

How to Choose the Right IT Ticketing System? A Complete Guide

Service Desk
Digital Transformation
How to Choose the Right IT Ticketing System? A Complete Guide

How to Choose the Right IT Ticketing System? A Complete Guide

Service Desk
Digital Transformation
How to Choose the Right IT Ticketing System? A Complete Guide

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with it comes the never-ending stream of support requests from employees and customers. Managing and resolving these requests can be overwhelming for the support agents or technicians, but fear not; there is a solution! Introducing the IT ticketing system - the game-changing solution that allows organizations to tackle support tickets easily and effectively. Whether it's an employee requesting access to a new software application or an employee or customer reporting a technical issue with your product, it's critical to have a robust system in place to keep track of these requests and ensure they're resolved in a timely manner. That's where an IT ticketing system comes in.

An IT ticketing system is a modern software solution that allows IT teams to manage support requests efficiently. It helps to organize and prioritize requests, track progress, and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. But with many options available, how do you choose the right one for your organization? So, let's dive deeper and explore the world of IT ticketing platforms.

What is an IT Ticketing System?

An IT ticketing system can be defined as a modern solution designed to organize and track the resolution of issues or requests within an information technology (IT) domain. It acts as a centralized tool for employees and customers to report the issues they face and seek assistance and relevant information from IT support teams or technicians. When an employee submits a ticket or reports an issue, a modern ticketing platform generates a ticket, essentially a record containing details of the request or problem.

What are the Three Types of Tickets in an IT Ticketing System?

Typically, there are three main categories of tickets:

  1. Tickets for Incidents
    Tickets for incidents are used to record and handle unanticipated disruptions or problems in IT services. These interruptions could be caused by hardware or software malfunction or a user having trouble with their computer or software. The purpose of incident tickets is to quickly address problems and return operations to normal as soon as possible.
  2. Tickets for Service Requests
    Tickets for service requests are used for planned or repetitive IT services and tasks that do not involve fixing an urgent problem. These requests often entail routine processes like requesting software installations, hardware upgrades, password resets, or access permissions. Service request tickets are handled according to a predetermined priority and are typically less urgent than incident tickets.
  3. Tickets for Change Requests
    Tickets for change requests are used to suggest, record, and manage changes to IT systems, processes, or infrastructure. Software upgrades, hardware substitutions, password resets, laptop configuration, or any other modification to the IT environment may be included in these changes. The purpose of change request tickets is to ensure that changes are carefully planned, tested, and approved before implementing them to minimize disruptions and maintain system stability.

Why is a Ticketing System an Important Tool in an IT Department?

An IT department's ticketing system is an important tool for IT organizations for several reasons not limited to: 

Effective Issue Tracking

An IT ticketing tool enables IT support teams to track and handle various IT-related requests and issues effectively. Each ticket includes crucial details about the issue, such as the description, priority level, requester information, and status. The IT support agents or technicians can easily prioritize and deal with each issue methodically.

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

By using effective IT ticketing system, IT departments and end-users can communicate and collaborate more effectively. Users can use this centralized tool to report issues, get the right help, and get updates on how their problems are doing. This eliminates the possibility that issues will be reported via unrelated channels (email, phone calls, etc.) and enables IT agents to respond promptly and uniformly.

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Setting Priorities and Managing SLAs

IT teams can determine which issues should be handled first by assigning tickets to different priority levels, which is typically supported by IT ticketing systems. Tickets may also be linked to Service Level Agreements (SLAs), guaranteeing that response and resolution times are met, which is essential for upholding high service quality and user satisfaction.

Allocating Resources Effectively

IT managers can more efficiently allocate resources based on the volume and urgency of incoming tickets when using a ticketing system. This makes it possible to guarantee that urgent matters receive prompt attention while routine tasks and requests are efficiently managed.

Keeping Historical Records

A historical record of all problems and requests, along with their fixes, is kept by ticketing systems. This data can be beneficial for analyzing trends, troubleshooting recurring issues, and making wise system improvement and investment decisions.

Monitoring of Accountability and Performance

Systems for tracking tickets make it clear who is in charge of each and how long it takes to resolve it. Accountability aids in performance evaluation and points out areas requiring more training or resources.

Workflow Automation

Numerous ticketing platforms provide automation features that can simplify repetitive tasks like password resets or regular maintenance. This frees up IT staff to concentrate on trickier problems and strategic projects.

Reduce the Cost

IT ticketing systems help organizations in cost control and reduction by effectively managing IT resources and streamlining workflows, ensuring that IT services are provided cost-effectively.

How Does an IT Ticketing System Work? 

Imagine an organization that provides its staff assistance through an IT helpdesk

Suppose John is an employee of a multinational company. Since 2020, John has been working remotely from his home, and whenever he experiences IT-related trouble like password errors, failure in installing software or difficulty accessing documents, he immediately creates a ticket or calls the support team. The ticket includes details about the issue, such as the error message he received and the steps he took before encountering the issue. 

However, an IT support agent needs almost 1- 2 hours to fix the issue remotely. Employees frequently feel cut off from the organization due to this delayed and fragmented support. But, if his company uses an IT ticketing system,  John can automatically create an employee ticket using an AI chatbot that works right within MS Teams. All he has to do is to interact with the smart chatbot. When the issue isn't resolved, or an employee is unhappy with the response, the smart chatbot may escalate the ticket to a higher level of support (L2) or assign it to a dedicated IT support agent for further investigation.

The IT support agent evaluates and updates the ticket with his/her findings and any actions they took to fix the problem. As soon as John's issue is resolved, he can close the ticket, and the system automatically notifies him. 

A modern IT ticketing solution is essential for any IT team that needs to manage and track support tickets of requests efficiently and organizationally. It helps ensure that support tickets or requests are addressed promptly, and issues are resolved on time, which is critical for maintaining employee productivity and business ROI.

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Traditional IT Ticketing Systems Vs. Modern IT Ticketing Systems

  • Traditional IT ticketing tools and modern IT ticketing tools are two different ways of managing IT support. While the modern approach uses cutting-edge technology and automation to streamline the IT support process, the traditional IT ticketing systems depend on manual processes and only a minimal amount of automation. 
  • The time-consuming manual process used in traditional IT ticketing systems include paper-based forms and email requests. These systems are labor-intensive and time-consuming, which causes delays in resolving IT problems. Moreover, traditional systems are unable to automate processes like ticket assignment, prioritizing, and escalation.  
  • On the other hand, modern IT ticketing platforms make use of advanced technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, to automate processes and minimize manual labor. Based on the issue category, these systems can automatically allocate tickets to the right team member, prioritize tickets based on urgency, and, if necessary, escalate tickets to higher-level employers. 
  • An AI-powered IT ticketing software also provides a number of features and advantages that outdated systems do not. Modern systems, for instance, can offer real-time reporting and analytics, allowing IT staff to see trends and enhance their support procedures. Self-service portals are frequently included as well, which let customers submit and follow up on their own tickets, lessening the burden on IT employees.  
  • Another significant advantage of modern IT ticketing solutions is their integration capabilities. To provide a seamless IT support experience, these solutions can interface with other IT tools, including asset management and monitoring tools. 
  • Modern IT helpdesk ticketing systems utilize advanced technology and automation to streamline IT assistance, while traditional IT ticketing platforms rely on human processes and lack automation. Modern systems are the apparent choice for businesses wishing to streamline their IT support procedures because of their cutting-edge features and advantages, which provide a more effective and efficient approach to managing IT assistance.

What are the Key Benefits of an IT Service Desk Ticketing System?


The cost of an IT service desk ticketing solution can vary widely, from free to thousands of dollars per month, depending on the features and number of users. It's important to consider your budget and the value you'll get from the system.  


As your organization grows, your IT support needs may change. It is important to choose an IT helpdesk ticketing system that can scale with your organization and handle increased ticket volumes.  


Some IT service desk ticketing software solutions offer extensive personalization options, while others are more rigid. Consider whether you need to tailor the system to fit your organization's specific needs.

Seamless Integration

Integration capabilities are important if you use other IT tools, such as asset management or monitoring tools. Ensure the ticketing system you choose integrates with these tools to provide a seamless IT support experience. 


ITSM ticketing systems can contain sensitive information, so security is a critical factor to consider. Ensure that the IT ticketing tool you choose has adequate security measures, such as two-factor authentication and encryption. 

Instant Employee Support and Service

The quality of employee support and service provided by the IT ticketing software vendor is also an important factor to consider. Make sure they offer timely and effective support in case you encounter any issues. 

Mobile Compatibility

With the increasing number of remote and in-office employees, it's essential to choose a robust ticketing system that is mobile-friendly and can be accessed from anywhere. 

Reporting and Analytics

An AI-enabled IT ticketing platform offers real-time reporting and analytics, which can provide valuable insights into the performance of your IT support team. Consider whether this feature is important for your organization. 

Training and Onboarding

Choosing an advanced A-powered IT helpdesk ticketing tool that offers adequate training and onboarding resources for your team is important to ensure a smooth transition and maximum adoption.  

Third-party Reviews

Reading reviews from other users and industry experts can be a valuable source of information when choosing a ticketing system. Consider reading third-party reviews to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of different systems. 

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing an IT ticketing system that meets the unique needs of your organization 

Amazing Statistics Related to IT Ticketing Tools

Below are some jaw-breaking statistics about IT helpdesk ticketing system:  

  • According to the HDI Support Center Practices & Salary Report 57% of support centers experienced a rise in ticket volume. As per reports, 13% of desktop support teams noted a decline in ticket volume in the past year, which was mainly due to the increased competence of service desk staff. To provide effective support, support centers consider incident management, knowledge management, and remote-control tools as the top three must-have technologies, ranked in order of importance. 
  • A study by Freshservice found that using a ticketing system can reduce response times by 50% and resolution times by 75%. 
  • According to Zendesk, agents receive feedback on customer satisfaction ratings through surveys that are dispatched when the ticket is marked as "Solved." The survey results are displayed on the agent's dashboard and in the section called "Rated Tickets from the Last 7 Days." Agents can view the number of good and bad tickets for the current week and the overall satisfaction rating for themselves and all other agents in Zendesk Support for the past 60 days (about two months), including the current day, on their dashboard. 
  • A survey by ManageEngine found that the top three benefits of using a ticketing system are improved productivity (44%), better tracking of issues (35%), and increased customer satisfaction (21%). The same survey found that 78% of respondents said that a ticketing system helped them identify and resolve issues faster. 
  • A study by SysAid found that the average cost of resolving an IT issue without a ticketing system is $45, compared to just $22 with a ticketing system, resulting in a 51% reduction in costs. 

What are the Key Features of an IT Ticketing System? 

Effective management of IT service requests and issues requires the use of an IT ticketing platform.

Conversational Ticketing

Employees can submit tickets using a robust IT ticketing software or conversational ticketing, which minimizes the requirement for them to navigate a challenging user interface. Users are urged to submit tickets more frequently by this feature, which ensures a hassle-free employee experience.

Built-in Live Chat with Expert IT Support Agent

A real-time IT support agent who may offer personalized support and assist users with their IT issues. With the help of this feature, users are ensured prompt and accurate support, which reduces frustration and downtime.  

Personalized IT Support

Because each employee is different, so are their wants and needs. Additionally, employees expect organizations to be aware of their preferences in advance, mainly if they have previously contacted your support agents. The more information you have about each employee, the better service you can offer. This was practically impossible before ticket management systems. However, it is now essential. Personalized ticket pages come in handy in this situation.
When a new query is made, support agents will have access to the user's entire ticket history, including the issues the user has had in the past and how those issues have been or are being resolved. Saving time by not repeating questions will help you grow your agent productivity and overall business performance.

Knowledge Management

A repository of IT knowledge and best practices, which can be used to solve common IT problems and improve service delivery. This feature helps organizations reduce the time and effort required to solve problems and increase their overall IT knowledge base

Service Request Management (SRM) 

Service Request Management (SRM) is a productive process for handling service requests, which includes automating approvals and assigning requests to the right team members. Streamlining the ticket management process, this feature increases productivity and reduces manual work.  

Asset Management

A centralized inventory of hardware and software assets, which can be used to track and manage IT resources. This feature helps organizations optimize their IT investments, reduce costs, and ensure that assets are being used efficiently.  

Reporting and Analytics

A suite of reporting and analytics tools that provide insights into ticket volume, ticket resolution times, and other key performance metrics. This feature helps organizations identify areas for improvement and optimize their IT service delivery processes.  

Tips to Choose the Best-in-class IT Ticketing Software Solution  

When selecting a robust IT ticketing software, there are several factors that an organization should consider to ensure that it meets its specific requirements. Some of the key considerations include:

  1. Business Needs
    The ITSM ticketing system should align with the business needs and requirements. It should be able to handle the volume of requests and incidents, provide efficient workflows, and support the organization's processes. 
  1. Budget
    The cost of the IT ticketing tool should be considered, including the initial investment and any ongoing maintenance costs. The organization should consider the ROI of the system and the potential benefits it can provide.  
  1. Scalability
    The ticketing system should be able to scale with the organization's growth and expansion. It should be able to handle increasing volumes of requests and incidents and adapt to new business requirements.  
  1. Ease of Use
    The IT helpdesk ticketing system should be user-friendly and intuitive, with easy-to-use interfaces for both end-users and IT support staff. This can help to reduce training costs and improve productivity.  
  1. Integration with Other Tools
    An AI-enabled ticketing platform should be able to integrate with other tools and applications that are used within the organization, such as asset management, monitoring tools, and collaboration platforms. 
  1. Security and Compliance
    A modern ticketing system should meet the organization's security and compliance requirements, including data protection, access control, and auditability.  

By considering above-mentioned factors when selecting an IT ticketing system, organizations can ensure that they choose a solution that meets their needs and provides maximum value.

Which are the Best IT Ticket Management Tools on the Market?

Now, it's time to look at some fantastic ITSM ticketing systems that will dominate 2023 and beyond. is a modern ITSM solution integrated within MS Teams, that offers conversational ticketing systems by leveraging technologies such as Generative AI, machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), making it easier for the modern workforce to gain instant IT support. At, we believe seamless employee experience should be a top priority, with support readily available in under 15 seconds.'s modern conversational ticketing system enables the modern workforce to receive personalized support without relying on outdated communication methods like phone calls and emails. By providing a conversational IT ticketing system, employers can help their employees generate, track, and resolve tickets quickly and efficiently. The bot automatically sends updates of the tickets on popular collaboration platforms like MS Teams, where employees spend most of their time. Once a ticket is resolved, it is automatically closed, and employees receive notifications accordingly. 

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Freshdesk is a well-known ticketing platform that provides omnichannel assistance, enabling businesses to handle support requests from many channels. Freshdesk is an online customer service tool designed to assist companies in providing exceptional customer support regardless of their size. It transforms inquiries from various communication channels such as email, website, phone, chat, and social media into tickets and consolidates ticket resolution across all channels.

The simplicity of use, automation capabilities, reduced ticket volume, improved handling time and reasonable costs are positives. 


Zendesk is a comprehensive ticketing system that offers a wide range of features for IT support, including self-service, automation, and collaboration tools. Zendesk offers a whole customer support package that is simple to use and expands your business. 

Some of the advantages include scalability, flexible pricing, and integration with other tools. It exhibits a steep learning curve and limited reporting and analytics features. 

Jira Service Management

A ticketing system included in the Atlassian toolkit is called Jira Service Management. It features advanced workflows, automation, and teamwork, and its tools are designed to help you unlock high-velocity teams, bringing visibility to work.

Personalized workflows, integration with other Atlassian tools, and offer variable pricing are benefits. Drawbacks include complexity and a lack of features for reporting and analytics. 

Microsoft Ticketing System

Microsoft provides several ticketing solutions, such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service. The Microsoft helpdesk operates using your Office 365 subscription and does not require any extra cloud or services. Additionally, you maintain complete control over your data. With conversational ticketing for Microsoft Teams, you can generate and handle service requests without leaving the Microsoft Teams platform. You can quickly sort through tickets, streamline processes, and resolve problems efficiently.

The pros include flexible workflows, powerful automation options, and easy connection with Microsoft technologies. Disadvantages include a higher price tag in comparison to certain alternative solutions and a constrained feature set. 

Implementation and Maintenance of an IT Ticketing System

‍Implementing and maintaining an IT ticketing system can be a complex process, but it's essential for organizations to streamline IT support and improve overall employee experience. Here are some key considerations for implementing and maintaining an IT ticketing system 

  • Planning for Implementation
    Before implementing an IT ticketing system, it's important to plan and prepare for the implementation process. This includes identifying the specific needs and requirements of the organization, selecting the appropriate system, and defining the implementation timeline and budget. It's also important to identify key stakeholders and establish communication channels to ensure that everyone is informed and involved throughout the process.
  • Training and Adoption
    Once the IT ticketing system is implemented, it's important to provide training and support to help users adapt and use the system effectively. This includes providing training sessions and user guides, as well as addressing any concerns or questions that users may have. To encourage adoption, it can be helpful to incentivize users and provide ongoing support and feedback.
  • Maintenance and Upgrades
    Maintaining an IT ticketing system involves ongoing management, monitoring, and maintenance to ensure that the system is running smoothly and efficiently. This includes tasks like monitoring system performance, troubleshooting issues, and implementing upgrades and updates as needed. It's important to establish a maintenance plan and schedule regular system reviews to identify any areas that need improvement. 

Implementing and maintaining an IT ticketing software requires careful planning, effective communication, and ongoing attention to detail. By following these best practices, organizations can streamline IT support, improve employee experience, and achieve greater efficiency and productivity.  


By streamlining operations and providing personalized assistance, it boosts efficiency, provides seamless employee support, and reduces the workload of support agents. Additionally, the customizable IT helpdesk ticketing system interacts with current workflows and provides insightful data, enhancing effectiveness and accelerating IT support response times. An organization's IT ticketing system ultimately increases IT support operations, employee productivity, and seamless service.

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1. What should I look for in a ticketing system?
When choosing a ticketing system, you should consider factors such as the features and functionality of the system, ease of use, scalability, integrations with other tools, reporting and analytics capabilities, pricing, and customer support. 

2. Which ticketing tool is best?
The best ticketing tool for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Some popular ticketing systems include, Zendesk, Freshdesk, ServiceNow, JIRA Service Desk, and Salesforce. 

3. How can I make my ticketing system better?
To make your ticketing system better, you could focus on improving the user experience for both your agents and customers, implementing automation and self-service options to reduce manual workload, and utilizing analytics to gain insights into ticket trends and areas for improvement. 

4. What ticketing system in IT support?
There are many ticketing systems used in IT support, including some of the popular ones mentioned earlier, such as, Zendesk, Freshdesk, and ServiceNow. Ultimately, the choice of ticketing system will depend on your specific needs and requirements. 

5. What are the problems with the ticketing system?
The most common complaint among users of a traditional ticketing system is the slowness of the system. Due to the multitude of functions performed by these systems, they often experience a decrease in speed, which can make their use more challenging than necessary.

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