Streamline your service management with ChatGPT-like AI chatbot right within MS Teams for employee support and engagement
Trusted by Top Brands
We don't track, we auto-resolve issues. can help you minimize your ticket volumes in half by resolving the employee issues automatically, eliminating the need to create tickets.
With " + ChatGPT", your employees will receive tailored and personalized assistance that caters to their specific needs and queries, resulting in higher satisfaction rates.'s "Twitter-Age" Knowledge Management with Smart Feedback Loop ensures that the ChatGPT-like ITSM Chatbot continuously learns and improves from every interaction, delivering even more accurate and relevant responses over time.
Improve response time, enhance communication, and streamline ticket management for efficient IT support. We boost your agent productivity by bringing all communications within MS Teams.
Manage all your integrations from a single platform with our service desk solution, making it easier than ever to manage your applications and reduce management complexity.
With, your organization will have a competitive advantage over its competitors, thanks to the seamless and effective employee support experience that you offer.