

AI in ITSM: How 75% of Organizations are Streamlining Service Desk Processes?

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AI in ITSM: How 75% of Organizations are Streamlining Service Desk Processes?

AI in ITSM: How 75% of Organizations are Streamlining Service Desk Processes?

Service Desk
Employee Experience
AI & Automation
AI in ITSM: How 75% of Organizations are Streamlining Service Desk Processes?

As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, organizations are looking for ways to improve their IT Service Management (ITSM) processes to keep up with the demands of modern business. One solution that has gained significant traction in recent years is using AI in ITSM to streamline service desk operations. Imagine a corporate world where innovation and efficiency coexist, and your service desk becomes a symphony of streamlined procedures, all directed by the innovative power of artificial intelligence. 

In this blog, we will make a startling discovery that has the potential to improve service desk operations to previously unheard-of levels significantly. It may shock you that 75% of organizations have already begun the journey towards transforming their service desks with AI. Yes, you did hear me correctly! The winds of change are blowing, and the sails of AI are carrying these organizations forward towards a time when IT service desk processes are not just effective but downright revolutionary.

AI in ITSM can revolutionize how businesses function by automating repetitive IT tasks and time-consuming processes, providing more personalized support, and predicting and preventing issues before they occur. From quick response times to improved employee satisfaction, AI-powered IT helpdesks are transforming how organizations handle IT support. If you're interested in learning how AI brings new life to service desk functionalities, you're in for a treat. This blog will explore the potential benefits of Generative AI in ITSM, examine its profound implications, and reveal tactics that can equip you to take advantage of this wave of innovation. 

What is AI in IT Service Management (AITSM)?

Imagine a world where your IT service desk is never overwhelmed with tickets, your service requests are resolved in minutes instead of hours, and your IT team has all the information they need at their fingertips. That's the power of AI in ITSM. Leveraging ITSM automation can enable organizations to streamline their IT operations, minimize human errors, and enhance the precision of data. By automating mundane and repetitive tasks, IT professionals and support agents can dedicate their time and skills to resolving intricate problems, thus elevating their output. Furthermore, automated reporting and analytics empower organizations to extract meaningful insights from their service desk operations and make well-informed decisions to enhance their services continuously.

Leveraging the power of AI chatbots, a robust ITSM platform offers employees personalized support and knowledgeable help. Data patterns and trends can be found to anticipate and stop IT problems before they start. Additionally, integrating AI in ITSM helps organizations to automate repetitive IT tasks like password reset, software installations, document access etc, by giving IT support agents or technicians more time to concentrate on important tasks. For businesses aiming to increase the effectiveness and productivity of their IT operations, AI in ITSM is a game-changer. Organizations can deliver faster, more dependable, and more personalized IT support and services to their employees and consumers by adopting AI, which will help them stay a step ahead of the competition in today's rapidly evolving digital scene. 

How does AI in ITSM work?

Simply put, AI in IT service management (AITSM) is the integration of advanced AI technologies into ITSM. AI in ITSM leverages machine learning (ML) algorithms and other AI technologies to automate and optimize IT service processes.

Here are some of the ways AI is used in ITSM:

Machine Learning 

A type of AI known as machine learning (ML) allows computers to predict the future or make decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Over time, they "learn" to make these decisions more accurately.

Intelligent Ticket Routing and Categorization

AI-powered IT service desks can evaluate tickets and assign the right team or agent to handle them quickly. Additionally, AI can classify tickets according to their content, which enables IT teams to prioritize and deal with urgent issues more quickly. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the AI in the ITSM market is expected to grow from $1.9 billion in 2019 to $9.4 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 37.1% during the forecast period.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

According to a report by Tractica, the NLP market is expected to reach $22.3 billion by 2025. Chatbots and virtual assistants are able to communicate with people more organically due to NLP, which enables AI systems to comprehend and analyze human language. Additionally, NLP can assist with sentiment analysis, which can help spot potential problems and offer insights into customer satisfaction levels. 

AI Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Personalized Support

According to a Grand View Research report, the global chatbots market is expected to reach $1.25 billion by 2025. Natural language processing (NLP) is a technique used by AI chatbots and virtual assistants to comprehend and reply to employee inquiries. They can offer personalized employee support, walk users through troubleshooting steps, and provide answers to frequently asked queries.

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to predict potential IT issues before they occur, allowing IT personnel to perform preventative maintenance. This can lead to reduced downtime, increased productivity, and lower maintenance costs. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the predictive maintenance market is expected to grow from $3.0 billion in 2020 to $10.7 billion by 2025.

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition technology uses machine learning algorithms to understand and interpret human speech, enabling users to interact with AI-powered systems using their voice. This can provide a more natural and intuitive way of interacting with ITSM tools. According to a report by Zion Market Research, the global speech and voice recognition market is expected to reach $31.82 billion by 2025.

Importance of Integrating AI in ITSM

  • Efficiency
    Time-consuming and repetitive IT processes like ticket routing and categorization can be automated by AI in ITSM, resulting in quicker resolution times and higher productivity. Organizations can increase the speed and quality of their service delivery by adopting AI while reducing manual labor.
  • Accuracy
    Automated processes are less prone to errors than manual processes, leading to improved accuracy and reduced errors.
  • Cost Savings
    By automating most of the tasks, integration of AI in ITSM can help IT support organizations reduce operational costs and allocate more resources to strategic initiatives.
  • Scalability
    Automated processes can easily be scaled to accommodate growth and changing demand without requiring additional headcount.
  • Improved Compliance
    Implementing AI in ITSM can help organizations follow best practices and comply with relevant regulations and standards. 
  • Increased Agent's Productivity
    AI in ITSM can increase support agents' productivity by freeing support agents or technicians from overwhelming tickets and queries.

The Benefits of AI in ITSM

Faster and More Accurate Ticket Resolution

There is no doubt that ITSM automation handles IT service requests and incidents through ticket resolution. The first step in the procedure is to categorize the ticket based on its nature and priority level. Following that, it is straight away routed to the team or support agent responsible for its resolution. When a ticket is allocated, the IT service desk automation system can instantly reply to the employee or customer, providing them with a brief status update.

By automating ticket resolution, businesses may decrease manual errors, accelerate response times, and enhance employee or customer satisfaction. Additionally, it allows employees to zero in on more challenging tasks, which improves both the efficiency and productivity of the IT service desk.

Automation of Manual Repetitive IT Tasks

One of the major benefits of integrating AI into the ITSM process is its capability to automate manual, time-consuming and repetitive IT tasks and processes. IT support agents can save time, reduce errors, and increase efficiency by automating repetitive and tedious processes like ticket assignments, password resets, laptop configuration, Outlook account resets and software updates. Typically, automation entails the use of software tools to carry out these operations automatically by predefined workflows and rules.

For instance, an IT service desk automation solution can automatically change a user's password or allocate a ticket to a certain technician, depending on their skill set and workload. By automating these operations, IT service desk teams may spend their time and resources on more challenging and essential activities, such as process and system optimization.

Agile Knowledge Management

An agile knowledge management system helps organizations provide the right information to employees at the right time. Implementing agile knowledge management gives employees access to a centralized repository of information and resources. This can include FAQ sections, a searchable database of articles and tutorials, and user-generated content.

Self-Service Portal

Integration of IT might lead to the development of a self-service portal for employees. Employees may log in and access the required data and services without support from IT support agents. As a result, there are fewer help tickets and more time for support agents to handle issues with greater urgency.

Problem Management

The proactive identification, assessment, and resolution of problems affecting IT systems and services is the focus of this aspect of the IT helpdesk automation. The objective is to reduce the effect of incidents on the business and stop them from occurring again. Root cause analysis, problem documentation, and implementing lasting solutions are all part of problem management tasks.

Additionally, it entails collaborating with other IT teams to make sure that reported errors are promptly tracked down, prioritized, and fixed. Effective problem management makes IT services more reliable overall and guarantees that they are tailored to the demands of the business.

Seamless ‍Change Management

Change Management in an IT service desk refers to managing and controlling changes to IT systems and services to minimize disruption and ensure that changes are implemented in a controlled and consistent manner. In a helpdesk environment, change management can involve the following tasks: 

  • Requesting Changes
  • Approving Changes
  • Scheduling Changes
  • Implementing Changes
  • Incident Management

The process of efficiently managing and resolving IT incidents (unexpected events or problems) disrupts normal business operations. It involves identifying, documenting, categorizing, prioritizing, and resolving incidents promptly to minimize the impact on the business and its customers. Incident management aims to automate reporting, categorization, and resolution of IT incidents. This process typically involves collaboration between multiple IT teams and departments, including the help desk, network operations, and development teams.

A well-designed incident management process can help ensure that IT incidents are handled consistently, efficiently, and effectively, improving overall employee/ customer satisfaction and reducing the overall cost of IT service delivery.

Automated Password Resets

The automated IT helpdesk adheres to strict security protocols to ensure that the password reset process is secure and that your employee's account is not compromised. Typically, one of the following techniques is used to reset passwords: 

  • Self-Service Password Reset
    A self-service portal or a list of specified security questions can be relied upon by the user to reset their password. 
  • Manual Reset by IT Service Desk
    After confirming the user's identification, the service desk agents reset the system password manually. 
  • Integration with Identity Management System
    An IT helpdesk resets the password via an identity management system, updating all associated systems and applications in the process.

Easily Integrated with Various Collaborative Platforms

The use of professional collaborative platforms like MS Teams and Slack in conjunction with the IT helpdesks facilitates employees' lives. They simply contact the IT service desk software to resolve their issues daily, improving key workflow processes.

Enhanced Analytics and Reporting

To evaluate their performance and spot areas for improvement, service desk agents measure and analyze data, including response time, resolution time, and employee/customer happiness.

Don't Let IT Issues Get in the Way of Productivity. Try ITSM Solution and Give Your Employees the Support They Need

How Helps Organizations to Automate IT Service Desk Processes? is an MS Teams-based Generative AI ITSM tool designed to provide instant and personalized employee support and a seamless experience via a ChatGPT-like interface. At, we don’t track employee tickets; our aim is to auto-resolve the tickets and automate the most repetitive and time-consuming IT tasks, freeing up time for more critical IT tasks or projects. Being an employee-focused, auto-resolution engine, auto-resolves almost 65% of employee tickets and elevates employee productivity by 70%.  

Using its modern features like OpenAI integrated chatbot, robust ITSM, automation engine and integration hub - streamlines repetitive tasks and workflows while empowering employees to self-direct their support needs within seconds. Employees only need to engage in a conversation with the chatbot that works within collaborative tools like Microsoft Teams.

Following are the ways how helps companies to streamline their 

Generative AI-powered Employee Support IT service desk ticketing system takes advantage of advanced Generative AI to provide highly personalized and instant support to your employees. offers a unique blend of human-like conversations and machine-like speed and accuracy by setting up AI chatbots to interact with your employees.

Through the power of OpenAI and machine learning technologies, enables you to fully automate direct support, freeing up your employees to focus on more pressing matters. With dedicated virtual assistants available to chat with employees, basic questions can be answered seamlessly without requiring manual ticket creation. Thanks to, your employees can access the support they need, when they need it, without any hassle.

Reducing The Burden Of Support Agents proves to be a boon for both employees and agents alike. By automating primary support services for employees, the platform takes the load off agents, freeing them to focus on handling cases with utmost attention and care. With this approach, agents are better equipped to provide solutions that are tailor-made for each employee. The centralized knowledge management system also empowers agents to access all the necessary information from a single platform, streamlining the support process for a hassle-free experience.

Invisible Ticketing System

Traditional service desks can often overwhelm non-technical users when creating support tickets. At, we understand the importance of simplicity when it comes to getting the support you need. Our service desk ticketing system is designed to make the ticketing process completely invisible to users, making it ideal for all department employees.

With, all your employees need to do is interact with our AI chatbots to have their support tickets created and tracked automatically. A simple command is all it takes to route the case to a suitable agent, who will be provided with all the necessary context and relevant details about the case and the employee. 

As the support agent works on the case, your employee will receive real-time updates, keeping them informed every step of the way. This eliminates the need for repeated outreach to the agent, freeing up valuable time for both the employee and the agent. With, you can simplify the support process and provide a seamless experience for all involved.

In-built Live Chat  

Being an AITSM tool integrated within MS focuses on "auto-resolving" many repetitive and mundane IT issues employees often face. This can be accomplished via our latest feature ChatGPT-like AI chatbot that emulates human conversation allowing employees to receive efficient support within less than 15 seconds.

If the employees are not happy with the support provided by the AI chatbot, a dedicated support agent or technician can be connected via live chat. The support agent or technicians can provide second and third-level support (L2 and L3) by providing instant information, triaging issues, or performing tasks. Implementing such ITSM solutions can significantly enhance employee experience and satisfaction and allow them to resolve issues more efficiently and effectively.   

Easy Automation  

With its advanced ‘Easy Automation feature allows organizations to automate repetitive and time-consuming everyday tasks and eliminates manual effort. As a result, employees can free up their time and focus on more critical tasks while the service desk handles tedious tasks.
With the AITSM tool, organizations can automate various IT tasks such as sending welcome emails, resetting passwords, gathering reports, and providing approvals or feedback within seconds.  

Agile Knowledge Management’s agile knowledge management continuously learns from your employees' ticket histories, allowing support agents to resolve issues and swiftly satisfy your employees. By training the knowledgebase using ChatGPT, your IT support agents or technicians can make sure that it always contains the most relevant and current information, resulting in faster issue resolution times.
By implementing a smart feedback loop, enables employees to access the latest IT-related information while ensuring that the knowledge base is continuously improved for accuracy and relevance.

Desktop Automation 

Being a modern ITSM tool, has designed an end-to-end solution that works within MS Teams for employees and can access desktop-level PowerShell scripts (with the proper permissions). enables AI chatbot to carry out these functions and gives users access to human agents, much like some traditional systems do.’s desktop automation can perform repetitive tasks like:

  • Software Install 
  • Network Printer Install 
  • OneDrive Troubleshooting 
  • Enable/Disable USB Drives 
  • Cache Cleaning 
  • Device Settings Configuration 
  • New Laptop Setup Assistance 
  • Fix Filesystem Issues 
  • Proactively Monitor Devices and Create Tickets  

Smart Notifications Via MS Teams IT service desk offers a robust feature to send or schedule notifications to employees through mobile or Microsoft Teams, making it easier to notify them across various channels. Employees can receive notifications in Microsoft Teams or on their mobile devices through text alerts or the mobile app.   


The integration of AI into IT Service Management (AITSM) has proven to be a game-changer for organizations seeking to streamline service desk processes. With 75% of organizations already adopting this technology, it's clear that AI is here to stay and will continue to transform how IT services are managed and delivered. By leveraging the power of generative AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI capabilities, businesses can improve their response times, enhance their employee experiences, and ultimately drive greater efficiencies across their IT operations.

Let's not lose sight of the fact that the world of AI in ITSM is about more than just code and algorithms; it's also about empowering your team, delighting your customers, and revolutionizing your IT service desk. You are prepared to usher in a new era where service desk processes aren't just simplified but transformed into a symphony of efficiency, innovation, and unmatched service with AI as your steadfast ally.

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What is the future of AI in ITSM?

The future of AI in ITSM is expected to include more advanced applications, such as intelligent automation, cognitive computing, and autonomous decision-making, which will further streamline IT service management processes and improve service delivery.

How can AI improve IT service desk operations?

AI can improve IT service desk operations by automating routine tasks, such as ticket routing and categorization, and providing self-service options to users. AI-powered chatbots can also handle simple user requests, allowing IT staff to focus on more complex issues.

How can organizations prepare for AI in ITSM?

Organizations can prepare for AI in ITSM by investing in data quality and governance, ensuring proper integration with existing ITSM tools and processes, and developing the necessary skills and expertise within their IT staff. It is also essential to clearly understand AI's potential benefits and risks in ITSM.

How can AI be used for IT asset management?

AI can be used for IT asset management by automating inventory management and tracking, predicting equipment failure, and optimizing maintenance schedules. AI can also be used to analyze asset usage and performance data, allowing for more informed purchasing decisions.

Can AI improve IT service management for remote employees?

Yes, AI can improve IT service management for remote employees by providing self-service options and automated workflows for IT support requests. AI chatbots can also handle simple user requests, allowing IT staff to focus on more complex issues. AI can also help identify and address potential issues before they impact remote employees.

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