience solution that automates HR, IT, sales, and customer service operations and support. With user and service behavioral intelligence that drives end-to-end automation of tasks, actions, and business processes, Aisera accelerates the digital transformation journey. Zoom, Workday, Amgen, McAfee, Autodesk, Chegg,, 8x8, and others are among our enterprise customers.


By streamlining and automating routine work tasks, ServiceNow's cloud-based workflow automation platform helps enterprise organizations increase operational efficiencies. ServiceNow's service catalog is a comprehensive online database of IT services and the components that go into providing those services. The platform's four main service management features are self-service, event management, workflow automation, and service catalog.


Moveworks is a conversational AI platform that enables leaders to foresee issues and provide assistance to employees in a matter of seconds by simply asking for what they need. Businesses like Hearst, DocuSign, and Broadcom create work magic with Moveworks. To find the new HR policy, employees today must search through dozens of systems, wait days for IT support, and wait until it's too late to find out about important changes.

Enterprise-grade conversational AI platform Experience Optimization (XO) Platform enables businesses to automate employee and customer interactions. The multi-engine NLP approach used by the platform accurately and quickly ascertains the user's intent. Pre-built integrations with popular enterprise systems accelerate time-to-market. It makes it possible to communicate with your customers and employees in more than 100 languages through more than 35 voice and digital channels.

IBM Watsonx Assistant

IBM Watsonx Assistant is a conversational AI chatbot that aims to elevate customer and employee experience. This platform provides natural language understanding and generation, enabling it to comprehend user inquiries and produce human-like responses. It is utilized in numerous industries for customer service, sales, and other purposes.

Google Dialogflow

Google's Dialogflow is a platform for building chatbots in the cloud that offers powerful natural language processing and integration with Google Cloud services. It is frequently used to build chatbots for web and mobile applications. With virtual agents that support multi-turn conversations with supplementary questions and are constructed using the deep learning technologies that power Google Assistant, you can provide more natural customer experiences.

Amazon Lex

The Amazon Lex service enables applications to have conversational user interfaces. It uses deep learning for natural language understanding and is integrated with Amazon Web Services (AWS), comprehends intent, maintains context, and automates straightforward tasks. 

You can create and deploy omnichannel conversational AI with just one click without worrying about hardware or infrastructure.


Rasa is a conversational AI platform that allows users to create and deploy advanced AI assistants. Rasa collaborates with some of the biggest brands in the world to automate conversational interactions. It provides data privacy, security, and scalability for businesses of all sizes.

Conversational Cloud

By analyzing each conversational interaction, the Conversational Cloud enables marketers to understand their customers in-depth and take appropriate action. Being a conversational AI tool, it accesses and analyzes all of your voice and messaging data to better understand what customers want and how they feel.

What Makes the Best Conversational AI Platform? is the best bet Gen AI-powered service desk that works within MS Teams because of its comprehensive suite of conversational AI features like ChatGPT-like AI chatbot and Generative AI-powered automation. 

Being a modern GenAI service desk, is focused on delivering instant employee support and experience by auto-resolving more than 65% of employee issues and tickets. 

At, we believe in “auto-resolving” most of the time-consuming IT and HR-related repetitive issues, tasks or processes employees face. Employees can get support within seconds by just having a conversation with the’s ChatGPT-like AI Chatbot that is integrated within MS Teams.With, employees can quickly help themselves by getting answers to their questions, creating new incident or service requests, checking the status of existing tickets or accomplishing repetitive tasks or processes just by interacting with within MS Teams.

Organizations can automate their IT and HR processes and tasks, provide elevated employee experience and increase support staff’s efficiency by switching over to’s modern service desk. 

What Offers? 


Needless to say, artificial intelligence and its subsets like conversational AI and Generative AI are enabling new levels of human-like communication with machines due to its contextual understanding, personalization, and adaptability.The future is brighter than ever in this conversational AI era, offering limitless opportunities for innovation and change.

By 2024, organizations of all sizes will have access to smarter and more automated platforms with conversational AI, allowing for streamlined business processes and a more efficient virtual workplace.Implementing technologies like GenAI and conversational AI platforms will enable organizationsto stay ahead of the curve and make the transition to the digital world that much easier. 

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1. What are conversational AI platforms?

A conversational AI platform is a software tool that provides interaction between computers and users that is natural and human-like. To comprehend and produce human language, these platforms employ a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing (NLP).

2. What are the types of conversational AI?

Here are some of the most common types of conversational AI. Chatbots, virtual assistants, messaging apps, voice interfaces, e-commerce assistants, virtual tours etc.

3. What is the future of conversational AI?

The future of conversational AI is expected to see advancements in natural language understanding, context awareness, emotional intelligence, and multi-modal interactions (combining text, voice, and visuals). Conversational AI will likely play a more significant role in various industries, transforming customer experiences, virtual assistance, and human-machine interactions.

4. How can conversational AI be implemented?

Implementing conversational AI involves several steps, including designing the conversation flow, selecting appropriate technology frameworks or platforms, training the AI models, integrating with relevant systems or APIs, and deploying the conversational interface on websites, messaging platforms, or mobile apps.

Custom development or leveraging existing conversational AI platforms can be options depending on the requirements.

5. What are the benefits of conversational AI?

Conversational AI offers several benefits, including improved customer service, increased efficiency, 24/7 availability, personalized interactions, reduced costs, and scalability. It can help businesses automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and provide better user experiences by enabling natural and interactive conversations with users.

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