

The Future of IT Ticketing Systems: Emerging Trends and Technologies to Watch

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The Future of IT Ticketing Systems: Emerging Trends and Technologies to Watch

The Future of IT Ticketing Systems: Emerging Trends and Technologies to Watch

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AI Service Desk
The Future of IT Ticketing Systems: Emerging Trends and Technologies to Watch

According to a survey conducted by HDI, 83% of organizations use a formal IT ticketing system to manage their support requests. Modern ticketing systems are indeed a lifesaver! Effective and efficient ticketing systems help organizations speed up the process of managing and tracking requests for technical support or services.
With evolving technologies, a modern helpdesk ticketing system has also improved by leaps and bounds. Modern IT helpdesk ticketing tools have come a long way, from technician-operated systems that overburdened your IT support team to AI-powered systems. A survey conducted by ManageEngine found that 63% of IT professionals believe that AI-powered conversational IT ticketing systems can improve IT service desk operations.

Let’s take a deeper dive into how this system has stood the test of time and evolved while helping organizations around the globe resolve issues and enhance customer and employee satisfaction.

What is an IT Ticketing System?

A modern IT ticketing software helps organizations organize and monitor the responses to different IT-related requests or tickets. It functions as a robust solution that facilitates effective communication and collaboration by logging, prioritizing, and allocating work to IT support teams. IT ticketing systems contribute to better overall IT service management by streamlining overall IT Tasks and processes, improving accountability, and ensuring the prompt resolution of technical issues.

What Makes IT ticketing Systems Important?

  • IT ticketing systems help IT teams monitor and categorize user requests, simplifying the process for them to work effectively and stay on top of their workload. This optimizes IT operations. This allows IT professionals to support users quickly and ensure the prompt settlement of pressing concerns.  
  • IT ticketing platforms give end users and IT employees a centralized platform for communication. Ensuring that everybody involved is informed about the most recent information about the current state of a request and is on the same page improves communication.  
  • IT helpdesk ticketing systems offer valuable information regarding how IT teams function, including statistics on response times, resolution rates, and levels of client satisfaction. Developing data-driven decisions on IT operations can be done using this data to identify areas that need improvement.

An efficient service desk ticketing system serves multiple purposes in various organizations, such as:

  • The management of all user requests can be centralized with the assistance of a well-designed IT ticketing software. This allows for the supervision and effective prioritizing of requests by IT employees, which may lead to faster resolutions and an enhanced user experience.  
  • Users can easily submit requests and track their progress using an AI-powered IT ticketing tool. As an outcome, minimal follow-up emails or voice calls are required to obtain updates on requests, improving communication between IT employees and end users.  
  • Modern ITSM ticketing tools offer thorough analyses of the requests received, the timeliness of responses, and other crucial metrics. IT managers can use this information to comprehend trends better, improve operations, and enhance quality standards.  
  • By allowing IT employees to assign requests to specific individuals or teams, an IT ticketing service guarantees accountability for resolving issues. Also, this can guide managers to recognize areas that might need extra training or resources.  
  • By offering a controlled and auditable framework for managing requests and incidents, a modern AI-powered IT ticketing system can aid in ensuring the safety of the organization's IT infrastructure.
(Source: ScienceSoft)

Efficient IT Ticketing Best Practices in Organizational Issue Resolution

Effective IT ticketing is critical for managing and resolving issues efficiently within an organization. 

Now, let’s look at the five critical best practices:

  1. Easy Ticket Submission Process
    Specify a simple, intuitive procedure for filing tickets. Ensure users can effortlessly submit vital data, including screenshots, pertinent system information, and a thorough problem description. This facilitates a quicker understanding and resolution of the issue.

  2. Prioritization and Categorization
    Put in place an effective ticketing system for classifying and ranking tickets. This ensures that essential problems are resolved quickly and less urgent ones are completed within a fair amount of time. Make use of a system that is standardized and in line with organizational priorities.

  1. Automation and Workflow Management
    Simplify the routing and resolution of tickets by utilizing automation techniques. When necessary, automation can assist in assigning tickets to dedicated IT support agents or technicians, elevating problems, and updating users. Clearly describe your workflows to ensure every ticket follows a predetermined route from submission to resolution.
  1. Robust Knowledge Management
    Maintain a robust knowledge base with FAQs, troubleshooting manuals, and answers to frequently asked questions. Urge users and support staff to refer to this resource before filing tickets. This can lower the number of duplicate tickets and enable customers to handle basic problems independently.
  1. Effective Communication 
    Encourage efficient communication between end users and IT departments. Ensure that there is a clear and easy way for users to submit questions or further information and provide frequent updates on the status of the tickets. Encourage IT support agents to collaborate by implementing technologies that make sharing information and fixing problems easier.
By implementing the IT ticketing best practices mentioned above, organizations can enhance their ticketing systems, leading to faster issue resolution, elevated user satisfaction, and overall better IT service management.

Common Features and Capabilities of IT ticketing Systems  

  • Ticket Creation
    The ability to create support tickets manually or automatically based on emails, chat messages, or other communication channels. It is simple for customers and employees to report issues or seek IT services by submitting a ticket in an IT ticketing platform. This allows IT teams to be mindful of issues as they emerge and quickly resolve them, leading to faster resolution times and more client satisfaction.
  • Ticket Tracking
    The ability to track the status of each ticket and monitor its progress throughout the support process. You can track the status of the request through the ITSM ticketing system. You may receive notifications when the request is updated or resolved, and you can view the history of the ticket to see what actions have been taken.
  • Ticket Assignment
    The ability to assign tickets to specific support agents or teams based on skills, availability, or workload. Once a ticket is created, it is typically resolved by an AI-powered smart chatbot or assigned to an expert responsible for resolving that type of ticket.
  • Collaboration
    The ability for multiple support agents to work on a ticket simultaneously and collaborate with each other to resolve complex issues. Modern ticketing systems often allow experts to collaborate on tickets, enabling them to share information, ask questions, and provide updates to each other. This helps ensure that everyone involved in resolving the issue is on the same page.
  • Knowledge Base
    The ability to create and maintain a knowledge base of common issues and their solutions can help customers resolve issues on their own and reduce the volume of support tickets. A knowledge base is a repository of information that IT technicians and end-users can access to help them resolve issues or find answers to common questions. 
    In an IT ticketing system, a knowledge base can be used in several ways:
  • Self-Service
    Employees and customers can search the knowledge base for answers to common questions or issues. This can reduce the number of tickets that need to be submitted and provide a faster resolution for end-users.
  • Expert Support
    Experts can use the knowledge base to help them diagnose and resolve issues more efficiently. They can search for solutions to similar issues that have been resolved in the past and can use this information to guide their troubleshooting process.
  • Integration
    The ability to integrate with other IT tools such as monitoring systems, asset management tools, and service desk platforms. Integrating AITSM ticketing systems with collaboration platforms like MS Teams makes auto-resolution of IT problems easier.
  • Customization
    Customization is essential to IT helpdesk ticketing software solutions as it allows organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs and workflows.

    Here are some common customization options available in IT ticketing solutions: 

    a. Ticket Fields
    ITSM  ticketing systems typically allow organizations to customize ticket fields, such as priority, category, and status, to reflect their specific needs and workflows. This helps ensure that the right information is captured for each ticket and that the tickets are properly routed to the appropriate team. 

    b. Workflow Automation
    IT ticketing systems often provide options to automate workflows based on predefined rules or criteria. For example, tickets can be automatically escalated based on the time they have been open or automatically assigned to specific technicians based on their availability or expertise.

What are the Limitations of Traditional IT Ticketing System?

There is no doubt that a traditional ticketing system aids in moving user requests along and allows for prioritization of the most critical tickets, collaboration, and reporting. When support teams adopt traditional ticketing systems, they encounter several difficulties. Here are some common issues with traditional ticketing systems.  

  • Lack of Flexibility
    Traditional IT ticketing systems are often inflexible, making it difficult to adapt to changing business needs or new technologies. Configuring and customizing can be time-consuming, leading to delays in addressing new issues or requests.  
  • Limited Visibility
    Traditional or age-old ITSM ticketing tools often lack visibility into the entire IT infrastructure, making identifying the root cause of issues difficult. This can lead to longer resolution times and increased frustration for end-users.  
  • Siloed Approach
    Legacy IT help desk ticketing solutions can be siloed, meaning that different teams or departments may have their ticketing systems that don't integrate. This can lead to duplication of efforts and confusion about who is responsible for resolving a particular issue.
  • Inefficient Processes
    Legacy IT ticketing systems can be inefficient, requiring manual processes for tasks such as ticket assignment, escalation, and notifications. This can lead to delays and errors and be time-consuming for IT teams.

Top IT Ticketing Statistics You Cannot Ignore

  • According to a survey conducted by HDI, 88% of organizations use an IT ticketing tool to manage their IT support operations.
  • Another survey by Zendesk found that 62% of customers expect companies to have a self-service portal where they can find answers to their questions and resolve their issues.
  • In a survey conducted by Spiceworks, it was found that the most common reason for IT support tickets is password resets, accounting for 30% of all tickets.
  • The same survey found that the average number of IT support tickets per month for small businesses (1-99 employees) is 82, while for larger enterprises (1000+ employees) it is 424.
  • MarketsandMarkets predicts that the IT ticketing platform market will grow from $5.1 billion in 2020 to $9.7 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period.

Emerging Trends in IT Ticketing Systems  

Now that you have a better understanding about IT ticketing systems and its key features, let’s take a look at the future of IT ticketing system.  

1. Conversational Ticketing System

As technology rapidly advances, IT professionals are faced with unprecedented demands. AI-powered conversational ticketing  may help the exhausted team by providing a helping hand in this situation, making it an important ally. AI-powered conversational ticketing systems by, can automate ticket management using various technologies, notably natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and predictive analytics. They can review the content of support tickets, spot emerging trends and patterns, and gain insight that organizations can utilize to enhance their support procedures. Our AI solutions are carefully designed to increase productivity, from automating repetitive processes to foreseeing possible problems. This frees up your IT professionals to concentrate on what really matters—innovation and strategic objectives.
These platforms can do a broad spectrum of tasks, including categorizing and sorting tickets, forwarding them to the right team member, and sometimes even responding instantly.  

2. Smart Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Making every business process efficient and effective should be every organization's priority! What better way to do it than using user-friendly chatbots and virtual assistants that can enhance the accuracy and speed of customer/employee interactions while learning from the situation it encounters? 
A company's IT ticketing solution can be enhanced with chatbots and virtual assistants to enable 24/7 assistance, quicken response times, and enhance consumer/ employee satisfaction. By handling repetitive and monotonous operations, they can reduce the burden on IT team members and free up team members to focus on more complex challenges.  

3. Out-of-the-box Integration with Various Other Platforms

An IT ticketing system must be linked with other platforms and systems to eliminate the human effort and errors and boost productivity. The following are some perks of integrating an AI-enabled IT ticketing system with other systems and applications: 

  • Integrating with other platforms and systems facilitates workflow automation and optimization, which allows IT team members to function more effectively and efficiently.  
  • Integration can give users more visibility into the IT environment, simplifying the process of identifying and resolving problems.  
  • Integration can reduce response times by automatically routing inquiries to the relevant team members. 
  • Integration can enhance consumer/ employee satisfaction by reducing downtime and providing quicker resolution times.
  • Collaboration among groups and departments can be enhanced through integration, facilitating the ability to exchange information and identify solutions to challenges.

4. Mobile-first Design

A mobile-first design approach for an ITSM ticketing system means designing the user interface and user experience for mobile devices first and then scaling up to larger screens. This approach ensures the system is optimized for smaller screens, which is crucial as more users' access modern IT ticketing systems on their mobile devices.  

5. Self-service Portals

Hate long queues? The new IT ticketing service innovation and a self-service portal will be the right fit for you. A significant element of modern IT ticketing platforms are self-service portals. Users can access data and complete tasks on a self-service portal's web-based platform without a support agent's assistance. Employees can fix their issues independently without being forced to wait for assistance from a support member of the staff.  

6. Cloud-based Ticketing Systems

Cloud-based ticketing systems are becoming increasingly popular in today's business environment. A cloud-based ITSM ticketing system is a software application hosted on a cloud-based platform, allowing users to access the application from anywhere with an internet connection. For IT support teams, cloud-based ticketing systems offer an array of benefits, including:  

7. Scalability

Cloud-based ticketing systems are very scalable, which means that as a company grows, they can easily handle an increase in the total number of tickets. To meet demand, the cloud platform may quickly and easily deploy additional resources.

8. Accessibility

Support teams can work remotely and utilize the system from any place owing to cloud-based ticketing systems' global ease of access from any place that has a web connection.

9. Reduced Costs

Compared to traditional offline systems, cloud-based ticketing systems could prove more economical. With a cloud-based system, you do not have to spend any money on pricey equipment, and the provider will take care of any software upgrades.

10. Blockchain for IT Ticketing

Blockchain is the talk of the tech town. IT ticketing systems are expected to benefit from blockchain technology's greater transparency, enhanced security, decentralization, automated processes, and audibility. While they're still in their development stage, blockchain-based IT helpdesk ticketing systems can alter how IT support teams handle customer/ employee queries and improve the overall employee experience.

How can Enhance Your IT Support System with its IT Ticketing Feature? 

The organization's unique needs and goals, the IT team's size, the IT infrastructure's intricacy, and the budget at disposal will all play a role in determining the "best" IT ticketing system for your organization. However, could be the solution that you have been looking for. Here are some of its features:

  • offers a conversational ticketing system that can convert conversations into tickets within Microsoft Teams. With’s modern conversational ticketing system because the end users do not ever need to see it. You can create, update and inquire about tickets- all within Microsoft Teams, and all the tickets contain transcripts of conversations.  
  • As the ticket progresses, employees receive automatic updates and notifications, keeping them in the loop at every stage.​
  •'s smart IT chatbot can install hundreds of the most used application packages on your user's devices in seconds.  
  • routes complex tickets directly to L2 & L3 experts. The issue reaches the right expert with the right context, thus reducing L1 effort and enabling getting the right help faster.   
  • It can instantly provide users with and assign needed licenses to dozens of leading SaaS platforms. The IT ticketing system also secures needed approvals and keeps your users informed of progress.


An organization must stay ahead of the competition regarding new technology or innovations in existing technologies. The IT ticketing system and innovative new upgrades can change how you work and make your organization more efficient, thus enhancing customer and employee satisfaction. Choosing only the best in the field can do wonders for your business!  

Upgrade your IT support with and improve response times, resolve issues faster, and boost productivity. Schedule a demo today!


  1. What defines the future of IT ticketing systems?
    Advancements in artificial intelligence and its subsets like Generative AI, automation, and a user-centric approach mark the future of IT ticketing systems. These modern systems are evolving to deliver quicker, more intelligent issue resolution while elevating the overall user experience.
  2. Can IT ticketing systems be integrated with social media platforms?
    Some IT ticketing systems integrate with social media platforms, allowing customers to submit tickets via social media channels like Twitter and Facebook.  
  3. How can ticketing systems be used to improve IT security?
    Ticketing solutions can be used to track security incidents and vulnerabilities, allowing organizations to prioritize and address security issues in a timely manner. They can also be used to enforce security policies and procedures, ensuring that employees follow best practices and compliance requirements.  
  4. Can modern ticketing systems be used to track asset inventory?
    Yes, some ticketing systems offer asset management capabilities, allowing organizations to track the inventory of IT assets, such as hardware and software. This helps to ensure that tickets are correctly associated with the right assets and that the history of the asset is easily accessible.
  5. Can IT help desk ticketing systems be used for project management?
    Some IT help desk ticketing systems offer project management capabilities, allowing organizations to manage IT projects from start to finish, including task assignments, timelines, and project milestones. This can help to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.
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