

Is Your HR Service Desk ROI-Positive? Make it So in 2023

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Is Your HR Service Desk ROI-Positive? Make it So in 2023

Is Your HR Service Desk ROI-Positive? Make it So in 2023

Employee Experience
Service Desk
Is Your HR Service Desk ROI-Positive? Make it So in 2023

Did you know that companies with a highly effective HR service desk experience a 23% increase in employee productivity (Source: HDI)? Recent studies state that organizations that optimize their HR service desk see a staggering 15% reduction in overall HR operational costs. Furthermore, companies prioritizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their HR service desk witness a remarkable 30% decrease in employee turnover rates (Source: HDI). 

Indeed, these statistics demonstrate the immense potential for organizations to achieve a positive HR Service Desk ROI through strategic enhancements to their HR service desk operations. As the human resources landscape evolves, it's imperative that your HR service desk delivers a positive return on investment (ROI) as well.

In this blog post, we will discover the difficulties of evaluating the ROI of your HR service desk and unveil practical strategies to optimize its performance. We'll make 2023 the year where your HR service desk sparks positive change and generates tangible ROI.

What is HR Service Desk?

Consider a situation where employees have inquiries about their benefits, work policies, leave regulations or opportunities for professional growth. 

If your organization relies on a traditional service desk, these inquiries can become scattered, leading to employee delays, miscommunication, confusion and frustration. Here comes the HR service desk, the savior of HR support. 

Imagine a company that implements an automated HR helpdesk with self-service capabilities. An AI-powered HR service desk allows employees to easily access a knowledge base, submit tickets, and track the progress of their inquiries via a ChatGPT-like AI chatbot. This saves HR support agents time and empowers employees to find answers independently, fostering a sense of autonomy and efficiency. According to a survey by, organizations with high employee satisfaction scores had HR Service Desks that resolved 83% of employee inquiries within one business day. With a robust HR helpdesk in place, organizations can elevate employee experiences, streamline HR tasks and processes, and ultimately create a more productive and harmonious work environment.

What Makes HR Service Desk Critical for Organizations?

Instant Issue Resolution

HR service desks are made to respond quickly and effectively to various HR-related issues. They offer a specific avenue for employees to get assistance with payroll, training, benefits, HR policy, performance evaluations, and other HR-related problems. Employees may get accurate and reliable information from a single source, which minimizes confusion and inconvenience.

Personalized Employee Support

Employees can seek advice and support at HR service desks in a friendly environment. The HR service desk is a reliable resource for employees who may have questions about workplace policies, need help exploring career development possibilities, or need assistance with dispute resolution. This results in increased employee engagement, productivity, and happiness. 

Automate Time-consuming and Repetitive Tasks and Processes

HR service desks centralize processing requests pertaining to HR, streamlining numerous HR operations. The management of employee data, coordination of onboarding and offboarding processes, administration of benefits, and facilitation of employee self-service tools are all included in this. HR service desks increase operational effectiveness and lighten the administrative load on HR staff by combining these tasks.

Streamline Employee Onboarding

The onboarding process often involves numerous questions about company policies, procedures, benefits, and other HR-related topics. HR service desks provide a dedicated channel for new hires to seek information and guidance. They can assist with explaining employment contracts, discussing company policies, providing an overview of available benefits, and addressing any concerns or queries. HR service desks can facilitate introductions and connections between new employees and key organizational stakeholders. This includes scheduling meetings with team members, managers, and mentors, providing contact information, and facilitating communication channels. HR service desks help new hires integrate into the organization by establishing relationships and networks.

Compliance and Policy Enforcement

HR service desks are knowledgeable about corporate policies, employment laws, and rules. They ensure that demands from employees and questions align with these rules and regulations. HR service desks assist firms in maintaining compliance and minimizing legal risks by giving precise information and direction.

Elevate Employee Experience and Satisfaction

An automated HR service desk significantly contributes to employee satisfaction. It ensures employees receive personalized, accurate, instant support for their HR-related concerns. By promptly handling inquiries, resolving issues, and providing personalized assistance, the HR service desk encourages a positive employee experience, boosts morale, and promotes a culture of engagement within the organization

Statistics About HR Service Desks

A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 76% of HR professionals believe that having a centralized HR service desk improves employee satisfaction.

According to a survey by the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR), 78% of respondents considered HR service desks important for streamlining HR processes and enhancing efficiency.

The Aberdeen Group conducted research showing that organizations with centralized HR service desks experience 36% faster response times to HR inquiries compared to those without such a structure.

Understanding HR Service Desk ROI

ROI, or Return on Investment, is a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability or effectiveness of an investment or business initiative. It measures the return or benefit from an investment relative to the cost incurred. HR service desk ROI refers to the quantifiable benefits and value that an organization gains from investing in and implementing an AI-powered HR service desk solution. Using this metric, organizations can assess their HR service desk initiatives' financial impact and overall success.

Estimating HR service desk ROI involves assessing the cost savings and the tangible and intangible benefits generated by the service desk. Cost savings can  be realized through reduced HR support agents or technicians' hours spent on repetitive, time-consuming and manual tasks and processes, lower employee turnover rates due to elevated support, and decreased operational expenses related to HR inquiries. Tangible benefits include boosted employee productivity, enhanced response times, and streamlined processes.

Moreover, intangible benefits play a significant role in measuring HR service desk ROI. These include elevated employee experience, decreased frustration, and improved overall employee satisfaction. Happy, satisfied and engaged employees tend to be more productive and dedicated to the company, increasing retention rates and enhancing performance.

Let's check out some amazing statistics to comprehend the impact of HR service desk ROI. 

As reported by Forrester Research, organizations that implement a self-service HR service desk witness a 30% reduction in HR support costs, a 50% decrease in call volume, and a 70% improvement in HR agent's productivity

A study by Deloitte found that organizations with a well-implemented HR service desk noticed a 42% boost in employee satisfaction and a 28% reduction in employee turnover rates.

According to a McKinsey report, organizations that invest in digital HR solutions, including service desk capabilities, can achieve cost savings of up to 25% in HR administration and transactional activities 

Research by revealed that organizations with an effective HR service desk reported a 15% reduction in HR-related errors and a 20% improvement in data accuracy and compliance 

A Zendesk survey says that more than 77% of employees stated that having an HR service desk enhanced their overall employee experience, leading to boosted engagement and productivity 

These statistics highlight the significant impact and potential ROI of investing in an HR service desk. Organizations can achieve tangible and intangible benefits that positively impact their bottom line by reducing costs, increasing productivity, and enhancing employee satisfaction. In short, measuring HR service desk ROI is critical for organizations to assess the financial and non-financial benefits derived from their HR service desk initiatives.
Understanding the HR service desk ROI  involves evaluating its financial and non-financial benefits compared to the costs incurred.

Here are some key factors to consider when assessing the ROI of an HR service desk:

  • Cost Savings
    A survey by SD Worx found that organizations with self-service HR portals reported cost savings of up to 35% in HR administration. By streamlining HR operations, easing administrative hassles, and increasing effectiveness, HR service desks can help save money. This entails reducing manual paperwork, automating repetitive procedures, and utilizing employee self-service technologies. HR service desks free up human resources employees to concentrate on strategic objectives by reducing time spent on administrative chores, potentially saving money.
  • Employee Productivity
    An HR service desk can increase employee productivity by effectively answering questions and issues linked to HR. Less time is spent by employees looking for information, fixing problems, or waiting for HR assistance. HR service desks help employees focus on their primary duties by offering prompt assistance and self-service options. This increases productivity and may even increase revenue creation.
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction
    According to a Gallup study, companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share. A positive employee experience through efficient HR service desk support can increase engagement and satisfaction. Employee requests and questions should receive prompt, correct responses in order to improve their work environment. Greater morale, lower turnover rates, and higher employee engagement can indirectly impact the performance and financial health of the organization.
  • Compliance and Risk Mitigation
    In order to ensure compliance with HR policies, employment rules, and regulations, HR service desks are vital. They reduce non-compliance risk and related legal repercussions by offering precise and consistent information. Significant cost savings and financial stability can be achieved by avoiding fines, lawsuits, and reputational harm. 
  • Data and Analytics
    HR service desks gather data on questions, requests, and trends from employees. The analysis of this data can reveal important information about recurrent problems, training requirements, and potential process improvement areas. Organizations may improve HR processes, efficiently manage resources, and increase overall efficiency by utilizing data and analytics. A study by McKinsey found that organizations using people analytics to make HR decisions were more likely to outperform their peers financially.
  • Enhanced HR Service Delivery
    Research by The Hackett Group found that companies with centralized HR services spent 23% less per employee on HR and had 19% fewer HR staff. HR service desks centralize and standardize processes to enhance the delivery of HR services. This makes it possible to handle employee requests and inquiries consistently and effectively, cutting down on response times and guaranteeing high-quality service. Improved HR service delivery enhances the employee experience and improves the HR function's standing inside the company.
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Strategies for Achieving Positive ROI in 2023

Enhancing Work Efficiency and Employee Productivity

Enhancing efficiency and productivity involves optimizing HR processes and workflows to streamline operations and reduce manual effort. This can include automating repetitive tasks, implementing standardized procedures, and utilizing technology to eliminate time-consuming administrative work. By maximizing efficiency, HR teams can focus on strategic initiatives, improving productivity and overall organizational performance. 

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Explore GenAI's ROI potential for employee support. Our ebook covers costs, ROI, and real-world use cases, guiding your decision.

Improving Service Quality

Improving service quality in HR involves enhancing the experience and support provided to employees throughout their organizational lifecycle. This can be achieved by implementing clear communication channels, ensuring timely and accurate responses to employee inquiries, and establishing service level agreements (SLAs) to manage expectations. Additionally, regular feedback collection and analysis can help identify areas for improvement and enable HR to enhance the quality of their services continuously. A Customer Contact Week Digital study revealed that 80% of organizations implementing HR service centers reported improvements in service quality.

Implementing Automation and Self-Service Options

Automation and self-service options empower employees to access HR services and perform repetitive tasks independently, reducing the reliance on HR staff. This can be achieved by implementing self-service portals, chatbots, and automated workflows. Employees can use these tools to access information, submit requests, and track the progress of their HR-related tasks, leading to instant issue resolution, increased efficiency, and reduced administrative burden on HR teams. Research by Deloitte revealed that organizations leveraging self-service HR systems saw a 23% increase in HR efficiency and a 42% reduction in HR costs.

Leveraging Data and Analytics

Leveraging data and analytics involves utilizing HR-related data to gain insights and make data-driven decisions. By analyzing HR metrics such as employee turnover, recruitment effectiveness, training effectiveness, and performance reviews, HR professionals can identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. This enables them to optimize HR strategies, enhance workforce planning, and align HR initiatives with organizational goals. A report by Ventana Research found that organizations that use HR analytics effectively experience a 26% increase in HR and workforce management efficiency.

Integrating HR Service Desk with Other Systems

Integrating the HR Service Desk with other systems involves connecting HR processes and data with relevant systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and talent management systems. This integration allows for seamless data flow, eliminates duplicate data entry, and ensures consistency across different systems. It also enables HR to access comprehensive employee information, automate data updates, and provide a more holistic and integrated employee experience. According to a survey by Sierra-Cedar, organizations with integrated HR technology platforms reported a 32% reduction in HR administrative costs.

Regular Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

Employee performance is tracked and evaluated on a regular basis as part of regular performance monitoring and evaluation. Key performance indicators (KPIs), goal-setting, and performance reviews can all help with this. Organizations may pinpoint areas for growth, give timely feedback, and match employee goals with organizational objectives by routinely evaluating performance.

Continuous Process Improvement

The term "continuous process improvement" describes a continuous endeavor to improve HR systems, processes, and workflows. It entails locating inefficiencies, investigating the causes, and making adjustments to processes to improve them. Organizations may enhance efficiency, decrease errors, and streamline processes by adopting a continuous improvement attitude.

Employee Training and Development

Enhancing employee skills, knowledge, and competencies is the main goal of employee training and development activities. Organizations may boost performance, boost engagement, and retain top talent by investing in employee growth. 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development, per LinkedIn's 2019 Workplace Learning Report. Furthermore, according to research by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), businesses with extensive training programs earn 218% more per employee than those with less extensive training.

Proactive Issue Resolution

Finding and resolving HR-related issues early on includes proactive issue resolution. A supportive HR culture, efficient communication channels, and employee feedback methods can all help to achieve this. Organizations may enhance employee satisfaction, reduce conflicts, and sustain a positive work environment by being proactive in issue resolution.

How's HR Service Desk Boosts ROI?

Being an OpenAI-integrated HR Service Desk that works within collaborative platforms like MS Teams, the platform leverages the power of Generative AI and machine learning (ML) to deliver real-time personalized and contextual HR support. aims to resolve the most repetitive and time-consuming HR tasks through its auto-resolution engine. By using, employees can access support within seconds by simply conversing with the app within Microsoft Teams. Organizations can elevate their HR service desk ROI by reducing service costs and increasing self-service and auto-resolution rates, resulting in lower incident response times, improved satisfaction scores, and higher efficiency.

Whether employees need help resolving an HR-related issue or want to learn more about a specific topic, supports them every step of the way. In most cases, everyday HR issues and inquiries can be resolved immediately by without human intervention. And for those rare cases where further assistance is required, can refer employees to HR support agents for a more in-depth resolution. 

Moreover,'s HR Service Desk includes an advanced micro-learning platform, empowering employees to improve their skills and knowledge. This platform allows organizations to create interactive and effective learning units, making it easy for employees to advance their careers and feel connected to their organizations- all they need to do is to interact with the bot that works within Teams!

Let’s checkout what can offer:

ChatGPT-like AI Chatbot for Instant HR Support's ChatGPT-like AI chatbot that works within MS Teams allows employees to access the right information, services, and support at the right time. Employees can use AI chatbots to find answers to frequently asked questions, access policies and procedures, request time off, check their benefits, update personal information, and more. This reduces the dependency on HR support agents for repetitive inquiries and empowers employees to find the information they need quickly and conveniently.

HR Expert Connect enables your employees to seamlessly connect with an expert HR support agent in real-time through our live-chat feature, ensuring instant access whenever they require assistance.

Automated Onboarding HR service desk can guide new hires through onboarding, answering questions about paperwork, policies, and company culture. They can provide information about training programs, introduce employees to team members, and facilitate the completion of required forms. 

Easy to Use Powerful Engagement Tools

With, you can access employee surveys seamlessly integrated within Microsoft Teams and Slack. Your employees will be captivated and involved with interactive elements such as tests, surveys, and quizzes.

Automations Across Everything

Harnessing an unparalleled array of automations and integrations, HR service desk sets the stage for immediate employee assistance, freeing up your valuable time for essential undertakings. can automate time-consuming manual tasks like data management, leave approvals, and benefits enrollment, allowing employees to review and choose their benefits online.

Cut Your HR Support Volume in Half

With this invisible ticketing feature, ensures that your HR  support agents have fewer tickets to deal with.’s invisible ticketing system allows employees to create, track, and resolve employee tickets. By chatting with the AI chatbot integrated within Microsoft Teams, employees can create tickets within 10-15 seconds without searching for data on the employee portal or filling out details. With this feature, employees can also quickly check the status of their tickets and receive updates and notifications as the ticket process progresses. 

Digital Work Policy Management allows employees to ask work policy questions using natural conversational language inside Microsoft Teams. In seconds, employees will receive personalized direct answers to specific questions and enrich their learning with engaging videos, animations, and images within seconds. Through Teams, employees will also receive notifications about policy changes and other updates.

Conversational Microlearning

Being an AI-enabled HR service desk, provides a conversational microlearning system that can be accessed as a Microsoft Teams app. With, you can create and distribute microlearning that typically lasts 3-7 minutes, including text, images, gifs, and videos. Following each micro-learning module, trainees can complete a quiz or a survey. 


Transforming your HR service desk into an ROI-positive entity in 2023 requires a holistic approach that combines advanced technology, data-driven insights, collaboration, and employee empowerment. According to Deloitte's 2020 Global Human Capital Trends report, organizations that invest in HR automation technologies can experience a 17% reduction in HR costs and a 40% increase in HR efficiency. 

The HR service desk, backed by AI technologies, revolutionizes traditional HR processes by automating time-consuming manual tasks, elevating employee experiences, and enabling personalized employee support.

Implementing AI-powered HR service desks like saves organizations valuable time and reduces human errors, leading to cost savings and improved resource allocation. This increased operational efficiency directly contributes to a positive ROI.   

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  1. What role do automation and AI play in achieving an ROI-positive HR service desk?
    Automation and AI technologies can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of an HR service desk. They can automate repetitive tasks, such as employee onboarding and offboarding, leave requests, and data entry, freeing up HR staff to focus on more strategic activities. AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses to common employee inquiries, improving response times and reducing the workload on HR agents.
  2. How can I measure the ROI of my HR service desk?
    Measuring the ROI of an HR service desk involves quantifying both the costs and the benefits. Calculate the costs of implementing and operating the service desk, including software licenses, staff salaries, and infrastructure expenses. On the benefits side, consider factors such as reduced HR labor costs, increased employee productivity, improved compliance, and enhanced employee satisfaction. Compare the two to determine whether the service desk generates a positive ROI.
  3. How can I streamline HR processes to improve ROI?
    Streamlining HR processes involves identifying workflow bottlenecks and inefficiencies and implementing measures to eliminate or reduce them. This can include automating repetitive tasks, standardizing procedures, and implementing self-service portals where employees can find information and perform certain HR-related actions.
  4. How can I determine if my HR service desk is ROI-positive?
    To determine if your HR service desk is ROI-positive, you need to evaluate its financial impact on your organization. Calculate the costs of running the service desk and compare them with the tangible and intangible benefits it provides, such as improved employee satisfaction, reduced HR workload, and increased operational efficiency.
  5. What steps can I take to make my HR service desk ROI-positive in 2023?
    To make your HR service desk ROI-positive in 2023, consider implementing the following steps:
    -Evaluate and optimize HR processes for efficiency
    -Invest in automation and AI technologies to reduce manual effort-Enhance self-service options for employees
    -Continuously monitor and measure service desk performance
    -Seek feedback from employees and make improvements accordingly
    -Align the service desk with business goals and priorities
    -Stay updated on HR industry trends and best practices
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