

Maximizing the ROI of HR Helpdesk Software: An Ultimate Guide

Employee Experience
Service Desk
Maximizing the ROI of HR Helpdesk Software: An Ultimate Guide

Maximizing the ROI of HR Helpdesk Software: An Ultimate Guide

Employee Experience
Service Desk
Maximizing the ROI of HR Helpdesk Software: An Ultimate Guide

Imagine being part of a chaotic, high-stress work environment where employees are hustling and bustling, each with their HR-related questions and concerns regarding updated work policies and procedures or benefits and payroll systems. You will witness employees displaying excellent multitasking, mental agility, emotional stability, problem-solving, and crisis management skills as they try to survive the chaos, frustrations and confusion.

Employees are left to navigate these complicated issues independently without reliable HR helpdesk software, frequently resulting in confusion and ultimately lowering employee engagement and productivity. However, with the proper HR helpdesk, staff members can get the help, support and direction they require to quickly and effectively address any HR-related issues.

With a modern HR helpdesk in place, employees can have peace of mind, knowing they have a designated team of experts and an interactive HR helpdesk chatbot available to help them with any HR-related issue. A Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study also found that HR helpdesk technology can reduce HR service desk agent’s workload by up to 40%, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives.
As your employees are primarily tasked with creating a high-quality product or service that leads to a profit (or loss), ROI should be a major concern when it comes to handling your workforce. 

HR helpdesks are crucial in generating higher ROI for the HR department by optimizing its processes. Even though HR helpdesk platforms are affordable, they may consume a sizable portion of your budget, especially if you have a large team. Ensuring your investment doesn't go to waste, and that employees can get dependable, round-the-clock support becomes even more crucial.In this ultimate guide, we'll take a closer look at how organizations can maximize the ROI of their HR helpdesk software.

What is an HR Helpdesk Software?

An HR helpdesk software is designed to streamline and automate repetitive HR tasks and processes, providing employees with a central platform to resolve simple HR-related issues and inquiries. The software acts as a single point of contact for employees to access HR services, making it easier to find the information they need, resolve issues, and stay informed on HR policies and procedures. HR helpdesk software can satisfy both employee's growing need for instant responses and interact with other users, just like the ease of usage that your mobile offers you. The transition to employee self-service necessitates using an HR helpdesk called HR service delivery software. Furthermore, it helps HR support agents to concentrate on more vital responsibilities like hiring, retaining, and engaging employees.

HR helpdesk software usually includes features such as an HR ticketing tool, self-service portals, knowledge management systems, and analytics tools. The HR ticketing tool feature allows HR support agents to create, assign, and track employee requests, ensuring that all requests are addressed on time. The self-service portal feature enables employees to submit and track their requests online, reducing the need for HR staff to handle requests via email or phone. HR helpdesk software can also integrate with other HR systems, such as payroll and performance management software, to provide a seamless HR experience for both employees and HR support agents. By automating routine HR tasks, HR helpdesk software allows HR staff to focus on more strategic initiatives that can have a more significant impact on the organization's bottom line.

Top Features of An HR Helpdesk Software

It is important for organizations to determine whether the HR helpdesk software they select includes features that can manifest desirable business benefits that align with their business objectives.

  • Integration with Collaborative Platforms
    The use of collaborative platforms has skyrocketed ever since the outbreak of Covid-19. Collaborative platforms like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams have gained immense popularity worldwide across different industries. These platforms have been successful in helping support agents to communicate and collaborate with their peers while working remotely. You can leverage the functionality of these collaborative platforms by integrating your HR helpdesk with them. HR Helpdesk software can improve employee efficiency and productivity, with one study reporting that HR departments that use automation technology saw a 23% reduction in manual tasks. (Source: McKinsey).

    Modern HR helpdesks can be integrated with collaborative platforms to make remote working more effective. With this integration, your employees can have their HR-related issues resolved while working on their daily tasks. They no longer need to switch to a different platform to seek HR support.
  • Automated And Personalized Employee Support
    An HR helpdesk allows you to provide personalized support to your employees. Modern help desks are equipped with conversational AI technologies involving dedicated artificial intelligence HR chatbots. These chatbots understand the context of the issues raised by your employees and provide them with solutions that are specifically tailored according to their needs. HR Helpdesk software can improve employee satisfaction, with 72% of employees reporting using HR chatbots to access HR services. (Source: Oracle).

    An automated HR helpdesk helps you reduce your dependence on support agents. The HR chatbots can be used to provide primary support to your employees without the case getting routed to the agents directly. All you need to do is fill your enterprise knowledge base with relevant data. When a question is asked, the chatbots would automatically scan your knowledge base and return with a solution that is best suited for them.
  • Streamlined Employees Onboarding
    With an HR helpdesk, you can onboard your remote employees without any hassles. Modern and automated HR helpdesks allow you to send personalized emails to new employees to welcome them to your organization. Along with a personalized warm welcome letter, HR managers can provide the new employees with the contact details of their peers, their login credentials, company guidelines, orientation dates, and all other resources they require to start working with you.

    A digital and centralized helpdesk lets your managers ensure that the new employees are comfortable working with their new team(s). HR helpdesk software can help reduce employee turnover, with one study reporting that 75% of employees are more likely to stay with a company that uses technology to make their work life easier. (Source: Ultimate Software)
  • HR Ticketing System
    HR helpdesks usually use an HR ticketing system to manage and track issues and inquiries submitted by employees from across a company. The time team members spend handling problems like payroll, creating workplace policies, and carrying out administrative tasks is decreased by trustworthy HR ticketing Help Desk Software.

    It is simple for HR helpdesk agent to monitor and effectively address employee tickets owing to the HR ticketing systems. Helpdesk supervisors can customize the system to ensure the relevant tickets are sent to the right team. From there, all active tickets appear in one place for HR personnel to resolve.

    Moreover, HR support agents can label and reassign specific tasks to others, create tasks and notifications for each request, and categorize requests by priority or topic. Automation is commonly used in HR departments to handle frequent requests. Furthermore, automation ensures that crucial workflows can be executed while maintaining SLAs and service quality.
  • An AI-powered Knowledge Base
    To maintain a single source of information for HR team members and employees, you can use an internal knowledge base or knowledge management system to preserve institutional HR knowledge at a large scale. Knowledge base software reduces employees' time searching for data and is an excellent method to avoid tickets. Knowledge bases empower HR to support employees in how they like to be supported, often through self-serve channels.
  • Reporting and Analytics
    HR helpdesk software provides the reporting and analytics tools that HR leaders require to track and constantly improve their internal support operations quickly.

    Every interaction can be analyzed, including:

    Article views – which articles in your internal knowledge base are getting the most traffic

    Requests – what types of employee requests are coming in the most and to which HR teams

    Response time – how quickly HR staff responds to requests

    And more – your team can track the KPIs you care about most

    Also, your team can monitor the KPIs that are most important to you.
    By having transparency into these trends and deficiencies, you can plan your resources more wisely and enhance the operations that assist HR professionals and employees.
  • Training Your Employees Via Microlearning
    Microlearning allows your employees to get trained in specific skills without spending more than 10 minutes on training sessions every day. You must add relevant training materials and resources for your employees to your knowledge base and have them access the content at their convenience. Modern employee help desks allow managers to provide individual employees with the training materials on their respective devices and get them trained in an organized manner.
  • Anonymous Harassment Reporting
    Employees often hesitate before contacting HR support agents and reporting cases of workplace harassment. An HR helpdesk provides these employees a platform to raise their concerns and report their cases anonymously. A centralized platform would allow managers to see the reported cases, address them, and take appropriate steps at the earliest.
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Top Use Cases for HR Helpdesk Software

An AI-powered HR helpdesk software is designed to automate and streamline HR processes, making it easier for HR professionals to manage employee requests, track issues, and provide timely responses. Here are some of the top use cases for HR helpdesk software:

  • Employee Self-Service
    HR helpdesk software can provide employees with a self-service portal where they can submit requests for time off, updates to personal information, and other HR-related tasks.
  • Issue Tracking
    With HR helpdesk software, HR professionals can easily track and manage employee issues, ensuring that all requests are resolved in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Case Management
    HR helpdesk software can also help HR professionals manage complex employee cases, such as harassment or discrimination complaints, by providing a centralized platform for tracking and resolving these issues.
  • Reporting and Analytics
    HR helpdesk software can provide insights into employee requests, issue resolution times, and other metrics that can help HR professionals identify trends and improve processes.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding
    HR helpdesk software can automate the onboarding and offboarding processes, making it easier for HR professionals to manage new hires and departing employees.
  • Compliance and Regulations 
    HR helpdesk software can help ensure compliance with HR regulations and requirements by providing automated workflows and tracking mechanisms for compliance-related tasks.

Importance of Maximizing ROI of HR Helpdesk Software

Maximizing the ROI of HR helpdesk software is crucial because it ensures that the investment in the software delivers its intended benefits and helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HR operations. It is essential for several reasons:

  • Cost-Efficiency
    It might be costly to use an HR helpdesk software; thus, it is necessary to optimize its return on investment. By maximizing ROI, you can spot opportunities to control costs, such as automating time - automating operations, enhancing productivity, and necessitating less manual intervention.
  • Improved Employee Productivity
    A good HR helpdesk software can streamline processes, reduce manual work, and provide better visibility into HR operations. By maximizing ROI, you can ensure that the software delivers on its promise to improve productivity and reduce time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • Better Employee Experience
    By offering timely and precise support for HR concerns, HR helpdesk software can strengthen the workplace environment for employees. It is crucial to boost ROI to ensure employees are provided with the support they require when they need it and that HR-related issues are handled promptly.
  • Improved Compliance
    By offering employees improved insight into HR processes, automating compliance-related tasks, and providing accurate and timely reporting, HR helpdesk software can help in compliance with HR regulations and laws. By maximizing ROI, you can be confident that the HR helpdesk software is aiding in minimizing compliance risks and the possibility of facing financial and legal ramifications.

How does Investing in Helpdesk Software Increase ROI?

Investing in modern HR helpdesk software can increase ROI (Return on Investment) in several ways:

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity
    AI-powered HR helpdesk software can automate routine tasks, allowing HR professionals to focus on more complex and strategic work. Helpdesk software can increase efficiency and productivity by reducing manual work and streamlining processes, leading to cost savings and increased revenue.
  • Improved Accuracy
    An AI-powered HR helpdesk platform can improve the accuracy and consistency of HR processes, reducing the potential for errors and minimizing the risk of compliance violations or legal issues. This can lead to cost savings and increased revenue by avoiding costly mistakes or fines.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience
    Modern HR helpdesk software can provide employees quick and accurate answers to their HR questions, reducing frustration and increasing satisfaction. This can lead to increased productivity and engagement and reduced turnover.
  • Better Data Management and Analysis
    An AI-powered HR helpdesk tool can provide HR professionals with better visibility into HR operations, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. Optimizing HR processes and identifying growth opportunities can lead to cost savings and increased revenue.
  • Cost Savings
    Helpdesk software can reduce the need for additional staff or outside consultants, leading to cost savings. Additionally, by automating tasks and streamlining processes, AI-powered HR software can reduce the time and effort required to complete HR tasks, leading to further cost savings.

Assessing Current HR Helpdesk Software Capabilities

To assess the capabilities of your current HR Helpdesk software, you can follow these steps:

  • Define Your Business Objectives
    First, determine what you want to achieve with your HR helpdesk software. This could include improving employee satisfaction, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, or improving compliance. By defining your objectives, you can better assess whether your current software meets your needs.
  • Review Your Current Software Features
    Take a close look at your current HR helpdesk software and its features. Identify which features you are using and which ones you are not. Consider whether the features you are using are meeting your needs and whether there are additional features that would be beneficial.
  • Evaluate the User Experience
    Consider how easy it is to use the software and whether employees and HR professionals can access the information they need quickly and easily. Consider whether there are any pain points or areas for improvement in the user experience.
  • Assess Reporting Capabilities
    Review the reporting capabilities of your current software and evaluate whether they meet your needs. Consider whether the reporting capabilities provide the data you need to make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyze Support Capabilities
    Consider how your HR helpdesk software provides support to employees and HR professionals. Evaluate whether the support is timely and effective and whether there are any areas for improvement.
  • Identify Gaps
    Based on your evaluation, identify gaps or areas where your current HR helpdesk software is not meeting your needs. Consider whether these gaps can be addressed through software updates or whether you may need to consider a new software solution.

Analyzing HR Helpdesk Software Needs

Identifying your HR service management level serves as the initial and most fundamental step. Do you want a standard HR helpdesk or something more customized to enhance the user experience? To determine the answers to these questions, you must comprehensively understand all the underlying factors and go through it all with a fine-tooth comb. 

Here are some things you must consider while selecting the perfect HR helpdesk software for your organization: 

  • Take Stock of the Organization's Vision
    Whether it's new people or new software, any addition to the organization should align with its goal, objectives, and purpose. The HR helpdesk software you choose to purchase should promote the overall goals and desires of the organization. Assess how an HR helpdesk fits the organizational objectives, what is necessary to attain them, and what the exact vision statement is. A competent HR helpdesk software will streamline, upgrade, and improve operations. Whether the issues stem from the HR department or the employees, this will significantly reduce them.
  • Be in Touch with Your Budget
    It's essential that you comprehend your primary goals for an HR helpdesk. This will help you choose the right modules rather than wasting cash on meaningless ones. For instance, if your business is customer-focused, you may require an HR helpdesk module to track, evaluate, and improve customer interactions. Choosing an HR helpdesk with specialized modules to manage staff onboarding or employee engagement may be a complete waste of resources in such situations.
  • Take Time Out for Thorough Market Research
    You would benefit greatly from looking at how HR helpdesk software works in other organizations in the same niche or market. Find businesses similar to yours and learn how their help desks, if any, function. You'll have a better idea of what to search for in HR helpdesk software, which could encourage you to explore a more efficient one.

Mapping HR Helpdesk Software Needs to Organizational Goals

By mapping HR helpdesk software needs to the following organizational goals, HR teams can make a stronger case for investing in the software and ensure that it aligns with broader organizational objectives:

  • Improve Employee Experience
    A modern HR helpdesk software can help improve the employee experience by providing a user-friendly interface for employees to submit inquiries and receive timely responses. This can lead to higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.
  • Increase Efficiency
    It can automate repetitive HR processes, such as routing inquiries to the appropriate team member or generating standard responses to common inquiries. This can help HR teams to work more efficiently, freeing up time for strategic initiatives.
  • Enhance Compliance
    HR helpdesk software can help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by providing robust security features to protect sensitive employee data and audit trails from tracking inquiries and responses.
  • Support Data-Driven Decision-Making
    It can provide insights into employee inquiries and HR team performance through reporting and analytics capabilities. This can help HR teams to identify trends, prioritize areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Improve Overall Organizational Performance
    By improving employee experience, increasing efficiency, enhancing compliance, and supporting data-driven decision-making, HR helpdesk software can help improve overall organizational performance. This can lead to increased productivity, profitability, and competitiveness.

Factors to Consider When Choosing HR Helpdesk Software

Choosing the right HR helpdesk software is an important decision that can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your HR team. Choosing a modern HR helpdesk software requires consideration of the following factors:

  • Cost
    One of the most critical variables to consider when selecting the best HR software for your organization is the cost of the software. The price of HR software is influenced by the services it provides. Therefore, you should choose HR software that offers you the features you need at an affordable price. You can also compare the costs of various HR software packages to evaluate the most suitable for your organization.
  • Features
    The HR helpdesk software features you need vary depending on the type of organization. You can pick HR helpdesk software that offers the most basic functionalities if you are in charge of a relatively small organization. But, if you control a large organization, you must pick an HR helpdesk that offers cutting-edge features.
  • Ease of Use
    Having technical skills to operate the HR helpdesk should not be mandatory. The software should also be simple to install, set up, and use without requiring any technical knowledge. Your organization's business processes should be configurable and not necessitate HR Software vendor development.
  • Support
    HR helpdesk support is a service provided by HR departments or third-party vendors to help employees with their HR-related queries and issues. The support the HR helpdesk provides varies depending on the organization's policies and the helpdesk's capabilities. Some of the common services provided by the HR helpdesk include:
  • Employee Onboarding and Offboarding
    An AI-powered HR helpdesk can assist new employees with onboarding, including orientation and paperwork. Similarly, the helpdesk can help employees with offboarding procedures, such as termination or resignation.
  • Benefits and Compensation
    A modern HR helpdesk can provide information on employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. They can also assist employees with compensation-related queries like payroll or bonuses.
  • Employee Relations
    An HR helpdesk can assist with employee relations issues, such as conflicts with co-workers or supervisors, harassment, or discrimination.
  • Performance Management
    A modern HR helpdesk can help employees understand the performance management process, including setting goals, performance feedback, and performance improvement plans.
  • Policies and Procedures
    An AI-powered HR helpdesk can provide information on HR policies and procedures, including employee handbooks, compliance with employment laws, and internal HR processes.
  • Security
    The security of HR helpdesk software depends on various factors, such as the software's architecture, implementation, and features. Generally, HR helpdesk software must comply with industry standards and regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • Scalability and Integration
    Scalability and integration are critical factors to consider when implementing an HR helpdesk. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:
  • Scalability
    Ensure the HR helpdesk system is scalable and can handle increasing employee requests as the organization grows.
    Ensure the system is flexible and easily accommodates organizational structure, policies, and procedures changes.
    Ensure the system can support multiple locations and languages, especially for global organizations with diverse workforces.
  • Integration
    Ensure that the HR helpdesk system can integrate with other HR systems, such as payroll, benefits, and time tracking systems.Ensure that the system can integrate with the organization's communication channels, such as email, chat, and phone, to provide seamless and efficient support.
    Ensure that the system can integrate with employee self-service portals so that employees can access the helpdesk easily and submit requests online.
  • Help Desk Software Evaluation Team
    You can outsource an evaluation team if you have just started your support service system. You can divide your team into tiers or levels if your team is large. The ground-level support personnel will deal with the more straightforward queries, and as the level moves higher, the support person with appropriate qualities and skills can be employed. To determine the efficiency of software integration at each level, you can ask your customers to give feedback or reviews for each level.

Identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) of HR helpdesks is vital to measure the helpdesk's effectiveness and efficiency and identify areas for improvement. Here are some KPIs that can be used to measure the performance of an HR helpdesk:

  • Response Time
    The average time it takes for a helpdesk agent to respond to an employee request. This KPI measures the helpdesk's efficiency in addressing employee issues and can also impact employee satisfaction.
  • Resolution Time
    The average time it takes to resolve an employee issue. This KPI measures the helpdesk's effectiveness in addressing employee issues and can impact employee satisfaction.
  • First Contact Resolution Rate
    The percentage of employee issues resolved during the first contact with the helpdesk. This KPI measures the helpdesk's efficiency in addressing employee issues and can also impact employee satisfaction.
  • Employee Satisfaction
    The percentage of employees who rate their experience with the helpdesk as positive. This KPI measures the helpdesk's overall effectiveness in meeting employees' needs and expectations.
  • Call Abandonment Rate
    The percentage of employee calls that are abandoned or disconnected before reaching a helpdesk agent. This KPI measures the HR helpdesk's efficiency in managing call volume and waits times.
  • Ticket Volume
    The total number of employee requests or tickets submitted to the helpdesk over a specified period. This KPI measures the helpdesk's workload and can help identify areas where additional resources or training may be needed.
  • Agent Utilization Rate
    The percentage of time that HR helpdesk agents are actively working on employee requests. This KPI measures the helpdesk's efficiency in managing agent workload and can help identify areas where additional resources may be needed.

Strategies for Maximizing ROI of HR Helpdesk Software

Maximizing the ROI (return on investment) of HR helpdesk software involves ensuring that the helpdesk is effectively meeting the needs of employees while also optimizing the use of resources. Here are some strategies for maximizing the ROI of HR helpdesk software:

  • Set Clear Goals and Metrics
    Establish a clear set of goals and metrics aligned with the organization's objectives to measure the helpdesk's effectiveness and ROI. Ensure the goals and metrics are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Optimize Workflows
    Streamline workflows and processes within the helpdesk software to reduce redundant or manual tasks, eliminate bottlenecks, and improve efficiency. This can be achieved by automating processes, implementing standard operating procedures, and using templates and workflows.
  • Train and Empower Agents
    Ensure that helpdesk agents are well-trained, knowledgeable, and empowered to handle employee requests and issues. Provide ongoing training and support to helpdesk agents, and encourage them to improve their skills and knowledge continuously.
  • Implement Self-Service Options
    Implement self-service options, such as knowledge bases, FAQs, and HR chatbots, to empower employees to find answers to their questions and resolve issues independently. This can reduce the workload on helpdesk agents and improve efficiency.
  • Continuously Monitor and Improve
    Continuously monitor the performance and ROI of the HR helpdesk software and make data-driven decisions to improve its effectiveness. Use feedback from employees and helpdesk agents to identify areas for improvement and implement changes as needed.

10 Best HR Helpdesk Software

  • is an AI-powered HR helpdesk that works within MS Teams, designed to provide instant HR support to employees in both remote and hybrid environments, providing intelligent tools and technology to help them perform in their roles and be productive. We understand that reducing enterprise friction and allowing easy access to information is imperative. That's why our HR helpdesk features a conversational AI interface that provides instant and personalized support to employees.
  • Zendesk
    Zendesk is a customer service and helpdesk software solution that can be used to manage HR inquiries and issues. It provides a range of features, including ticket management, self-service portals, and collaboration tools.
  • Freshdesk
    Freshdesk is a cloud-based helpdesk software that can be used to manage HR requests and inquiries. It offers features such as email integration, automation, and knowledge base management.
  • Jira Service Desk
    Jira Service Desk is an IT service management software that can also be used for HR helpdesk purposes. It provides features such as ticket tracking, collaboration tools, and knowledge management.
  • HappyFox
    HappyFox is a helpdesk software that can be used for HR requests and inquiries. It provides features such as ticket management, automation, and self-service portals.
  • ServiceNow
    ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform that provides IT service management, but it can also be used for HR helpdesk purposes. It provides features such as ticket tracking, workflow management, and self-service portals.
  • Salesforce Service Cloud
    Salesforce Service Cloud is a customer service platform that can also be used for HR helpdesk purposes. It provides features such as ticket tracking, automation, and self-service portals.
  • Zoho Desk
    Zoho Desk is a helpdesk software solution that can be used for HR requests and inquiries. It offers features such as ticket management, automation, and knowledge base management.
  • Freshservice
    Freshservice is a cloud-based service desk software that can be used for HR helpdesk purposes. It provides features such as ticket tracking, automation, and self-service portals.
  • ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus
    ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is an IT service management software that can also be used for HR helpdesk purposes. It provides features such as ticket tracking, automation, and self-service portals.

Maximize Your Software ROI with can be your best bet when choosing the perfect HR helpdesk software for your organization. Why? Let's take a look at its unique features:

  • Smart HR Chatbot for Instant HR Support has an intelligent AI-powered virtual assistant within Microsoft Teams and Slack. It automates answering common FAQs and creating HR cases and workflows.
  • Easy Employee Onboarding
    It enables seamless onboarding to help new hires become effective quickly. It automates user provisioning, assigns training, and provides an AI knowledge buddy to answer all questions of new hires.
  • Accessible to Use Powerful Engagement Tools
    It monitors the organization's pulse using employee surveys in Microsoft Teams and improves engagement with built-in notifications.
  • Modern Case Management for HR has an HR helpdesk ticketing system purpose-built for HR teams. It enables easy HR helpdesk ticket creation, intelligent routing to the right HR team & powerful dashboard to track and manage work.
  • Automations Across Everything
    With more automations and integrations than any other HR service desk, can instantly help employees and save time for crucial tasks.
  • HR Expert Connect
    When needed, your employees can use live chat to get connected to HR experts instantly.
  • Empower Employees with HRChatbot and Self-Service
    It enables employees to resolve common HR requests themselves, reducing the need for HR support and increasing overall productivity.
  • Cut Your HR Support Volume in Half
    Leverage artificial intelligence and automation through to resolve common HR requests or support tickets automatically, enabling HR teams to focus on more complex tasks.


Implementing HR helpdesk software can significantly benefit an organization by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of HR processes. A report by Deloitte found that HR helpdesk software can improve HR response time by up to 90%, leading to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.

Organizations should carefully consider their business needs, assess the available software options, and implement the software with proper planning and training to maximize the return on investment. HR helpdesk software can lead to cost savings, increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and better compliance with regulations. According to a study by Zendesk, companies that use helpdesk software can see a 25% reduction in customer support costs and a 75% improvement in customer satisfaction. By maximizing these benefits, organizations can enhance their HR operations and achieve a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

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  1. What are the benefits of using HR helpdesk software?
    HR helpdesk software offers numerous benefits, including increased productivity, improved employee engagement, reduced workload for HR staff, streamlined processes, and better compliance with regulations.
  2. What features should I look for in an HR helpdesk software?
    Some essential features of HR helpdesk software include case management, self-service options, knowledge management, reporting and analytics, and integration with other HR systems.
  3. What is the typical ROI for HR helpdesk software?
    The ROI for HR helpdesk software varies depending on the tool, but research has shown that companies can expect a return on investment of up to 50% within the first year of implementing an HR helpdesk software.
  4. How can I calculate the ROI of HR helpdesk software for my company?
    To calculate the ROI of HR helpdesk software for your company, you should consider the cost of the tool, the potential cost savings from increased efficiency and reduced HR workload, and the potential revenue gains from improved employee engagement and retention. You can also look at case studies and research on the ROI of similar tools to get a better idea of what to expect.
  5. What features should HR helpdesk software have to be effective?
    Effective HR helpdesk software should have features such as a self-service portal for employees to submit inquiries and requests, automated routing and escalation of inquiries, a centralized database of employee information, analytics and reporting capabilities, and integration with other HR systems.
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