
Knowledge As A Service: Knowledge Automation

Knowledge As A Service: Knowledge Automation
Service Desk

The service sector is huge throughout the globe. Millions of businesses and professionals provide a number of other services to their customers daily. When you think of services, your mind immediately goes to infrastructure, marketing, sales, entertainment, IT, healthcare, finance, government, and several other categories you hear daily.

However, you miss out on a service that exists all around you without being utilized to its maximum potential – Knowledge. 

No organization can provide a service to their customers and cater to their employees without knowledge management. Despite using this asset innumerable times daily, most organizations have not been successful in utilizing it efficiently. 

Knowledge Is Not Limited to Data

It is ubiquitous to get confused between knowledge and data. A layperson might use the two interchangeably without understanding the context that separates the two assets. 

Data is the visible and somewhat mechanical representation of facts and information possessed by an organization. The contact details of your customers, the number of sales you made last year, your business's net worth, payroll details, and the information recorded in your financial statements are all specific data sets owned and managed by your organization. 

However, knowledge goes beyond data. Just like an author or a poet shares valuable insights through the sub-text "between the lines," knowledge is the essence of a specific department or the entire organization, of which data is an important part. You cannot limit knowledge within the confines of data. 

In simple words, knowledge is nothing but an amalgamation of data, experience, and nitty-gritty details about an organization (or a specific department) that makes for wholesome information. 

You can call data the "digital gold" in the age we live in, but data transfer is not always the transfer of knowledge. The transfer of knowledge is certainly more sustainable and scalable. 

The Importance of Enterprise Knowledge

Whether your team is aware of it or not, enterprise knowledge forms the base for all the processes carried out within your organization. Once you set up a business, you distribute enterprise knowledge amongst your team, allowing them to work for you in the best way possible. 

If all your employees have the right amount of enterprise knowledge, they will generate optimum output as the knowledge allows them to be fully aware of what they are doing. This is why enterprise knowledge management is essential for an organization to leverage its overall functionality and get the desired traction. 

So, where is the enterprise knowledge stored?

Technically, enterprise knowledge can be gained through company brochures/e-books, official websites, blogs, articles, social media, and in some cases, a book written about the organization. 

However, this knowledge is fragmented. The real answer to this question is relatively straightforward. Enterprise knowledge is stored in the mind of the entrepreneur. 

If you have set up a business right from scratch, no external platform can possess more knowledge than your own mind. This knowledge you provide to your employees gives them the much-needed sense of direction to carry out different processes and help you achieve your goals. 

Unfortunately, most businesses fail to utilize the full potential of knowledge management. 

Issues with Knowledge Management

When it comes to providing knowledge as a service, three significant issues hamper seamless knowledge management – lack of centralization, unsuitable format, and automation. 

As mentioned earlier, enterprise knowledge is fragmented and available in chunks on multiple platforms. This makes it difficult for an employee to find a coherent answer to their problems from a single platform. 

Also, the format in which knowledge is available is not always engaging. With a significantly low attention span coupled with an ever-increasing sense of urgency, very few employees would want to read several pages of information to gain enterprise knowledge. 

Finally, thanks to digitization, employees are used to consuming more by doing less. They want knowledge management platforms to provide them with information that suits their specific needs and eliminate everything unwanted. 

There is a single solution for all the problems mentioned above – Knowledge Automation. 

The Importance of Knowledge Automation

When you automate knowledge, you are optimizing the act of providing knowledge as a service. Knowledge automation plays a crucial role in an employee service desk for providing personalized help to your employees. 

For example,, the AI-based employee service desk used within Microsoft Teams, allows businesses to store knowledge on a centralized platform and solve employee cases by providing them with solutions that work best for them. Here, the employee service desk is not limited to IT support. Whether your employees want to know more about the organization, get themselves trained to perform specific processes, get their queries answered in real-time, or connect to the right experts, platforms like automate knowledge management to leverage employee support. 

Moreover, knowledge can be automated to provide content to the employees in an engaging format. We are now accustomed to obtaining information in limited characters and AV formats. Using images, charts, infographics, videos, and GIFs can help in better retention of information. 

Knowledge automation allows you to put information at your employees' fingertips. They can easily access loads of information and obtain all relevant knowledge with a few clicks or a few taps on the screen, ultimately leading to increased productivity. 

The Final Word

Knowledge is like an unclaimed treasure and a goldmine waiting to be excavated. All you need to do is tap the knowledge stored within your mind and put it out on a unified platform for your team to access it according to their needs. 

When you bring knowledge, automation, and artificial intelligence together, you can provide your employees (or anyone you want to obtain enterprise knowledge) with an unmatched experience of getting their questions answered and training themselves to achieve your organizational goals.

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