
Top 9 Pillars of Employee Engagement

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Top 9 Pillars of Employee Engagement
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Are you aware that only 21% of employees are engaged at work? Employee engagement is one of the most critical factors for productivity in the workplace. An unmotivated and disengaged employee will negatively impact the entire team. Thus to succeed in today's highly competitive business environment, companies must focus on several pillars of employee engagement. Employees that are invested in their work are more motivated, productive, and dedicated to attaining the company's objectives. 

What is Employee Engagement? 

Employee engagement is a term used to describe how emotionally invested and connected individuals are to their jobs, organizations, and mission statements. It reflects how devoted, enthusiastic, and passionate employees are about their work. Employees actively interested, eager, and prepared to go above and beyond for the organization's success go beyond simply being content with their work.

Employee engagement is a key factor in business performance and is not just a trendy term. Employee engagement can be defined as the extent to which employees are driven to give their all-in order to contribute to the organization's goals, feel enthusiastic about their work, and are dedicated to those goals and values (employee productivity). Engaged employees are also more likely to stay with the company and be loyal to the brand, reducing turnover costs and increasing productivity. Additionally, they tend to have better relationships with their colleagues, leading to a more positive work environment.

The pillars of employee engagement can be reached through factors including efficient communication, chances for progress and growth, rewards and recognition, and a positive work atmosphere. By implementing an effective employee engagement plan, businesses can benefit from increased employee productivity, more customer satisfaction, higher revenues, and better employee retention. Teams with high levels of engagement are 21% more profitable, claims Forbes.

In this article, we have highlighted the top 9 pillars of employee engagement and intriguing strategies to increase employee engagement to assist organizations in fostering an engaged workplace culture and achieving long-term commercial success.

Benefits of Employee Engagement

When employees are engaged, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and satisfied in their roles. There are numerous benefits associated with employee engagement, including:

Increased Employee productivity 

Engaged employees tend to be more productive. They are focused, motivated, and willing to go the extra mile to achieve their goals. Engaged employees are more likely to put in the discretionary effort and find innovative solutions to problems, leading to higher productivity.

Improved Employee Satisfaction and Morale

When employees feel engaged, they experience a higher level of job satisfaction. They feel valued, recognized, and involved in decision-making processes. This, in turn, boosts their morale and overall job happiness, resulting in reduced turnover rates and increased employee retention.

Enhanced Loyalty and Commitment

Engaged employees are more likely to be loyal and committed to their organization. They have a strong emotional connection and a sense of belonging, which fosters long-term commitment. Engaged employees are less likely to actively seek job opportunities elsewhere, reducing recruitment and training costs for the organization.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

Engaged employees who are satisfied and motivated in their roles are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service. They understand the importance of customer satisfaction and are committed to providing a positive experience. This, in turn, leads to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

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Top Factors Affecting Employee Engagement: Some Interesting Statistics             

  • According to Tinyplus, organizations with highly engaged employees perform better financially, increase productivity and satisfy customers, are safer, and retain more employees. With 61% of employees reporting burnout, organizations must continue to make every effort to promote a performance culture that doesn't encourage overworking. This can be done by allowing employees to invest time in enhancing their well-being at work and home. Organizations have discovered that maintaining employee engagement without driving them to burnout is vital to sustaining high performance. 
  • A recent survey by Willis Towers Watson found that 92% of employers want to prioritize improving the employee experience (EX) over the next three years after the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, it was only 52%. This rapid shift shows that businesses are now aware of the critical role of employee experience in employee engagement, well-being, productivity, and overall company performance. As a result, investing in employee experience (EX) is regarded as a wise move that helps the employees and overall business ROI.
  • According to Gallup's research, business units and teams ranked in the top, and worst quartiles, (a statistical concept) of employee engagement levels exhibit notable disparities in business outcomes. According to the findings, organizations with poor employee engagement have a higher chance of experiencing unfavorable outcomes like high absenteeism, high turnover (43% for low-turnover organizations and 18% for high-turnover organizations), shrinkage (theft), safety incidents, patient safety incidents, and quality defects.
  • Organizations that are heavily invested in employee engagement have a higher chance of achieving successful outcomes, such as increased customer loyalty and engagement, productivity (14% in production records and evaluations and 18% in sales), profitability, employee well-being, and organizational citizenship. These findings highlight the critical role that employee engagement plays in several corporate performance metrics.
  • In a Deloitte study, more than 68% of employees said they did not take advantage of the resources their organizations provided for well-being to the fullest extent possible because doing so required too much time, confusion, or effort.
  • According to a Gallup survey, youngsters are very concerned about developing their skills and talents when looking for jobs and keeping their current work. Surprisingly, 87% of youngsters believe that "professional or career growth and development possibilities" are essential while seeking a job, compared to 69% of non-youngsters who feel the same way.
  • According to Forbes, employee engagement in the United States fell to 34% in 2021 from 36% in 2020, a measure of employees' commitment and passion for their work. This was the first annual dip in employee engagement in a decade. Also, it states that businesses that invest in employee training and development have profit margins that are 24% greater.
  • As reported by TINYpulse, US businesses lose up to $550 billion (about $1,700 per person in the US) annually due to disengaged employees. Hence, if a business only cared about its capacity to generate profit and nothing else, it would want to include employee engagement activities in its performance strategy. Work-life balance is cited as the primary contributor to job satisfaction by 45% of employees.
  • In a study of 896 business units, Gallup discovered that there was a noticeable increase in employee engagement after the managers of the units received strengths feedback, which is typically a one-hour coaching conversation centered on understanding one's strengths, compared to work units with managers who didn't receive strengths coaching. The results were remarkable because, despite only the managers receiving feedback on their strengths, both employees and their managers saw an increase in engagement.  

These statistics indicate the importance of investing in employee engagement programs. Now, let's take a look at the top 9 pillars of employee engagement.  

9 Most Critical Pillars of Employee Engagement

Now, let’s take a look at the nine critical pillars of employee engagement for a satisfied, highly effective, and more successful workforce.

Pillar 1: Leadership and Management

Leadership and management play a significant role in creating an organization's engagement culture. How leaders and managers communicate with their employees can substantially impact employee engagement levels. Here, we'll cover interaction, feedback, recognition, management, and leadership techniques that can enhance employee engagement. Leaders and managers' roles in developing an engaged culture will also be addressed.

The Role Managers and Leaders Play in Creating an Engaged Culture
Setting the tone for the organization and developing a culture that encourages employee involvement are the responsibilities of leaders and managers. Engaged managers and leaders encourage their employees to provide their best efforts and promote a collaborative, innovative, and creative work environment, thereby increasing employee productivity. In addition, to support employees in accomplishing what they want, they also offer guidance, support, and direction.
The levels of employee engagement can be adversely affected by disengaged leaders and managers. They may micromanage their employees, create illogical targets, or fail to give clear directions, which causes irritation and fatigue. Also, they could overlook employees' efforts or fail to provide feedback, making employees feel unappreciated and unsupported. 

Importance of Communication, Criticism, and Recognition

A leader's and manager's ability to effectively communicate, receive feedback, and promote employees are essential to raising employee engagement levels. Employee’s understanding of their roles, responsibilities, values of an organization, and how their work contributes to the organization's success as a whole is ensured by clear communication. Also, it fosters cooperation and trust between employees and their managers and leaders.

Regular feedback on their work helps employees feel more supported and valued, boosting their motivation and engagement levels. Another critical component of employee engagement is recognition, which highlights their accomplishments and rewards constructive behavior. Recognition can take many forms, including bonuses, promotions, public acclaim, or even just a short letter of gratitude. It might encourage employees to give their best effort by making them feel valued and appreciated. 

Strategies for Enhancing Management and Leadership Effectiveness 

Although increasing the effectiveness of management and leadership can be a challenging task, there are a number of ways that businesses can use to boost employee engagement. 

  • Invest Heavily in Leadership Training Initiatives
    Investing in leadership training can help leaders and managers in acquiring the knowledge and abilities required to perform their jobs more successfully. These programs may cover coaching and mentoring as well as training in feedback and appreciation. 
  • Promote Open Communication
    Communication between employees and their supervisors and leaders can facilitate collaboration and confidence. To encourage open communication, organizations can put in place recurring check-ins, one-on-one sessions, or even anonymous feedback methods. 
  • Regularly Provide Feedback
    Giving employees regular feedback can help them perform better while also making them feel more engaged and valued. To give employees timely and pertinent feedback, organizations can use performance reviews, coaching sessions, or even real-time feedback tools. 
  • Recognize the Efforts of the Employees
    Employee engagement levels can be raised by recognizing their contributions, which can aid in reinforcing constructive behavior aiming at employee productivity. To recognize employee efforts, organizations can put in place recognition programs, celebrate achievements, or even give them tiny tokens of gratitude. 

Management and leadership are essential pillars of employee engagement that significantly impact employee engagement, productivity, and retention. A leader's and manager's ability to effectively communicate, receive feedback, and recognize employees is crucial to raising employee engagement. Organizations may foster an employee engagement culture that supports long-term company performance by investing in leadership development programs, promoting open communication, giving regular feedback, and recognizing employee accomplishments. 

Pillar 2: Organizational Culture 

An organization must have a positive business culture to promote employee engagement, productivity, and retention. The definition and traits of a healthy workplace culture, the significance of values, mission, and vision, and methods for creating and sustaining a solid workplace culture are all covered in this section. 

Positive Corporate Culture: Definition and Traits
An organization's shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that shape how its members interact with one another, their work, and the business as a whole are referred to as its culture. Open lines of communication, teamwork, respect, trust, and a sense of unity are all traits of a healthy workplace culture.
An employee engagement strategy or a healthy business culture is necessary for a workplace to foster engagement, creativity, and innovation among employees. Employee motivation and job satisfaction can increase when they feel connected to their work, co-employees, and the organization. 

Importance of Mission and Vision
A solid organizational culture must include its values, mission, and vision. The guiding concepts and beliefs that determine how an organization functions and how its personnel act is represented by its values. Although a vision statement highlights the organization's objectives and the future it sees for itself, a mission statement outlines the organization's purpose and the goals it seeks to achieve.
Employee engagement levels can be raised by giving them a feeling of direction and purpose through the organization's values, goals, and vision. Also, they help in developing a feeling of identity and purpose among employees that may promote cooperation and teamwork.

Techniques for Creating and Sustaining a Positive Workplace Culture
Organizational leaders and managers must consciously and intentionally develop and sustain a healthy corporate culture. Organizations may use some employee engagement strategies to create and preserve a positive workplace culture.

  • Establish and Express Your Values, Purpose, and Vision
    Defining and communicating your organization's values, goals, and vision is essential to give your employees a sense of unity and shared identity. Organizations can share these ideas through meetings, conferences, or employee onboarding initiatives. They should represent the values and behaviors that managers and leaders desire to see in their employees. This may facilitate the development of a culture of respect, cooperation, and trust. 
  • Promote Open Communication
    Open communication between employee members and their supervisors and leaders can promote cooperation and confidence. Organizations can encourage open communication by implementing recurring check-ins, one-on-one sessions, or even anonymous feedback methods.
  • Recognize and Reward Constructive Actions
    The principles and conduct that are significant to the organization can be strengthened by praising good behavior. To recognize employee productivity, organizations can put in place recognition programs, commemorate achievements, or even give them tiny mementos of gratitude.
  • Provide Opportunities for Development and Growth
    Provide employees with opportunities for career advancement and development and boost their motivation and engagement. Organizations can provide training programs, coaching and mentoring, or even job rotations to assist employees in improving their abilities and advancing their careers. 

Your company's culture must be positive if you want to create a work environment that encourages employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Organizations can establish and maintain a robust corporate environment that encourages long-term business success by clearly defining and communicating their values, mission, and vision, setting an exemplary example, promoting open communication, recognizing and rewarding positive behaviors, and providing opportunities for growth and development. 

Pillar 3: Employee Voice

Employee voice is essential for developing a dynamic and engaged workplace culture. It entails giving employees the tools and technologies to strengthen their voices, listening to and including them in decision-making, and collecting and acting on their feedback. It is essential to consider employee input when making decisions and to listen to them. Employees feel heard and respected when they are more engaged, driven, and committed to their work. Also, they are more inclined to express their opinions, worries, and suggestions, which can promote creativity and improve decision-making. 

The process of gathering and responding to employee input can be done in several ways. One method to get feedback on issues or activities is to hold focus groups or surveys. 

Technology and tools can also improve employee voice. For instance, employees can communicate their thoughts, ideas, and proposals through social media platforms, intranet portals, and mobile apps. Also, these tools can help teams and people collaborate and communicate, enhancing engagement and innovation.

Pillar 4: Learning and Development 

Any organization's success depends on its ability to foster learning and development. To maintain employees' engagement, motivation, and productivity, it is crucial to offer them opportunities for learning and growth. In today's cutthroat job market, it also aids in luring and keeping top people. Giving employees opportunities for learning and development is crucial for their personal and professional development. Employees benefit from this since it enables them to advance in their jobs, pick up new skills, and stay current with industry trends. Employees are more devoted, engaged, and productive at work when they have access to development opportunities.  

Learning and development program is an important pillar of employee engagement. To maintain employees' engagement, motivation, and productivity, offering them opportunities for learning and growth is crucial. In today's ever-evolving job market, a learning and development program is crucial in luring and retaining your top-performing employees. 

Several strategies are involved in developing a culture of continuous learning, including: 

  • Establishing clear expectations 
    Leaders should emphasize the value of ongoing learning and set clear goals for employee growth.
  • Providing support and resources  
    Giving employees the resources and assistance they need to accomplish their professional development goals is the responsibility of leaders. 
  • Encouraging a growth mindset 
    Leaders should encourage a growth mindset among employees who are open to learning, trying new things, and embracing challenges.
  • Celebrating learning and success  
    Leaders should recognize and celebrate employee learning and development successes. 

Organizations can provide a variety of learning and development resources and initiatives, such as:

  • Training in a classroom 
    Training in a classroom may take the form of seminars, workshops, and sessions given by instructors.
  • eLearning 
    Online courses, webinars, and other digital materials that employees can access at their convenience can all be included in the eLearning program. 
  • Coaching and mentoring 
    Coaching and mentoring programs can give employees the direction and encouragement they need to acquire new abilities and perspectives.
  • Job rotation and cross-functional training 
    Programs for job rotation and cross-functional training can expose employees to various positions and organizational divisions. 
  • Conferences and networking occasions 
    Conferences and networking occasions can give employees a chance to hear from subject matter experts, network with co-employees, and develop fresh insights. 
    To establish an innovative and engaged workplace culture, employers must offer their workforce opportunities for learning and development. Organizations can keep their employees engaged, motivated, and productive while recruiting and keeping top talent by promoting a culture of continuous learning, offering assistance and resources, and offering various training and development programs and services. 

Pillar 5:  Rewards and Recognition 

Any organization's performance depends on rewards and recognition. Employee engagement, motivation, and satisfaction can all be increased by rewarding and recognizing their achievements, which can also assist the entire organization's performance. Acknowledging and recognizing individual achievements is essential to foster a positive work environment. Employee satisfaction, retention rates, and morale all benefit from this. 

Various Kinds of Incentives and Recognition Practices 

Organizations can employ a variety of reward and recognition programs and practices, including: 

  • Financial Rewards
    Bonuses increase, and other monetary incentives that honor and reward employees for their achievement can fall under this category. 
  • Non-Monetary Rewards 
    This can include recognition programs, such as employee of the month, team recognition, and peer-to-peer recognition. 
  • Career Development Opportunities 
    This can include opportunities for training, mentoring, and career advancement that recognize and reward employees for their potential. 
  • Work-life Balance Initiatives 
    This can include flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, flexible schedules, and vacation time, that recognize and reward employees for their commitment to work-life balance. 

Strategies for Designing Effective Rewards and Recognition Programs 

Effective rewards and recognition programs should be designed to meet employees' unique needs and preferences. Strategies for designing effective programs include: 

  • Gathering Employee Feedback 
    Organizations should gather employee feedback to understand what rewards and recognition programs are most meaningful to employees.
  • Getting Opinions from the Workforce
    Organizations should gather employee feedback to determine the best incentives and recognition initiatives. 
  • Defining Specific Objectives and Goals
    Programs for rewards and recognition should align with the organization's goals and objectives. 
  • Ensuring Equity and Openness
    Programs for prizes and recognition should adhere to fair and open selection and distribution standards. 

To foster a healthy work atmosphere and enhance organizational performance, it is crucial to acknowledge and thank individuals for their accomplishments. By offering a variety of rewards and recognition programs and practices, gathering employee feedback, setting clear goals and objectives, ensuring fairness and transparency, and making rewards timely and consistent, organizations can create effective rewards and recognition programs that meet the needs and preferences of employees. 

Pillar 6: Work-Life Balance  

It goes without saying that work-life balance is essential to employee engagement and any organization's success. Work-life balance is the balance between an employee's work and personal life. It is essential because it can improve employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity and reduce stress and burnout.

Work-life balance refers to the ability of employees to manage their work and personal responsibilities effectively. It is crucial because it can enhance employee well-being, lessen stress and burnout, and boost productivity and job satisfaction. Methods for encouraging a balanced work-life balance include flexible work schedules to help employees balance their obligations at work and home; organizations might provide flexible work options like telecommuting, flexible schedules, and reduced workweeks.
Here are some of the ideas for ensuring a work-life balance culture: 

  • Offering wellness initiatives
    Organizations can assist employees in managing their health and wellbeing by offering wellness initiatives, including gym memberships, stress-reduction courses, and mental health counseling. 
  • Encouraging time off  
    Encouragement of vacation, personal days, and sick leave can all be used by employers to help their employee members relax and manage their personal obligations.
  • Supporting childcare and eldercare
    Organizations can help employees manage their caregiving duties by offering childcare and eldercare support, such as on-site daycare, backup care, and flexible work schedules.
  • Flexible work arrangements 
    Compressed workweeks, flexible timetables, and telecommuting are a few examples of flexible work arrangements. 

To maintain employee wellbeing, engagement, and productivity, work-life balance is crucial. Organizations can assist employees in managing their job and personal responsibilities and enhance their general quality of life by providing flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, encouraging time off, and supplying childcare and eldercare support. 

Pillar 7: Health and Wellness 

For the organization to function better and to maintain a healthy work environment, employee health and wellness are crucial. The physical, mental, and emotional well-being of employees is referred to as employee health and wellbeing. It is crucial since it raises employee productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.  

Organizations may lower absenteeism, attrition rates, and healthcare expenses while raising employee engagement, employee productivity, and work satisfaction by increasing employee well-being. Employers can promote healthy behaviors among their employees, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction methods.

Pillar 8: Diversity and Inclusion 

For every organization to succeed, diversity and inclusion are essential. Employee engagement, creativity, and productivity can all be increased in a diverse and welcoming workplace, which also benefits the organization's image and ability to compete in the market. 

A varied and inclusive workplace can improve employee engagement, productivity, and creativity by encouraging a sense of belonging and allowing other viewpoints and ideas. In addition, diversity and inclusion can aid organizations in attracting and keeping top people while boosting innovation and customer happiness.

Many tactics are required to establish an inclusive and diverse workplace, including:

  • Building a Culture of Inclusion  
    Promoting respect and fairness, appreciating diversity, and providing chances for all employees to contribute and achieve are all part of developing an inclusive culture.
  • Bringing Into Effect Impartial Hiring and Recruitment Procedures
    This entails eliminating prejudices from job descriptions, carrying out impartial evaluations, and broadening the recruitment channels. 
  • Providing Training on Diversity and Inclusion
    This covers educating employees on unconscious discrimination, cultural sensitivity, and inclusive communication.
  • Providing Resources for Diversity and Inclusion
    Providing resources for diversity and inclusion involves forming employee resource groups (ERGs), establishing sponsorship and mentoring programs, and granting flexible work schedules. 

Organizations can employ a variety of practices and programs related to diversity and inclusion, such as:

  • Diversity and inclusion training 
    Companies can provide training on diversity and inclusion to assist employees in understanding and embracing these concepts at work. 
  • Employee resource groups (ERGs)
    These organizations can offer a community of support for employees from various backgrounds as well as chances for networking and professional growth.
  • Mentoring and sponsorship programs  
    Programs for mentoring and sponsorship can assist underrepresented employees in navigating the culture of the company and establishing connections with senior executives.
  • Flexibility initiatives
    To support work-life balance for all employees, organizations might provide flexible work arrangements including telecommuting and flexible hours.

Pillar 9: Social Responsibility   

Social responsibility is essential for businesses to retain a positive reputation, boost employee engagement, and improve society. Social responsibility is the practice of engaging in actions that are both beneficial to the community and the environment and consistent with the beliefs and goals of an organization.
By giving employees a feeling of purpose and meaning outside of their regular jobs, participating in social responsibility programs can increase employee engagement. Additionally, it can assist businesses in increasing market share, client attraction and retention, and reputation. 
Organizations can use a variety of tactics to encourage social responsibility, such as

  • Recognizing Significant Social Concerns
    Organizations can identify social issues like environmental sustainability, social justice, or education that are consistent with their beliefs and goals. 
  • Setting Up a Strategy for Social Responsibility
    To accomplish the social responsibility objectives, this entails defining Key performance metrics, identifying resources, and creating goals.
  • Collaboration With Stakeholders
    To accomplish their social responsibility objectives, businesses can collaborate with various stakeholders, including clients, vendors, non-governmental organizations, and neighborhood groups. 
  • Expressing Social Responsibility Initiatives
    Out through a variety of platforms, such as annual reports, social media, and sustainability reports, businesses can inform their employees, clients, and the public about their social responsibility initiatives. 

Organizations can carry out several social responsibility initiatives, including: 

  • Initiatives for Environmental Sustainability
    They include employing renewable energy, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and waste production, and encouraging supply-chain sustainability.
  • Business Philanthropy
    Organizations have the option of sponsoring local events or donating goods, services, or cash to nonprofits.
  • Programs for Employee Voluntarism
    Employers can encourage and motivate employees to lend their time and expertise to community organizations. 
  • Efforts for Inclusion and Diversity
    By assisting underrepresented groups and fostering an inclusive working atmosphere, organizations can encourage diversity and inclusion. 


All right, folks, listen up! Employee engagement is essential now more than ever as we come to the end of this conversation. It's time for all organizations to emphasize their employees' engagement and take action! An engagement culture must be established to recruit and keep top personnel, increase productivity, and foster a healthy work atmosphere. Hence, let's adopt a comprehensive strategy and concentrate on the nine pillars of employee engagement. Leadership, culture, learning and development, rewards and recognition, work-life balance, wellness and health, diversity and inclusion, and social responsibility are all included. 

By boosting employee engagement, you may foster a culture of motivation, joy, and value at work. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved! Hence, let's start now by promoting employee engagement. Trust that your employees will appreciate it!   

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  1. What are the pillars of employee engagement?
    The pillars of employee engagement include trust, empowerment, development, recognition, and communication. A comprehensive strategy is required to establish a productive workplace culture and environment. This involves allowing employees to grow, supporting their physical and emotional health, and fostering trust via open communication and keeping your word. 
  2. What are the 4 Cs of employee engagement?
    Employee engagement is determined by the four Cs of connection, contribution, culture, and career. Employees should have possibilities for career development and progress, feel connected to their co-employees, contribute meaningfully to the business, and be a part of a positive work environment. This approach enhances workplace employee engagement. 
  3. What are the four essentials of employee engagement?
    The four components of employee engagement are trust, progress, recognition, and communication. Employees require regular, transparent communication, professional and personal growth chances, thanks for their work, and faith in the organization and its leaders.
    These components contribute to developing a supportive and stimulating workplace where staff members feel appreciated and invested in the company's accomplishments.
  4. What would your top 10 tips be for improving employee engagement?
    Employers should establish clear expectations, encourage open communication, offer growth opportunities, acknowledge employee contributions, foster a positive work environment, provide competitive pay, empower employees, promote teamwork, solicit feedback, and prioritize work-life balance to increase employee engagement. These suggestions can assist in establishing a happy and encouraging workplace that promotes employee happiness, motivation, and loyalty. 
  5. What are the top three influences on employee engagement? 
    Leadership, the manager-employee connection, and the work environment are the top three factors that affect employee engagement. Employee engagement can be strongly impacted by the effectiveness of leadership and the rapport between staff members and their immediate manager. A favorable work environment that promotes employee growth and well-being can also increase engagement levels. 
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