

How Can an IT Ticketing System Increase Agent Productivity by 25%?

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How Can an IT Ticketing System Increase Agent Productivity by 25%?

How Can an IT Ticketing System Increase Agent Productivity by 25%?

Service Desk
Employee Experience
AI & Automation
How Can an IT Ticketing System Increase Agent Productivity by 25%?

Are you having trouble increasing the productivity of your support agents? Don't worry; you're not alone! The topic of IT helpdesk agent productivity is hotly debated, yet only some have a solid grasp of it. As an IT helpdesk manager, I understand the immense stress and challenges of managing a team of IT support agents or technicians. Whether responding to an employee ticket or resolving complex technical issues, exceptional productivity is always required. But what if I told you that there is an incredible solution that boosts your team's efficiency and elevates support agent productivity by an astounding 25%? Yes, we are talking about an AI-powered IT ticketing system.

Needless to say, the amount and complexity of IT support requests are continually increasing in this ever-evolving corporate culture. Without a robust system, it's easy for support agents to become overwhelmed and find it challenging to handle the influx of tickets. But with an effective IT ticketing system, your team can streamline workflows, prioritize IT tasks, and promptly address end-user problems. Adopting a Microsoft IT ticketing system empowers your support agents with a centralized platform that captures and manages all incoming support tickets. Each ticket is logged, classified, and assigned to a specific agent to provide a structured and organized approach to handling employee issues. The chaos of unmanaged emails will no longer drown your team or make it challenging to identify high-priority tasks. Amazing, right? 

So, let's look at how an IT ticketing system can transform your IT support agent's productivity and make your employees highly efficient! Before we get into the details, let's first talk about the importance of support agent productivity. 

Why are Support Agents Important for IT Organizations?

Support agents or technicians are the foundation of any IT service desk, interacting with employees and resolving their technical problems face-to-face. Organizations seeking to provide seamless and instant employee support and exceptional employee experiences must recognize support agents' importance and how their expertise contributes to the overall business success. 

Reasons Why IT Helpdesk Agents Hold a Crucial Role? 

  • Provide the Right Employee Support
    IT helpdesk agents have specialized knowledge and technical expertise, enabling them to identify and fix L1 issues each employee faces quickly. In this age of hybrid work culture, it is obvious that employees encounter various IT-related issues such as laptop configuration, Outlook connectivity issues, password resets, software installation errors, etc., often leaving employees confused and frustrated. A dedicated IT helpdesk agent can troubleshoot these repetitive issues, deliver guidance, and offer the right and personalized solutions to employees, ensuring the smooth operation of IT infrastructure. They will escalate complicated issues to higher-level support, ensuring a robust problem-solving.
  • Instant Resolution for L2 and L3 Issues
    Service desk agents play a crucial role in resolving employee problems. Apart from resolving L1 issues, support agents can identify and analyze the complex (L2 and L3) problems reported by the employees, pinpoint root causes, and execute the right solutions. Their ability to resolve complex issues helps reduce employees' downtime, resolve tickets more quickly, provide personalized support and raise satisfaction levels.
  • Seamless End-user Interactions
    Support agents serve as the company's face when interacting with employees and end-users. They build relationships, understand customers' and employees' frustrations, and effectively communicate technical solutions.
  • Contributors to the Knowledge Base
    IT helpdesk agents are the ones who constantly add answers to common problems to the knowledge base. They enable employees to solve typical issues independently by imparting their insights, which minimizes the need for agent intervention.
  • Ticket Management
    Support agents or technicians are responsible for handling IT tickets and service requests. They record, prioritize, and track tickets, ensuring they are resolved within defined service level agreements (SLAs). By efficiently managing tickets, they minimize disruptions, improve productivity, and maintain service continuity.
  • Feedback and Improvement
    IT helpdesk agents play a major role in collecting information on employee experiences, repetitive IT tasks and HR issues, and emerging trends. They interact with employee feedback and suggestions to the IT service team, contributing to improving IT services, systems, and processes continuously.

Business Benefits of Elevating Agent Productivity

Elevating IT helpdesk agent productivity can bring numerous benefits to the IT helpdesk and the organization. Let's check out them one by one.

  1. Improved Ticket Resolution Speed
    IT support agents can handle employee tickets more swiftly when provided with the right tools and resources. These enhanced ticket resolution times improve employee satisfaction and loyalty, as employees appreciate quick resolutions to their issues.
  2. Enhanced First-level Ticket Resolution
    Empowering IT helpdesk agents with the right knowledge and modern tools like IT service management, IT ticketing system or IT service desk automation allow them to resolve issues during the initial employee interaction without ticket escalations or follow-ups.
  3. Automate Repetitive IT Tasks and Workflows
    Focusing on IT service desk agent productivity often involves optimizing IT tasks and workflows and streamlining time-consuming manual processes. In order to achieve this, agents can be provided with better AI tools, such as a Microsoft IT ticketing system or an IT helpdesk chatbot that works within MS Teams to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. Such advancements improve agent productivity and create a more organized and efficient work environment.
  4. Decreased IT Helpdesk Agent Burnout and Turnover
    By streamlining complex IT processes and reducing repetitive IT tasks, IT helpdesk agent productivity increases while reducing the risk of burnout. Engaged and motivated support agents or technicians are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing costly turnover and associated onboarding expenses.

Now that you understand the role and importance of IT helpdesk agents in an organization, let's check out what makes an IT ticketing system a must-have. 

What is an IT Ticketing System?

An IT ticketing system is a software program that is used by IT service management (ITSM)  IT service desks or  IT helpdesks to coordinate and track employee tickets for the right technical support or assistance.
Major components in an IT ticketing system are:

1. A user interface for the submission of IT requests via email, web portal, etc.
2. Managing and creating tickets
3. Prioritization and categorization of tickets based on their importance
4. Assignment of tickets to the right support agents
5. Enhance communication and collaboration of IT teams and support agents with users.
6. Tracking and monitoring of tickets to ensure swift response and resolution.

Simply,  an IT ticketing system is a step-by-step process. Firstly, customers or employees provide support tickets through various channels, like email or websites. Once a ticket is submitted, the IT ticketing system automatically assigns it to a support agent.

The support agent will manage the ticket by monitoring and updating its status and remains in touch with the customer or employee as necessary. The system keeps track of the ticket's progress throughout the entire process and updates the submitter in real-time. As a way to spot trends and enhance the support process, organizations can also utilize the system to generate reports and analytics about ticket volume, response time, and resolution time.

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Features of An IT Ticketing System That Boosts Agent’s Productivity

In this automated business environment, IT support agents are obligated to provide great service while handling a high volume of tickets. Organizations must empower their support agents with the right tools, like IT helpdesk automation or IT ticketing system and resources, to meet these expectations. Let’s look at the features of an effective IT ticketing system. 

Ticket Management

From a single platform, organizations can receive, assign, and manage support tickets using an IT ticketing system. Customers and employees can easily report problems or request IT services by opening a ticket in an IT ticketing system. This enables IT helpdesk agents to be alert to issues as they arise and swiftly address them, resulting in shorter resolution times and higher user satisfaction.

Ticket Tracking

A Microsoft IT ticketing system keeps track of a ticket's progress from creation to resolution and gives updates in real-time to employees who submitted the ticket. Agents can track the request's progress through the IT ticketing system. Support agents can also see the past performance of the ticket to see what steps have been performed, and the agents and users will receive notifications when the ticket is updated or resolved.

Ticket Prioritizing

Support agents may request tickets according to their urgency and their potential impact on customers or employees.

Tools for Communication

A modern IT ticketing system provides facilities for support agents to rapidly and effectively connect with the end-user (customers or employees), via email templates, preset responses, and chat options.


An IT ticketing system automates repetitive tasks such as ticket assignment, follow-up, and notifications, reducing the workload on support agents. As an example, tickets may be automatically escalated based on the length of time they have been open or assigned to particular technicians based on their competence or availability.

Live Agent Support

An IT ticketing system offers live agent support or in-built live chat to the users to provide personalized support and assist them in resolving IT problems, thereby reducing downtime and frustration.

Self-service Portal

An IT ticketing system can include a self-service portal where customers or employees can submit tickets, track their progress, and access knowledge base articles to resolve issues themselves. Customers and employees can use the knowledge base to look up solutions to frequently asked queries or problems. This may result in fewer tickets being submitted and a quicker resolution for end customers.

Seamless Integration

An IT helpdesk system can integrate with other tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, project management tools, and knowledge base software, to streamline support processes further. Integrating IT ticketing systems with collaborative platforms such as MS Teams auto-resolves IT issues simply.

Asset Management

A centralized inventory of hardware and software assets for tracking and managing IT resources. This feature assists organizations in optimizing their IT investments, lowering expenses, and ensuring that assets are utilized productively.  

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

An IT ticketing system offers precise analytics and reporting, allowing you to spot trends, analyze KPIs, and obtain insights into your IT service desk's overall performance. This data can be utilized to improve processes and the quality of support agent services. The system generates reports and analytics, such as ticket volume, response time, and resolution time, to help organizations identify trends and improve support processes.

Easy Access to the Knowledge Base

Investing in a modern IT helpdesk or an IT ticketing system that leverages the power of advanced AI algorithms and machine learning (ML) can give helpdesk agents easy access to a centralized knowledge base containing articles, manuals, and guidelines. This improves employee satisfaction and efficiency by enabling IT support agents to quickly and precisely fix problems.

With IT helpdesk automation or a robust IT ticketing system in place, organizations can increase the productivity and efficiency of their support agents, streamline their support operations, and reduce manual workload.

Some  Interesting Statistics on Agent Productivity

The following statistics indicate that the impact of an IT ticketing system on agent productivity varies depending on the organization and its unique needs:

According to a Zendesk survey, organizations that deploy ticketing systems observed a 22% rise in agent productivity.

According to a recent survey by Linkedin, investing in AI-powered tools helps organizations increase agent productivity by prioritizing up to 20% of tickets.

A report by  HDI, the average cost per ticket for organizations with a mature ticketing system is $22.20, compared to $57.50 for companies without a system.

According to a Freshworks survey,67% of service teams believe that using a ticketing system has increased efficiency and productivity.

A SalesForce survey report says an automated ticketing system allows agents to spend up to 40% less time on administrative duties like data entry and ticket routing. 

These statistics suggest that an IT Ticketing System can significantly impact agent productivity, with potential increases of up to 25%.

Best Practices For IT Ticketing System Deployment And Constant Enhancement

  • When opting for an IT ticketing system, keep in mind what your organization requires and the goals you want to achieve.
  • Looks for a robust IT ticketing system that allows for easy ticket tracking, management, and creation.
  • That  can integrate with other tools your organization uses 
  • That can provide detailed reports on ticket status and other essential metrics
  • It can be customized to meet your specific needs
  • Ensures a good user experience for internal and external users;
  • That has appropriate security measures in place to protect sensitive data.

All of these considerations might assist you in selecting the best IT ticketing system for your organization.

  • Once an IT ticketing system is implemented, continuously monitoring and improving processes for maximum efficiency and effectiveness is crucial. 
  • Best practices for continuous improvement and adaptation include regularly reviewing metrics like ticket volume and response times, soliciting feedback from users to identify areas for improvement, staying up-to-date with the latest trends in IT ticketing systems, automating repetitive tasks where possible, properly training users on the system, and remaining flexible and open to adapting processes based on feedback and changing circumstances. 

All these practices help ensure that the IT ticketing system remains relevant and effective over time.


Undoubtedly, IT helpdesk agents are the unsung heroes within any organization, providing critical assistance to end-users and ensuring the smooth functioning of IT service management. Their technical skills, user-centric approach, and contributions to process optimization are instrumental in enhancing organizational success. Recognizing the importance of IT support agents and investing in the right tools, like IT ticketing systems, can benefit organizations.

By automating repetitive IT tasks, offering standard answer templates, and streamlining ticket management, an effective IT ticketing system can increase agent productivity by up to 20-25%.

Think about your organization's needs and the objectives you wish to attain when choosing an IT ticketing system. With the help of these features, support agents manage support requests more quickly, freeing up time to focus on other significant tasks and providing clients with quicker, more effective support. If you want to maximize the efficiency and productivity of your support team, you should implement a robust IT ticketing system.

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What is agent Productivity? Why is agent productivity so important?

Agent productivity indicates the effectiveness and productiveness that an agent can accomplish in performing their job responsibilities. This considers variables, including the volume of support requests handled, the promptness and quality of responses, and the capacity to address problems on the spot.

Agent productivity is essential since the success of an organization's support operations is directly impacted by it. Organizations can handle more support queries, address problems more rapidly, and improve the customer experience overall by enhancing agent productivity. Higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention may result from this.

What is the KPI of an agent?

The organization and the nature of its support operations will determine an agent's key performance indicators (KPIs). The average response time, the proportion of first-contact resolutions, and customer satisfaction scores are a few examples of frequent KPIs.

How can an IT ticketing system increase agent productivity?

There are various ways an IT ticketing system can boost agent productivity. Agents may process support inquiries more quickly by automating workflows, offering standard answer templates, and streamlining ticket management. This allows them to devote more time to higher-level activities and to provide clients with quicker, more effective service. Additionally, monitoring and assessing performance metrics enables businesses to continuously enhance their customer service and support procedures, thereby boosting agent productivity and client satisfaction.

How to make a ticketing system better?

Organizations may consider adding features like automation, adaptable workflows, and tool connections to ticketing systems to improve them. Additionally, they can review customer feedback and performance metrics regularly to find areas for improvement and modify their procedures accordingly.

How is agent productivity increased with IT helpdesk automation?

An automated IT helpdesk can boost agent productivity by lowering the time and effort needed to respond to common support requests. By automating repetitive operations like ticket routing, answer templates, and other repetitive chores, agents can concentrate on more complicated problems and offer customers service that is quicker and more efficient. Automation can also help guarantee that support processes are accurate and consistent, increasing employee happiness and agent's work efficiency.

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